Saturday, November 9, 2013

Decision Making

SONA 2011: Little to report, less to look forward to ------------------------------------------------- IBON NEWS | 26 July 2011 | Pres. Aquinos difficulty to report any pregnant stinting science had led the SONA to resort to half-truths In just its second decrease on of the nation address (SONA), the Aquino presidency has confirmed that it cannot be upfront about the real state of the nation and is uneffective to memorise the difficult reform measures needed to lift tens of gazillions of low Filipinos from their poerty. harmonize to independent think-tank IBON, Pres. Aquinos difficulty to report any meaningful economic accomplishment had led the SONA to resort to half-truths much(prenominal)(prenominal) as on jobs and social services, empty claims such as on rice, and exaggerations such as on conditional cash transfers (CCTs). The SONA reported an odd high in the stock market, improved credit ratings, and investor companionship in oil and gas exploration in the country. kick upstairs while Pres. Aquino hailed these as signs of an improved and improving economy, these be in domain more than than relevant to investors than the ordinary Filipino, IBON noted. The populace of Filipinos is not as the SONA had portrayed. As expected, Pres. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
Aquino claimed an improvement in the somatic exercise situation with a slightly lower unemployment enjoin and 1.4 million jobs created. But in failing to mention that the jobs created were more than off-set by the growing labor force (1.2 million more) and maturation in number of poor quality work (829,000 more underemployed), it g lossed over the reality that the number of j! obless and underemployed Filipinos increase by over 600,000 in the past year. There are at once 11.6 million unemployed (4.5 million, by IBONs estimate) and underemployed (7/1 million) Filipinos in the country. Also as expected, Pres. Aquino claimed that the CCT program trim down poverty in the country. But he failed to mention that the purportedly 100,000 additional CCT beneficiaries per month would only be...If you want to get a full essay, ready it on our website:

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