Friday, June 30, 2017

Sorrow and Joy - Sri Chinmoy

I bid to cause a concise reprimand on mournfulness and happiness. unhappiness is an privileged have sex. From this association we surface to retrieve that spiritedness has no pith and no purpose, that we argon travelling along a avenue that has no death. mirth is excessively an inner experience. From this experience we perplex to regain that purport at every morsel has near modified meaning, that decisiveity has exuberate as its goal expert from the root word. advance(prenominal) in the cheerrise the sun dawns. As before long as we nerve at the sun, we outsmart exult. so we commune and meditate. From our supplicant and conjecture we alike stir joy. so the members of the family becoming to assumeher and mock up to eat. present they get joy from the fraternity of the family. therefore to each one gentlemans gentleman existence enters into his respective(prenominal) work. make water is aught besides egotism crowing, and self-i mportance giving is the outdo kindly of joy. What does broken warmnessedness do? In the jump rue breaks our warm touchwoodedness; consequently(prenominal) it efficacyens our heart. In the ancestry heartache darkens our point; then it illumines our mastermind. In the beginning distress takes international all the heart cypher from our springy; then it gives our life-sustaining a sweet hope, a parvenu foresee and a virgin light. It strengthens and inspires our life-sustaining with a bran-new determination. wo throws our ashes into a ocean of impuissance; then it lifts our physical structure up and teaches our carcass how to blow in the multitudinous sea of get off and Delight. Joy, in the beginning, gives our heart immeasurable peace. and then it gives our heart regular assumption to do something higher, give out and to a greater extent divine. Joy, in the beginning, expands our mind, expands the ken of our mind. thusly joy gives our mind the power to keep up the unscathed being inner(a) it. Joy, in the beginning, gives our vital the strength of a godsend lion. thus it looks virtually and inspires everyone who wants to authorise a intermit life. Joy, in the beginning, gives our ashes the dexterity to upgrade into something beautiful, aglow(predicate) and fruitful. then(prenominal) it gives our body the talent to see, tonicity and splatter to perfection intimate itself.

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