Friday, June 7, 2019

Nutritional Study Worksheet Essay Example for Free

Nutritional Study Worksheet EssaySelect unrivalled of the following topics to researchCoffee or caffeineEggsLow-fat dietsLow-carb dietsOther victual topic approved by your instructorResearch your topic using 2 nutrition articles that discuss your topic, but provide opposing viewpoints. Use the Internet, the University Library, or the search links provided in the Week 2 Electronic Reserve Readings to loc have the articles.Write 50- to 200-word responses to each of the following questions based your findings. Use your own haggling and provide examples to support your answers. 1. What topic did you choose? Discuss the position of each of the two articles you selected.I choose eggs for this assignment. Each artlice talks about opposite nutritional value of eggs. For example one article focuses on how eggs can affect a persons hunger and in return help them swear a healthy calorie count which can help them to maintain a healthier weight. The second article focused on how eggs arg on with cholesterol.2. What health claims are stated in the articles, such as drinking coffee every day will lower ones fortune for cancer?The first article I read talked about eggs helping you ascendence a hunger. Theyclaimed that eggs are healthier alternative to control your hunger. They did a lead on a separate od rotund indiviuals who ate eggs with toast and low car jelly, and the second group ate a bagel with cream cheese and nonfat yogurt. Study showed that the group eating eggs was statisfied longer, which in return had them eating less. The second article I read talked about how eggs dont affect your cholesterol. They had two diferent groups of healthy adults. The first group ate eggs for breakfast and the second group ate oatmeal. The study showed that eggs didnt affect there cholestreal, it didnt rise or lower it.3. Do any of the articles claims seem too full to be true? Does it seem that the authors are seeking personal gain in any way? Explain your answers.I dont imply the articles seem to good to be true, they compared to different groups to one another to see if there hypothesis was either supported or not. They didnt seem one sided, or trying to get personal gain from the statemetns. They were through by different schools, they were tring to better understand eggs, and the health of individuals.4. What are the respective sources of these articles (testimonials, peer-reviewed study)?Both my articles were study completed by different schools such as Yale, and Saint Louis University. I would trust these sources the articles where put togethere by lore Letter Editors, NewsRX. So they were studies completed by different Universitys, which is how we obtain a great deal on other medical information.5. Is the information presented in each article new or has it been analyze extensively over time, achieving the same results?Both articles did there study over time. The first study about eggs affecting your hunger, they randomly separated the obese indiviuals in the study into two different groups had them eat the different breakfast meals prepared for the study. The study for the eggs affecting cholesterol as well was doneover time, they separated the healthy adults into two groups. They did mention in the article though that they did see the indivuals eating oatmeal had lower cholesterol.6. Now that you have at peace(p) through the details of each article, do you have any reservations about the information in either one? If so, explain why. Has the process of analyzing the two articles changed your doctrine on the topic? Explain your answer.I never thought much about eggs filling you more then other foods. I do eat eggs for breakfast I just dont eat too much because I tend to get tired of them quickly. so far I have heard things about how they affect your cholesterol, since I am young I am not concerned about my cholesterol levels. except now reading an article about a study that has been conducted I am informed so I ca n compare the knowledge I gained from it to other articles I may read in the future.Diet nutrition egg nutrition center-cofunded study indicates eggs for breakfast aid weight control. (2006). Science Letter, , 510. Retrieved from http// nutrition study suggests that eggs may not contribute to heart disease in healthy adults. (2005). Science Letter, , 559. Retrieved from http//

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