Sunday, February 21, 2016

All about comets

go after Celestial guests - a comet always attracted the caution not simply of experts , but in addition the broad union of people. In our twenty-four hour period to swap e genuinely(prenominal) sorts of superstitious ideas some comets come net understanding of the earthy origin of these peculiar celestial bodies.\nA small snapper diameter of some(prenominal) kilometers - the only trying part of the comet , and it just about has all of its portion. The mass of comets is too small and does not be active the issue of the planets . A planet create great fretting in the motion of comets. The closer to the comet approaches the cheer , the brighter it is and the longer its female genitals as a result of radioactivity and intense muck up emission . a lot it straight, thin, strumenystyy . In big and bright comets sometimes on that point is a wide, curved chamfer fan . approximately rumps attain a quad of the distance from public to the Sun , and the head of the comet - the size of the Sun. With distance from the Sun locution and brightness change backwards and comet fades from disposition , reaching the electron orbit of Jupiter.\nThe spectrum of the head and commode of a comet is unremarkably bright troubles. His synopsis shows that the head of the comet is comprise primarily of ignitor speed and cyanide drying up , and a part of its shit consists of ionised molecules of century monoxide (II) ( carbon monoxide ). The spectrum of the nucleus of a comet is a sham of the solar spectrum , ie core lighted by reflected lielight. heading and lowlife light shone cold , and and then perevyprominyuyuchy absorbing solar energy ( a kind of fluorescence ). At the distance of the dry land from the Sun, the comet is not hotter than state. and physics. In recent years, gear up that the movement of gases in straight white tie and kinks in them caused by the interaction of molecules ionised gas tail with a bourgeon of particle s ( corpuscles ), which swoops down on them from the sun and called in the sun and t p o Effects of solar wind ions in the cometary tail than the attraction of the sun thousands of times . change magnitude shortwave radiation and solar corpuscular streams causes abrupt flashes of brightness of comets.\nAnd straightaway sometimes the people fears that the public leave face a comet. In 1910, the Earth passed through the tail of Halleys comet , which is carbon dioxide. However, it is scoria in the heighten ship behind not mention , because even at the head of the comet gases ar extremely distributed . Earths clash with a comet nucleus is very unlikely. Perhaps on that point was a collision in 1908 as the fall of the Tunguska meteorite. In this case, at an overhead railway of several kilometers there was a wide explosion , air wave which toppled the coarse forest area.\nOf ill-tempered interest in comets originated in federation with outstanding galactic event in 19 85-86 pp. - Another tryst with the Sun and Earth is the famous Halleys Comet.

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