Monday, July 29, 2019

Virtue ethics and the ethics of care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Virtue ethics and the ethics of care - Essay Example There are arguments about the existence of single tradition in virtue ethics that emphasize virtue being knowledge and focus on direct unselfishness. There is no disagreement about that form of ethics of care and virtue ethics. Moreover, there are moral objections to generalize the essentially asymmetric relationships of justice case as reciprocal fairness to an ethic of care. Virtue ethics notes the character matter above everything else. Staying a life that is ethical or acting in a right manner requires demonstrating and developing virtues of compassion, courage, temperance, and wisdom. In addition, it needs avoiding vices such as jealousy, selfishness, and greed. Care of ethics concerns with ethical consideration on relations before any other factors. Consequently, acting in a right manner involves, strengthening, maintain, and building strong relationships (Slote, 134). Acting in a right manner thus shows care and concern for others and for their relationships. Care ethicists feel that relationships are essential to thinking ethically. According to Slote (174) Manning Rita and Aristotle both, have varying theories whenever it comes to ethics. Aristotle utilizes virtue ethics when answering morality questions while Manning use care of ethics to answer morality questions. Virtue ethics claim actions of people focuses on achieving happiness. From happiness, virtues of morality stems from causes managing soul desires. On the other hand, Manning believes that actions of morality widen from persons caring each other on an individual level. Through growing the abilities to care for other persons, people become aware morally of how to behave on particular cases. When asking, â€Å"How do I live?† Manning and Aristotle will approach with variant factors (Slote, 201). The manner in which individual people reply to the question contains unique excellence areas and areas that the question poses challenge. Basing on how each theories work, Rita and Aristotle

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