Monday, September 30, 2019

Educating Rita Devil Wears Prada

Host: Good morning listeners, this is Sam Lee with this week’s program of ‘Into the world’ where we discuss ways individuals make challenging transitions into new and different worlds and the risks and possibilities, which coincide with them. Significant experiences in people’s lives provide opportunities for growth and development. Going ‘into the world’ means moving from familiar experiences to new horizons. We are especially blessed today to have Willy Russell famous playwright discussing his play ‘Educating Rita’ and David Frankel the director of ‘The Devil Wears Prada’. W. R: Thank you for having me on the program: it is a pleasure to discuss ‘Educating Rita’. Host: Willy how close is Rita’s story to your own? W. R: Is it that strikingly obvious Sam? I was a male hairdresser and owned my own salon before I began to compose novels, which enabled me to construct a more realistic character for Rita. ‘Educating Rita’ could be seen, as a semi-autobiography as I have already experienced the difficulties of being working class and I am aware of the challenges people with this social background may endure. Similarly to Rita I also dreamed of better things, and returned to further education as a mature student attending evening classes at university, immersing in the delights of English literature. Host: Your mentor for Rita is Frank a flawed professor, why did you create such a complex mentor for Rita? W. R: Frank is perfect for Rita in his ‘imperfections’ as a real studious, pedantic professor would have frightened Rita off. At the start of the play, Frank and Rita can be seen as opposites and any friendship between the two seems unlikely, but they quickly warm to one another as first appearances show. Frank sees Rita as a breath of fresh air in his life and he responds very well to her cheeky and irreverent approach to almost anything. They are both involved in unsatisfactory relationships, and they both want more from life than it seems to offer. Host: Rita’s marriage breaks down due to her newfound ambitions to change herself. You construct Danny as a largely un-sympathetic type, was this deliberate? W. R: No, Danny’s character was never created intentionally to be un-sympathetic, this perception of Danny is a result of his inability to understand Rita’s wish to be educated. He is the archetypical figure that represents the opposition to Rita’s desire for change. Danny has a traditional view of the role of women and expects Rita to settle down and have children. He does not like that she is trying to break away from their lower class lifestyle. When he discovers that Rita has secretly been taking the pill to stop herself becoming pregnant, he blames her behaviour on her desire to ‘better' herself and burns her books, this act is symbolic as throughout history books have been burnt to no avail and knowledge cannot be destroyed by something as weak as fire. Danny’s intentional rejection to embrace the new, spells the end of their relationship. Host: Educating Rita can be linked to the growth, changes, as well as sacrifices made by Andy in The Devil Wears Prada where Andy is on a journey seeking to begin her life as an adult who is faced with moral and ethical choices. David would you agree that transitions into the world have greater risks and potential losses than possibilities? D. F: Well Sam, Andy begins as a strong, grounded character, opposite to Rita who becomes more and more preoccupied with success. However similarly to Rita, Andy realizes the job is lonely and in order to achieve great success there must be great sacrifices. This is linked to Rita, as they both need to make sacrifices in order to excel, beginning with their partners. The tension in the relationship between Andy and her boyfriend is evident through the constant reference to the â€Å"old Andy† who he believes has gone. Nate Andy’s boyfriend is a constant reminder of where she came from, similarly with Danny. Host: It seems that although Rita and Andy have benefited, they lose a great deal including their individuality. Would you agree Willy? W. R: Well, Rita has some of the rough, and possibly more original, edges of her personality knocked off, however the things she loses are no longer of great value to her. Rita desires to â€Å"know everything† in order to have choice and direction in her life, as evident by ‘I wanna discover meself’. Choice, to Rita, is more then ‘eight different types of lager’ as described by Denny and their social class. She now has a lot more freedom with regards with her future and what she wants, as she is educated. She has gained confidence in herself to associate with â€Å"proper† students. Host: Any comments on this David? D. F: Sacrifices need to be made in order to succeed Sam. Andy was initially unwilling to change her appearance even when pressured by colleagues. However she eventually goes through a dramatic costume change, squeezes into a size four dress with a sleek new haircut and expensive stilettos, which make her dis tinguishable from the rest. Host: Finally would you agree Willy that if something is worth achieving it will involve struggle? W. R: Any transitions into new and different worlds will involve a form of struggle, potential risks and if successful in this change, rewarding possibilities. So yes definitely Sam, nothing worth having comes easy.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Benefits of computing gross profit on sales in contrast to contribution margin

The computation of gross profit on sales, which can be derived under the absorption costing approach, is a profitability measure normally conducted under financial analysis. This accounting ratio outlines the gross profit generated from every $100 of sales. Such measure is highly useful in financial analysis, because it provides indications on the profitability potential and cost efficiency of the company. For instance, if there was an increase in sales of 10%, but the gross profit margin declined by 4%.This indicates that the cost efficiency of the organization deteriorated during the period. Such analysis cannot be conducted under the contribution margin approach, because gross profit is not present. However, under the contribution margin approach one can calculate the contribution to sales ratio which indicates the contribution determined from every $100 of sales. This would also provide indications on the control of variable costs once compared over time.Difference in Net Income arising from different approaches. In the example of ABC Company the profit under the two methods is the same. However, this is not always the case. Profits under the two methods differ whenever there is movement in inventory. This is due to the fact that since under the absorption costing technique fixed manufacturing costs are included in the cost of goods sold, a proportion of fixed costs will be included in inventory leading to such a difference.Contribution margin approach not allowable for external reporting. The contribution margin approach, despite being highly useful to provide valuable information for decision making, is not acceptable for external reporting. This is due to the fact that it does not comply with the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). For example, under the GAAP the income statement layout should clearly outline the gross profit made by the company. Under the contribution margin method this is not highlighted.Another important reason why the ab sorption approach is allowable for external reporting and not the contribution approach is due to the way in which the income statement is classified. The GAAP state that the income statement is classified by function, like under the absorption method. In the contribution approach it is classified by cost behavior. Indeed separation between fixed and variable costs is made under such method. This conflicts with another requirement of the GAAP. Reference: Drury C. (1996). Management and Cost Accounting. Fourth Edition. New York: International Thomson Business Press.

Friday, September 27, 2019

What is the view of mission presented by the Book of Acts Essay

What is the view of mission presented by the Book of Acts - Essay Example The stages also show that the nature of missionary in the church emerges from the involvement of the community in particular events with the guidance of the spirit of God. These seven stages are: before the Pentecost, during the Pentecost, the time of Stephen, Samaria and the Ethiopian Eunuch, Cornelius and his household, the apostles in Antioch and the mission to the Gentiles. This episode is found in the book of Acts chapter 1. From this chapter, it is evident that the mission of Jesus in the world was to preach to all people, serve them and to witness about the goodness of God. As Luke explains in the beginning of the book of Acts, Jesus appeared to the twelve disciples after his resurrection. Before he ascended to heaven, he gave them instructions not to leave the City, Jerusalem, before they receive the Holy Spirit. The disciples then ask Jesus if the arrival of God’s Spirit meant that the Kingdom of God will reign on earth. Jesus answers them by saying that they need not to know of the right time of the Kingdom of God but instead they will receive power through the arrival of the Spirit of God. He tells them that they will be witnesses in Jerusalem, Samaria, and Judea and to every part of the world for Christ. The commandment of Jesus to the twelve disciples as Luke describes shows the guidance of the spirit of God to the community in the majo r mission and its identity (1:3-8). After the ascension of Jesus, the disciples did not immediately go to Samaria and Judea; instead, they waited in Jerusalem for the reign of God through the second coming of Jesus. In Jerusalem, they made the number complete by replacing Judas the traitor with Mathias through an election. They ensured that Mathias was like them and was a witness to Jesus. Mathias was with Jesus from the baptism of John until his death and resurrection. This was a preparation for the fulfilment of the great mission that Jesus had ordained. This is because the

The way play-based approaches to teaching and learning impact in the Research Proposal

The way play-based approaches to teaching and learning impact in the quality education - Research Proposal Example trategies are areas presented in the National Curriculum's framework as highly structured, which in turn allows them very little space for creativity. Therefore, young children in year one are asked to sit down, listen, and follow directions most of the time. Unfortunately, in this way they are being offered little encouragement and suppport to develop their learning dispositions (Broadhead, 2003). This appears to be the key to the problem. Judging by the circumstances, it seems very difficult for early years practitioners in the UK, particularly those working in reception and year one classes, to create a positive environment to facilitate children's learning through play, as the majority of theorists state. Anyway, it is well known that begining primary school entails a transition into a more formal curriculum. Therefore, we believe that finding a balance between play-based activities and more specific tasks would be a good way of considering children's needs and interests. Hopefully, this less structured and moer informal way of proceding, will facilitate teachers' job when they have to plan what they aim children to learn in relation to the National Curriculum requirements (Palmer and Pettitt, 1993). Aims Research in the early years education is considered essential and can generate data that can be applicable for further research, policy modification, as well as for the improvement of practice (Pascal, 1993) . The aim of the present study is to discover UK's primary teachers in year one understandings of play, and how this impacts on their practice, as they have to contemplate the National Curriculum's statuory demands. Answers to the following questions were sought: 1) To explore the understandings of play currently held byUK's primary teachers in... The study will consist in a small-scale survey to investigate year one teachers understandings of play and believes about the primary National Curriculum, and how these impact on practice. In addition, will investigate if year one children consider they get to play in the classroom. Robson explains that small-scale surveys are one of the traditional qualitative research strategies, as they are suitable for studies that seek to describe and analyse some aspect or situation. He also states that a disadvantage in the use of questionnaires and/or interviews is that respondents will not necessarily report their understandings and believes, for a number of reasons. Therefore, a type of external validity is necessary if the purpose of the study is to seek if their is a line between what people say and do. In this way, as the behaviour of teachers’ is an essential aspect in the study as well, observation techniques will be also included to learn about teachers practice in the classroo m, and then to describe, analyse and interpret what was observed.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Creativity and mentall illness, is there a link Essay

Creativity and mentall illness, is there a link - Essay Example Creativity is defined in many ways by many people. Some people believe that it is the intellectual giftedness. Some others believe that though intelligence is required for creativity, it is not sufficient enough. Independence, fluency and flexibility were cited as the characteristics of creativity. (Waddell) All the intelligent people need not be creative, but all creative people are intelligent. Intelligence is only a part of creativity and in order to become a creative person one should have other qualities like great imaginative power. In fact personality may not have much importance in the life of a creative person. We have lots of examples in which genius persons who adopted crazy life styles. Creativity is the capacity to originate scientiï ¬ c discoveries, artistic works, technical inventions, or engage in political leadership, in a manner that achieves what is conventionally termed eminence (Dutton) Hard work is required for every creative work and hence the mental health has an important role in the making of a creative person. Mental health on the other hand is measured in terms of the social behavior of the person. Any unaccepted social behavior may be considered as the indications of some kind of mental problems. In a study conducted in out of the 291 assessed biographies of eminent males in music, art, writing, science, and political leadership, high rates of psychiatric disorders like depression and alcoholism in writers and artists were found. (Waddell) Kamala Das (Madhavikutty), one of the greatest creative writers from Kerala, India has been passed away recently and her life history is one of the best examples for our topic of â€Å"relation between mental health and creativity†. This writer was one of the all time great romantic writers not only in Malayalam but in English as well. Many of her literature works were translated to English and Arabic like many other languages. At

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Design and analysis of lean maufacturing Case Study

Design and analysis of lean maufacturing - Case Study Example The reputation for quality is what keeps Elba afloat with a select base of customers, albeit with those customers increasingly coming from remote areas relative to the location of the plant. It is the remoteness of the current remaining customer base that has caused the company to incur a growing cost base in inventory as well as in distribution. These two items have grown by 12 percent and 10 percent respectively over the past three years. In absolute terms too, distribution has come to almost equal labor costs and has come to account for the second largest share of costs after labor, and only marginally smaller than labor costs at $11.1 million. Inventory costs, meanwhile, have come to equal materials costs, and with the rate of growth of inventory costs is poised to overtake materials costs. On the other hand, the move to Southeast Asia would chop 30 percent from distribution costs, and 60 percent from labor costs. Assuming all other costs remain the same, that would translate to savings of about $7 million in labor costs yearly and $3.33 million in distribution costs per year. Given though that clients are distributed in equal measure by volume outside of Asia, there might be minimal to no savings in distribution costs. ... It is likely that Elba will lose more customers with the move, and may continue to suffer from a profit squeeze as they lose the quality differentiation. The question is whether this planned move is wise, or whether a justification can be made to retain the plant that does not entail preserving the status quo but going about rejuvenating the product lines and making use of the available skilled and experienced talent to innovate and come up with higher-margin products (â€Å"Case Study 4.8 Elba Electronics† 128-129). II. Background Information From a financial point of view, the current state of affairs at Elba Electronics is unsustainable, and is ripe for change. That, or the trajectory is for Elba to continually grow its costs for distribution and inventory and therefore go deeper in the red. Earnings have shrunk by five percent over the past three years, and is already thin as of the time of the planned closure of the plant. The move would significantly bolster margins by r educing the biggest cost items in labor and in distribution as stated in the case, by 60 percent and 30 percent respectively, The FCP seems to have established a good case for the plant closure, but their analysis also seems to suffer from a blindside, and that is with regard to the effect of the move on demand, and on margins. This is an opening that John James can analyze and exploit, to bolster the case for a different kind of plan that does not entail moving manufacturing to Southeast Asia but doubling down on innovation to produce higher margin products (â€Å"Case Study 4.8 Elba Electronics† 128-129). III. Problem Statement Does the move to Southeast Asia and the closure of the Elba plant justified by financial and non-financial considerations? How does

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Critique of a Political Speech Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 7

Critique of a Political Speech - Essay Example On the 4th of November 2008, Senator Barack Obama spoke at the rally in Grant Park in his hometown, Chicago, Illinois, after winning the competition for the seat of the President of America. After his victory, the first black president of the United States gave a speech before an enthusiastic audience of 240,000. This speech was marked as one of the most awaited, watched, and reviewed political address in history. Obama’s voice echoed in the world, his slogan of change and his strong political campaign were praised. He mentioned the fundamental issues faced by the United States and the rest of the world. He also mentioned about his late grandmother who died just two nights before this date. The speech referenced some of the influential leaders of the US history. Words and thoughts of John F.Kennedy, Abraham Lincoln, and Martin Luther King were discussed. The voice of Martin Luther King’s â€Å"I Have A Dream† was revived. There were echoes in favor of democratic principle, Abraham Lincoln’s â€Å"a government of the people, by the people and for the people† were heard in President Obama’s manner. The speech granted a deep sense of hope despite of adverse circumstances, an optimistic approach in hard times of tough goals. President Obama also directly quoted Abraham Lincoln’s first inaugural address in these words:† As Lincoln said to a nation far more divided than ours, we are not enemies but friends. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection." Indeed, history was made on Tuesday, November 4, 2008. The impact of the elections result and the speech was tremendous; the sense of joy was carved on the faces of millions listening to the speech. Long term impacts of the slogan â€Å"YES WE CAN† and Obama’s speech were written in journals and newspapers throughout the globe (Saldin). The performance of

Monday, September 23, 2019

Write an essay on the book 'The Lost Orchard' by Patrick Deeley and

Write an on the book 'The Lost Orchard' by Patrick Deeley and say why you would recommend it for use in the school classroom - Essay Example The students will be told about the time limit to read the text in the class. At the second stage of this activity, after the given time, the students of Part A in each group, will tell the students of Part B in their own groups, the first half of the story and then the students of Part B will tell the last half of the story to Part A in their own groups. Students will be given fixed time for this part of the activity too. In the end, at the third stage of this activity, the teacher will ask one of the students from each group to tell the story in his/her own words. The group, from which a member will tell the entire story correctly, will win. In this way, the reading of this book could be made interesting and exciting. The teacher will divide the students in groups of 5 or 6. Each group will be assigned the task of reading one particular chapter of the book. There will be a time limit for this reading. After the given time, the teacher will give each group the mingled up cut pieces of the summary of each chapter. Each group will be given the mingled up summary of the chapter, which was assigned to it to read. All the groups will be required to arrange the strips of the summary in sequence to make a complete story. At the end, all the groups will read the summary of the assigned chapter, arranged in sequence, aloud. Under the guidance of their teacher, the students may research on where the goldmines or coalmines have been discovered in the world and how has this discovery affected the inhabitants of the related areas. Students may conduct interviews on the issues of their own school. After interviewing, they may write down the notes mentioning the suggestions for improvement to present them to the administrator of their school. Students can write the character sketches of the main characters of the book i.e. Paul, Magpie, Raymie, etc. It could be guided writing, where the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Us Federal Reserve VS European Central Bank Essay Example for Free

The Us Federal Reserve VS European Central Bank Essay INTRODUCTION This paper will analyze the difference between U.S. Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank.   Provide assumption on which central banking system is able to provide stability on its respective country based on their approved mandates and what are the degrees of independence does Central Bank benefit from both in theory and reality and determine which central bank is able show better results in keeping the overall economy of its respective countries stable. COMPARISON BETWEEN THE US FEDERAL RESERVE AND EUROPEAN CENTRAL BANK The comparison of the Eurosytem and the Federal Reserve System is based on the following: institutional structure, the monetary policy strategy, the monetary policy instruments and the operating procedures of the two central banks as the focal point.    In the study conducted by Karlheinz Ruckriegel and Franz Seitz they concluded that the structure of both institutions has similarities but the main tasks and the legal status are by far different.   The main task of the Eurosytem is price stability while Federal Reserve objective is price stability and full employment achieving both all at the same time. Ruckriegel and Seitz believe in the importance of the independent status of the Eurosytem by international law (EU Treaty) gives an edge of the Federal Reserve System since the status of the Federal Reserve depends on Congress.   The Constitution gives Congress the power to set its value. Therefore, the Federal Reserve’s power is limited to views of the Congress.    They also noted the similarities in the operating procedures of monetary policy of both institutions, similarities in the design of the minimum reserves and the operating target. In both cases the overnight interest rate is the operating target of monetary policy. Apart from required reserves, the instruments of monetary policy are different. The differences can be traced back to historical factors, legal problems of the change of existing arrangements and a different understanding of monetary policy. In this context the Eurosytem has the advantage of introducing all arrangements according to the knowledge of monetary policy and theory. Therefore both writers classified the Eurosytem as the superior system under efficiency viewpoint. Especially, the obvious absence of strategy on the side of the Fed for several years. INFLATION AND UNEMPLOYMENT The difference between the US Federal Reserve and European Central Bank is that the first has a dual mandate which has an objective of prioritizing full employment and price stability at the same time whereas ECB is under the hierarchical mandates which the principal objective is stability other objectives is pursued once the inflation objective is met. The dual mandate of the Federal Reserve helps stabilize the inflation and unemployment situation of the country.   The dual mandate simply states to promote price stability and maximize employment meaning full-employment without pressure on inflation.   The key to dual mandate is to implement both objectives at the same time whereas European Central Bank has hierarchical mandates that prioritize price stability before pursuing other objectives.   ECB will only pursue other objective one’s price stability has been achieved.   Hierarchical mandates set inflation objectives in terms of forecast or as mid-term objectives this allows them to gradually return to their inflation objectives if there are changes in inflation. United States have the largest economy in the world their monetary policy has economic and financial effect on other countries.   The U.S. monetary policy involves influencing short-term interest rates and the supply of money and credit to promote basic goals established by the Congress.   According to Congress price stability normally implies that inflation should be low enough not to play a significant factor in economic decision making while â€Å"Maximum sustainable economic output and employment† goes well together with economic output and employment, it steadily grows consistent with the economy’s long-run ability to develop while strengthening price stability. In Euro the simultaneous decline in inflation and the labor share of income over the past two decades have motivated significant interest in how these phenomena might be connected.   In the summary of Katharine Neiss and Edward Neslon â€Å"Inflation dynamics, marginal cost and output gap:   Evidence from the three countries monetary policy analysis, suggests a different path from what is currently emphasized. They found little support that wage markup movements are an important source of inflation dynamics for a given output gap, and therefore concluded that more detailed modeling of labor market rigidities is not a high priority in analyzing inflation. On the other hand, they find that modeling the dynamic effects of real shocks not only productivity shocks but also preference shocks on potential GDP is crucial for understanding inflation behavior. They explicitly relate potential output dynamics to underlying shocks, hence the importance of optimizing models in monetary policy analysis. CENTRAL BANK’S DEGREE OF INDEPENDENCE For many years many countries has made progress in towards adopting legislative proposals removing their central banks from government control thus making them independent. Based on the empirical and theoretical studies it showed that there is no clear answer was shown that there can be an economic benefit to be gained in having an independent central bank.   In summary, empirical studies provide evidence of a negative correlation between central bank independents and inflation and central bank independence and fiscal deficits. Theoretical studies indicate that independent central bank can increase policy conflicts with the government whenever preferences of the two differ and in so doing worsen the economic performance of the country.   Both studies however do not provide support for the idea that countries should place monetary policy in the hands of the executive or legislative branches of government. Therefore empirical studies put emphasis on price stability and freedom to pursue these goals are primary determinants of independence whereas, theoretical studies equates independence with non-cooperation between the fiscal and monetary authorities in policy implementation. Each central bank representative on the panel brings with them instrument of independence this is used to isolate central bank from political interference.   This interference can be politically motivated.   The purpose of this insulation is not to allow the central bank to pursue policy preference.   The governments are consistent in defining broad goals for central banks, commitment from the government through central bank is to achieve different goals but their main objective is price stability. The Congress structured the Federal Reserve to be independent within the government therefore it is accountable to the Congress and its goals for economic performance are set by law. According to Governor Laurence H. Meyer on his speech At the National Association for Business Economics Seminar on Monetary Policy and the Markets, Washington, D.C. on May 21, 2001 in his speech he said: â€Å"Central bank independence is in part the result of formal institutional arrangements typically incorporated in the legislation defining and creating the central bank. The most important requirement is that the central bank is the final authority on monetary policy decisions. That is, monetary policy decisions should not be subject to the veto of the executive or legislative branches of government. This is further protected if other institutions of the governmenttypically the Treasury Department or the Ministry of Financeare not represented on the monetary policy committee. A lesser protection would be to allow such representation, but only in a non-voting capacity, as is the practice at the Bank of England and the Bank of Japan†. Instrument independence is facilitated by long overlapping membership terms, by limited opportunities for reappointment, and by protecting committee members from removal. Therefore the degree of independence that central bank enjoys is based on imposed mandates.   Though independent it is clear that it has its limitations there is generally an attempt to balance independence and accountability. CONCLUSION In conclusion it is believed that both European Central Bank and Federal Reserve has advantages.   It is predominant that it is the people, culture and society dictates which form is more advantageous.   Therefore applicability is based on culture and racial orientation. REFERENCES Bruha, Jan and Podpiera, Jiri, Inquirers on Dynamics of Transitions Economy Convergence in two Country Model working paper series No. 791August 2007 De Grawe, Paul Is the ECB Handicapped in Stabilizing Output Because of Rigidities? University of Leuven, 3/27/2007 Eurointelligence Some Notes on theReturn of Inflation ECB watch, 3/6/2007 Lawless, Martina and Whelan, Karl Understanding the Dynamics of Labor Shares and Inflation Working paper series No. 784, July 2007 Neiss, Katharine and Nelson, Edward Inflation Dynamics, Marginal Cost and Output Gap: Evidence from Three Countries February 2002 Pollard, Patricia, Central Bank Independence and Economic Performance Ruckriegel, Karlheinz and Seitz, Franz The Eurosystem and the Federal Reserve System Compared Facts and Challenges February 2002 Wyplosz, Charles Wake Up Call For The ECB, Institute of International Studies, 2/7/2007

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Explanation of Human Behavior Essay Example for Free

Explanation of Human Behavior Essay Psychology is a vast field that studies the behavior of a person. Because of psychology there is a better understanding of the disorders people may be affected by, the choices people make, and even the sexuality of the human race is understood by psychology. How psychology came to be, is a question that I had asked myself in the past. When researchers chose to directly observe psychological events, such as timed reactions, 130 years ago, psychology emerged into a scientific field of its own. The first psychological lab was created in 1879 by Wilhelm Wandr. Since the field of psychology was originally developed by Caucasian males, many beliefs were biased. As the field of psychology has grown, so has the diversity involved in psychological study; leaving us with more accurate understanding. As I happened to mention earlier, psychology is a vast field. This leaves room for many different perspectives. There are three primary perspectives with several sub-fields of psychology. First there is the biological perspective which includes biopsychology and evolutionary psychology. Second, is the psychological perspective that includes behaviorism, cognitive psychology, the psycho-dynamic approach, and humanism. The third perspective of psychology is the sociocultural perspective. Together, these three perspectives and their sub-fields have helped in advancing knowledge in the field. A long standing debate in the field of psychology is the effect of nature and nurture on a person’s behavioral development. I feel that both are equally important factors in how a person behaves. Some people are born with psychological disorders, but their upbringing helps them live a comfortable life without being controlled by their disorder. Others grow up in a bad environment that brings out the worst of their disorders. There are some people who aren’t born with psychological disorders, but develop some over time due to their upbringing. For example, I was born without any  abnormalities and was completely healthy. Unfortunately I was born into a family of addiction and violence. As a child I was sexually, physically, and emotionally abused. As a result of this abuse I suffered from depression and even now as an adult, many of my choices are influenced by the environment I grew in. I do feel that a lot of personal choices are in our own control, though. Another example, though I was raised in the type of family I was raised in, I chose to be better. I chose to break the pattern of addiction and abuse and become a better person. I know other people who grew up in the same situation as me, and they choose to follow the path and they choose to carry a grudge that the world owes them something. I feel there are too many factors involved in behavior for it to be caused by only one perspective. Reference Mitterer, Coon. Introduction to Psychology: Gateways to Mind and Behavior with Concept Maps and Reviews (13th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Cengage Learning.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Major Environmental Issues In Bhutan

Major Environmental Issues In Bhutan There are a lot of environment issues in Bhutan and the most detrimental issues among them are firewood collection, crop and flock protection, waste management and modern concerns such as industrial pollution, climate change that threatens Bhutans population and biodiversity. Land and Water use have also become a part of environmental concern in rural and urban areas.Air and noise pollution are also prevalent in urban centers. Land degradation, biodiversity and habitat loss, high fuel-wood consumption, and human-wildlife conflicts are some of Bhutans environmental challenges. The most affected ones are the poor people rather than politically empowered and richer ones. Environmental issues in Bhutan.(2012). In Wikipedia.Retrieved October 09,2012, from In Bhutan, for bukharis(a steel oven), more than 10,184.22 cubic feet, i.e. 42 truckloads of firewood are burnt each day during the winter months in the Thimphu valley. On an average each household burns about 2.614 cubic feet of firewood every day. Thimphu ¿Ã‚ ½s annual consumption of firewood is approximately 916560 cubic feet. The burning of firewood causes high levels of pollution during winter mornings (National environment commission, NEC, 1999). The construction of traditional house mostly in rural areas done fully in wooden materials which requires a lot of wood requires more logging resulting in depletion of forests and degradation of forestland. Air pollution is an emerging issue in Bhutan resulting from increased urbanization and industrialization. Air pollution in cities is mainly caused by enormous number of vehicles. The vehicle population in the kingdom has grown by 14% in the last year, pushing the number from 14,206 to 16,335 with Thimphu and Phuntsholing having the largest number of vehicles (NEC,1999). In Thimphu, two-wheelers form about 45% of the total vehicles, while cars and jeeps account for about 35%, and buses, about 2% (MoP,1996).The increase in number of vehicles have led to more pollution which is harmful for the environment as well human health. According to (MOP,1996) Industrial activities in Bhutan have grown tremendously. The number of industries has gone up from 742 in 1990, to 4,394 in 1997.The small scale sector has grown 17 times during the same period. Mineral-based industries have grown faster in the last 20 years. The contribution of industrial sector to the GDP has gone up from 0.01% in 1982 to 3.2 % in 1992. Data relating to Cement industry states that, at present 4 cement plants are operating in Bhutan. Major pollutants namely particulate matter, fugitive emissions and gaseous pollutants are emitted from the operations of cement plants. In newspapers there are a lot of complaints by people relating to dust produced by the plants and the vehicles plying on it affecting the growth of their crops and their health. In Bhutan there are four chemical industries. These chemical industries produce calcium carbide, ferro silica, plaster of paris, rosin and turpentine and activated carbon. (TERI Shriram,1999)As a result, the disturbance to ambience and work zone emissions are the major problems. The principal pollutants are dust and particulate emissions. Various other gaseous emissions such as carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide also emanate from the chemical industry. Mining industry is also popular in Bhutan as it is rich in minerals. The major minerals mined are limestone, gypsum, coal, quartzite and dolomite. Most of these minerals are mined for domestic consumption and some for commercial especially to nearby Indian states. The major problems due to these mining industries are management of overburden and drilling waste, reclamation and runoff from mined areas, which cause soil erosion and air pollution. The urban population in Bhutan is increasing at a rate of 6.7% annually, more than double the national population growth rate of 3.1% per year (National Statistic Bureau, NSB, 2006).This rapid increase has resulted in unplanned urban development, slums, increase in consumption patterns and higher demands related to transport, energy and other infrastructure leading to various pollution problems. Climate change in Bhutan is a ramification of air pollution. Climate plays a role in the transmission of many infectious disease and some of them are among the most important cause of mortality and morbidity in developing countries.Deaths due to thermal stress; hypothermia and heat stroke, death/injury in floods, storms and drought and various diseases such as Diarrhoeal Diseases (Food and Water borne transmission), Influenza (Air-borne transmission), Dengue (Female Aedes mosquitoes), Meningococcal meningitis(Air borne transmission), Cholera(Food and Water borne transmission) affecting the human life are possible results of climate/weather change . Over the years, Bhutan has witnessed several Glacial Lake Outburst Floods (GLOF), flash floods and landslides that have washed away homes, paddy fields, damaged vital infrastructures and have resulted in deaths and these events could be related to climate or weather change Tshering and Sithey (1996) claims that Bursting of some lake in eastern Lunana, partial burst of lugge had destroyed part of punakha dzong, some lives dead, households affected, dry and pasture land washed, domestic animals washed away, reserved food grains lost, bridges washed away, temples and chortens destroyed and even caused health effects such as diseases related to safe drinking water, malnutrition, sanitation and hygiene. Flash floods and landslides are common during the monsoon period extending from May to August. It has caused about 100 hundred lives and damages worth in millions. Houses were either fully or partially damaged and wetland as well dry land washed away. Crops such as maize, paddy, oranges trees and potatoes were lost affecting the households. According to (National Environment Commission, NEC,2006) : Livestock rearing, especially of cattle, is a vital rural activity. The estimated cattle population of the country is more than 100,000 and the number is likely to increase along with human population. Grazing of this huge number, far beyond the carrying capacity, in forest areas, exerts a tremendous pressure on forestland with resultant degradation.  ¿Ã‚ ½Poaching in Bhutan is an environmental issue both within the kingdom and at its borders. Many species are poached for their alleged medicinal properties. Though protected within Bhutan, wildlife products including rhinoceros horn, tiger bones, musk and cordyceps command high prices outside the kingdom. ¿Ã‚ ½Although porous borders are blamed for trafficking in poached wildlife, some protected species such as cordyceps ¿Ã‚ ½have their own markets within Bhutan. Shifting cultivation is an age-old practice common to several parts of the country. With increases in population, more and more areas are being tapped for this practice. With the narrowing down of the fallow cycle due to paucity of arable lands, such practices do not allow a sufficient period for the natural processes of recuperation to repair the disturbed ecosystem resulting in erosion and fertility decline. (Ministry of Agriculture, MOA,1996), estimated a total area of 883 km2 under shifting cultivation in Bhutan. Thus, shifting cultivation is one of the significant contributing factors to forest degradation. However, the expansion of agriculture due to increases in population and the recent boom in horticulture is bringing more and more land for such use for which is not suitable. The situation is leading to encroachment into forest on one hand and degradation of land on the other. Ways to address the economic problems. The Royal Society for the Protection of Nature (RSPN): According to Phuentsho, N.(2009). It is Bhutans first and only private non profit organization with nation-wide operations. Since its foundation in 1987, the RSPN has promoted conservation, education, outreach, and sustainable development. In 2009, the RSPN reincorporated under the Civil Society Authority, and operates as a public benefit organization (PBO) under Bhutanese law. The RSPN is particularly active in protecting the Phobjika Valley (Wangdue Phodrang District), home to many endangered species such as the Black-necked Crane (Grus nigricollis). This valley contains wildlife corridors connecting Jigme Singye Wangchuck National Park with other protected areas of Bhutan, However most of the area is not under official government protection. To meet environmental needs, RSPN staff runs projects to promote sustainable ecotourism, alternative energy, and gender equity. The organization had even outfitted more than two hundred homes, monasteries, and other buildings with solar photovoltaic panels, and provided Bhutanese women with solar water heaters, one-pot hole mud stoves, rain barrels, and other assets that improve both human and environmental conditions. Agriculture practise To address environmental issues, the government of Bhutan has banned certain practices with varying success. ¿Ã‚ ½Tsheri ¿Ã‚ ½agriculture, especially prevalent among Sharchops and Lhotshampas is a practice by which land is cleared and farmed intensively until it becomes unproductive and is thereafter left fallow. Since it is particularly environmentally harmful, the practice has been banned by the government since 1969. Bhutan imposed a ban on timber exports, though domestic timber harvesting remains heavily regulated under a network of foresters and road checkpoints. Ban on plastic bags Bhutan also prohibited plastic bags nationwide. The ban on plastic bags, however, has proven a daunting challenge in implementation and enforcement because of the practicality of lightweight airtight storage and a lack of feasible alternatives. The people are made to buy cotton bags and fines levied on those who undermine the norms. Five year plan Throughout Bhutan, dependence on firewood as a fuel source has been historically prevalent. Before hydroelectric power ¿Ã‚ ½and other modern energy sources became available, the source of fuel for heating, cooking, and lighting was nearly exclusively firewood. The provision of electricity, as well as better regulation of fuelwood collectors and more aggressive reforestation ¿Ã‚ ½projects was seen as a key factor in forest conservation. Because affordable electricity was not available throughout the country, the government established fuelwood plantations near villages to accommodate daily needs and to promote forest conservation. ¿Ã‚ ½Firewood harvesting and management remains one of Bhutans leading environmental challenges; the kingdom is one of the worlds leaders in firewood consumption.In order to make Bhutan self-sustaining and to improve its current ability to feed itself, a few prominent policy objectives that are being adopted during the Eighth Five Year. The Plans are as follows : Sustainable and balanced development of RNR for the enhancement of self-sufficiency and food security through an integrated systems approach within the national economy. Conservation of the unique natural and cultural heritage of the country and protection of the fragile mountain environment.To achieve the aforesaid policy objectives, the main strategies adopted are : Conceiving and implementing needs based research to increase production, conservation and efficient use of local resources. The role of the RNR research programme has been broadened to include input into policy development and monitoring technology to avoid inappropriate or harmful introduction and Enhancing the planning base for the sector and formulating an enabling regulatory framework. Wild life ¿Ã‚ ½ Protected wildlife had entered agricultural areas, trampling crops and killing livestock bringing huge losses to traditional farmers. The government has implemented an ¿Ã‚ ½insurance ¿Ã‚ ½scheme, began constructing solar powered ¿Ã‚ ½alarm fences, watch towers, search lights, and has provided fodder and salt licks ¿Ã‚ ½outside human settlement areas to encourage animals to stay away. ¿Ã‚ ½Bhutan has also sought assistance from the United Nations Development Programme in combating crop and livestock losses. Waste Disposal Memelakha waste disposal site in thimphu Bhutan In May 1993, Thimphu established a waste disposal site at Memelakha, developed by the Thimphu City Corporation (TCC) with assistance from the Danish government (DANIDA). It is currently the only landfill site in Bhutan. The site is situated about 12 km away from the city thereby eliminating any health hazards within the city area. TCC(Tashi commercial cooperation) is the sole agency responsible for the waste management within Thimphu municipality. Domestic waste is collected and managed by the respective city/municipal corporations,The waste management includes waste collection and disposal system without waste segregation at source. Other than informal waste pickers/scavengers and minor scrap dealers, no significant waste recycling plans were initiated. Whatever wastes that could be collected and transported by the waste pickers/dealers were traded across the border to India and Bangladesh. According to (Population and housing census of Bhutan, PHCB, 2005), Thimphu ¿Ã‚ ½s population was 79,185 and the daily waste collection was 36.7 tonnes for Thimphu . Daily, more than seven (7) trucks of waste is transported to the site according to the Royal Society for Protection of Nature (RSPN) ¿Ã‚ ½s survey in 2005.Thimphu ¿Ã‚ ½began a subsidized pilot project for sorting between biodegradable and non-biodegradable refuse. Thimphu municipal authorities also addressed the ubiquitous plastic in its refuse with a shredder for pet bottles to facilitate transport to recycling in India. The residents are informed to keep separate bins for biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste. Shop and house owners are compelled to place bins/containers alongside the shops n outside of houses in most dzongkhags and failing to do so are levied fines. Clean Bhutan project The ¿Ã‚ ½Clean Bhutan ¿Ã‚ ½project is a concerted effort of RSPN and various other relevant stakeholders using recommendations from the Solid Waste Management Policy Framework to bring about collaboration in addressing the urgent needs and identify measures to combat the increasing solid waste issues at individual, household, institution and community levels (Royal Society For Protection Of Nature [RSPN[, 2006). The campaign is subdivided into four components: ¿Ã‚ ½Launching with Awareness programs, Solidarity show, Development of Education and awareness material such as Posters, StickersNewspapers, Radio programs, TV programs an Integration into video/movie shows. Mobile advocacy visiting the dzongkhags ,Urban and rural areas. Physical Cleaning of the Nation through coordinated and public support clean up, research on alternative to garbage disposal facilities, suggesting alternatives to plastic bags, research dustbins and costing, management systems for urban and rural and the Organization would like to solicit support from members, individuals, communities and agencies in showing solidarity to the cause. The recent implementation of green tax of 20 percent for vehicles above 1,800cc and five percent below for the environment is a good cause which can be used for environment development. It will also help curb the problem of more imports of vehicle which can create a safe environment. Electric cars were axed out of taxes as it has no ill effects on the environment. The move of pedestrian day on june5th  ¿Ã‚ ½ world environment day on all Tuesdays from 8am to 6pm pushed by Five agencies namely: The National Environment commission Secretariat, Thimphu City Corporation, Road Safety and Transport Authority, Traffic Division and Bhutan Post to protect the environment, promoting human health and community interaction .All the people of Thimphu dzongkhag are compelled to walk or use bi-cycle and even electric cars allowed to ply in and around the city for schools, offices, for personal works. Police personals are stringent about the move and found at the junction of the city to implement the laws. General principles behind the national environment strategy of Bhutan National Environment Commission The national environment commission (NEC) is a high- level independent government organization of Bhutan and responsible to look after all the issues impacting the environment. Its high-level commission ensures it receive support from all other government bodies. The commission also studies the developmental impacts on the environment and aims to place control, norms and perks to the private/public sectors to achieve sustainable development through the judicious use of natural resources. The coordination of inter sectoral programmes, the implementation of policies and laws with regard to the environment is also another important mandate of the Commission. The NEC Secretariat plays a key role in promoting sound environmental policies and investments. This Secretariat is responsible for ensuring that the country follows a sustainable development path and that all projects be it public or private, take into consideration of the environmental aspects. The objective of the commission or its successive agencies is to implement the principles enshrined in this act. i.e. to Protect and promote a safe and healthy environment, Prevent ,control and decrease environmental harm and decrease pollution, Conserve and make sustainable use of resources, Through implementation of Environmental Assessment Act,2000, institutionalize the environmental assessment process as the main part of the development plans and to discuss and implement bilateral and multilateral environmental agreements. Introduction Bhutan ¿Ã‚ ½s age old tradition of living in harmony with nature supported by the decision of the parliament to maintain a minimum of sixty percent of country ¿Ã‚ ½s land under forest cover in perpetuity. Fourth king King Jigme Singye Wangchuk ¿Ã‚ ½s policy of  ¿Ã‚ ½Gross National Happiness ¿Ã‚ ½ which denotes sustainable development as an essential element. Bhutan ¿Ã‚ ½s homage for the international environment laws and agreeing to major international environment and sustainable development. Honour for the visionary aspirations of our beloved kings and to fore fathers for the passing of moral, cultural and ecological values to ensure sustainable socio-economic development. The National Environment Protection Act, 2007 It came into force on the 16th day of the 6th month of the Female Fire Pig Year of the Bhutanese calendar, corresponding to 31 July 2007 which extends to whole Bhutan.All other acts and policies governing the use of land, water, forest, minerals and other natural resources will be in agreement with this act. And provision of all existing laws relating to environment which disagrees with this act can no longer have any legal force. The purpose of this act. is to protect and conserve the environment by the National Environment Commission by implanting an effective system ,designation of competent authorities and constitution of other advisory committees, so as to independently regulate and promote sustainable development in an equitable manner. Environmental principles. The people and the government one after the other shall continue to strive to consider and adopt its developmental policies, plans and programs in harmony with the following environmental policies: The policy of fundamental right and duty states that every being has equal right to live in a safe and healthy environment but he even have to protect and promote the environment for the wellbeing of the country. The inter-generational equity says that it is the responsibility of the present generation to maintain and enhance the health, diversity and productivity of the environment for the well-being of future generations. The middle path strategy states that the natural resource such as air, water, biodiversity, soil, minerals, forest shall not be compromised for the economic development achieving the policy of sustainable development. According to Government ¿Ã‚ ½s Middle Path Strategy  ¿Ã‚ ½economic development and environmental conservation shall receive equal priority ¿Ã‚ ½. The precautionary principle compels any developmental activity taking place should be well planned and executed in harmony with the nature and must foresee its potential to overcome the damages. Any person using the natural resource from the environment or deriving economic benefits must ensure sustainable use and manage them well and their ecology. Making excuses at the time of environment damage to be managed later shall not be accepted. The principle or 3RsEach states that each and every activity shall be planned and made operational in ways causing the least possible change on the environment, with least jeopardy and minimize the consumption of raw materials and energy during construction, production, distribution and utilization at the best considering the principles of reduce, reuse and recycle and prevent or limit environmental impacts at first. The polluter pays principle obliges any person polluting the environment or causing harm to the ecology is liable to pay the cost for containment, avoidance, abatement, medical compensation, mitigation, remediation and restoration. The local government departments , institutions, persons, businesses and the organisation protecting the rules regarding environment must cooperate with each other. The uniformity of the system (environmental protection) shall be guaranteed by the government, state authorities, and the private sectors via appropriate policies, plans and Program such as environmental assessment processes, norms, incentives, fiscal policies and other instruments. The right to information policy allows every person the right to know about the state of the environment and all activities which are intended to do that could have adverse effects on the environment. The access to justice allows person to seek legal redress for any harm or that could cause negative effect to a person ¿Ã‚ ½s right of a safe and healthy environment. The sovereign rights principle states that the state has power over renewable and non-renewable natural resources within the limits of its national jurisdiction. The principle of payments for environment services states any person using or extracting natural resources shall be liable to pay for ecosystem m/environmental services. Examples of successes in protecting environment in Bhutan The implementation of pedestrian day on june5th (world environment day) on all Tuesdays from 8am to 6pm in the recent years to protect the environment by reducing pollution, promoting human health and community interaction have come up as a big success. The move was appreciated by many other dzongkhags and some evenhad implemented it albeit showdowns by many peoples. Implementation of green tax encourages people to buy environment friendly or electric cars as no taxes are levied on those because of no pollution being produced. It reduces the demand for motor vehicles due to high cost which eventually reduces environmental pollution. According to chophel, k. (2012) the NEC is being stringent by full time monitoring whether mining quarries are complying with the rules and by implementing corrective measures. They are also going to train private miners for better knowledge regarding mining that would cause less environmental damages. The RSPN protecting the Phobjika Valley (Wangdue Phodrang District), home to many endangered species such as the Black-necked Crane (Grus nigricollis) have led to increase in the number of such species that makes the country looks unique and aesthetic. The Memelakha waste disposal site in Thimphu has proved to be best method of waste management within Thimphu municipality and because of the success , the authorities have identified a landfill site in Phuntsholing similar to that in Thimphu and it is expected that this site will get developed shortly. Government has also identified landfill sites for 10 other urban centres. The process of logging which was detrimental to the environment is no longer prevalent. The government laws that penalize the offender helps maintain the forest cover. Bhutan imposed a ban on timber exports, though domestic timber harvesting remains heavily regulated under a network of foresters and road checkpoints. The government of Bhutan that had banned certain agriculture practices regarding to Tsheri ¿Ã‚ ½agriculture which is especially prevalent among Sharchops and Lhotshampas since 1969 has reduced the impact on environment and is such practices are rare to find in this modern times. The Clean Bhutan project of RSPN and various other relevant stakeholders to bring about collaboration in addressing the urgent needs and identify measures to combat the increasing solid waste issues at individual, household, institution and community levels has been a success. Most of the times it ¿Ã‚ ½s given in Bhutanese news papers and Bhutan Board Casting Service (BBS) that many people are lending their leisure time in helping collecting bio-degradable and non-biodegradable waste in and around city, at scared sites and prime places. The new policy of making the country clean and green in which every house owner and shopkeepers compelled to keep a waste/trash bin outside the house/shop and even cleaning the surroundings have come up as big success. Peoples failing to provide bins and found with dirty surroundings were levied fined by the respective authorities. Shortcomings in environment protection Four years ago, the country had initiated a measure with the intriguing acronym HEHE Helping our environment, health and economy ¿Ã‚ ½to be implemented in Sarpang. The move failed to sustain, and died after a few months. The increase in the number of vehicles has enormous effect on the ecology. The level of pollution emitted by those vehicles is tremendous and detrimental to not only to ecology but to the living beings. Albeit knowing the harmful effects of over-utilization of the natural environment , Human beings prefer development prime. They promote deforestation and construction of roads through the jungles to live a comfortable and easy life(easy transport of crops and vegetables). Bhutan being a developing country with most of its people illiterate unaware of consequences throw non-degradable waste such as papers, plastics and bottles in rivers, surroundings at ease that harms environment. In some parts of the country, people have to walk for 10 kilometres or more to fetch water because their water sources have dried up and some have access to water based on timings which keeps people disgruntled. The reasons they cite for water shortages are: More people than they used to have before i.e. overpopulation leading to environment problems and Landslides causing blockages and breakages. According to Chophel, k. (2012) lack of qualified manpower(professional miners),inspectors and operators in mining field is causing more devastation to environment and peoples complain of dust emissions from the factories and the gargantuan trucks plying on the road emitting lots of dust not only affects the environment but also the human health and growth of crops. References used for the assignment Jarbie (2012) ,In Wikipedia. Retrieved from Tshewang,D. (2010,march25).Japan ¿Ã‚ ½s qsp implementation report . Retrieved from National Environment Commision(n.d.).Principles of applicable to environmental protection. Retrieved from Yeshey,P. (n.d.). MEMELAKHA WASTE DISPOSAL SITE IN THIMPHU, BHUTAN. Retrived from,%20THIMPHU,%20BHUTAN.pdf Food And Ariculture Organization Of The United States (n.d.). Principles of applicable to environmental pritection. Retrieved from Gyeltshen,N. ( 2012, September 12). Green tax slashed to 20%.Retrieved from, Batra,A. (June6,2012). Central Thimpu becomes pedestrian zone on World Environment Day. Retrieved from

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Attitudes to the First World War in Poetry :: Poetry World War Poems Poets Essays

The Attitudes to the First World War in Poetry Compare and contrast the attitudes to the First World War in the poetry you have read. Focus in detail on four poems, two of which should be by the same author. When the war started the general feeling of the English was that the war was great and would be over before Christmas. This is evident in much of the early war poetry. As the war progressed, however, people began to feel disillusioned and eventually had an overwhelming feeling of futility in that so many lives were wasted for such little gain. The people back home were left feeling bitter as they gained knowledge about the suffering these young men had endured. The poetry I am going to analyse ‘The Soldier’ by Rupert Brooke, ‘Cricket’ by Jessie Pope, ‘Dulce et Decorum est’ and ‘Anthem for Doomed Youth’ by Wilfred Owen reflects these changing views. Rupert Brooke was born in 1887. He joined the Navy at the start of the war, but died in 1915 whilst going to take part in the Dardenelles campaign. In 1914, Brooke composed his poem ‘The Soldier’ which is the fifth poem in a collection of five which displays the glory of war. As he saw little action in the Great War, Rupert Brooke was unaware of the terrible conditions in the trenches. This was because he never fought on the battlefields and due to this Brooke holds a much more glorified view of war. Brooke describes his death in ‘The Soldier’. He talks about how he is not scared of dying; describing the way in which he will rest in peace â€Å"under an English heaven.† Rupert Brooke sees England as idyllic and tranquil and talks about his love for his motherland. Brooke feels by fighting for England he is giving something back. Brooke uses many language techniques to portray his feelings. He uses repetition of the word â€Å"England† to show his patriotism. He refers to the English country as a female; â€Å"Gave once, her flowers to love, her ways to roam† This makes highly effective use of personification. It shows Brooke's romantic view towards his country, making the reader feel proud for his country as well. Religious overtones such as â€Å"evil shed away†, â€Å"eternal mind†, â€Å"blessed† and â€Å"English heaven† are used throughout ‘The Soldier’ to show purity and to portray the typical views of a Christian country. To make the poem calm and poetic, Brooke uses natural imagery such as â€Å"air†, â€Å"river† and â€Å"flowers†. The effects of these words make the reader feel happy and calm. Sibilance is used with; â€Å"Sights and sound†. This soft sounding alliteration slows the pace which makes the The Attitudes to the First World War in Poetry :: Poetry World War Poems Poets Essays The Attitudes to the First World War in Poetry Compare and contrast the attitudes to the First World War in the poetry you have read. Focus in detail on four poems, two of which should be by the same author. When the war started the general feeling of the English was that the war was great and would be over before Christmas. This is evident in much of the early war poetry. As the war progressed, however, people began to feel disillusioned and eventually had an overwhelming feeling of futility in that so many lives were wasted for such little gain. The people back home were left feeling bitter as they gained knowledge about the suffering these young men had endured. The poetry I am going to analyse ‘The Soldier’ by Rupert Brooke, ‘Cricket’ by Jessie Pope, ‘Dulce et Decorum est’ and ‘Anthem for Doomed Youth’ by Wilfred Owen reflects these changing views. Rupert Brooke was born in 1887. He joined the Navy at the start of the war, but died in 1915 whilst going to take part in the Dardenelles campaign. In 1914, Brooke composed his poem ‘The Soldier’ which is the fifth poem in a collection of five which displays the glory of war. As he saw little action in the Great War, Rupert Brooke was unaware of the terrible conditions in the trenches. This was because he never fought on the battlefields and due to this Brooke holds a much more glorified view of war. Brooke describes his death in ‘The Soldier’. He talks about how he is not scared of dying; describing the way in which he will rest in peace â€Å"under an English heaven.† Rupert Brooke sees England as idyllic and tranquil and talks about his love for his motherland. Brooke feels by fighting for England he is giving something back. Brooke uses many language techniques to portray his feelings. He uses repetition of the word â€Å"England† to show his patriotism. He refers to the English country as a female; â€Å"Gave once, her flowers to love, her ways to roam† This makes highly effective use of personification. It shows Brooke's romantic view towards his country, making the reader feel proud for his country as well. Religious overtones such as â€Å"evil shed away†, â€Å"eternal mind†, â€Å"blessed† and â€Å"English heaven† are used throughout ‘The Soldier’ to show purity and to portray the typical views of a Christian country. To make the poem calm and poetic, Brooke uses natural imagery such as â€Å"air†, â€Å"river† and â€Å"flowers†. The effects of these words make the reader feel happy and calm. Sibilance is used with; â€Å"Sights and sound†. This soft sounding alliteration slows the pace which makes the

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Love and Hate in Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet :: Free Romeo and Juliet Essays

'Romeo and Juliet' is a play written by William Shakespeare. A prologue is included at the start of the play, which portrays the tragedy between 'star-cross'd lovers'. Elizabethans believed that their fate is in the stars and the prologue increases the anticipation as it shows the way they are destined. Shakespeare has also included devices to dramatise the themes of love and hate throughout the play. In Elizabethan times the audience were involved in the ongoing play. Shakespeare involves the audience in scenes such as the ballroom scene (Act 1, Scene 5.) In Act 1, Scene 5 Romeo enters an enemy?s ball where he and Juliet fall in love for the first time, which angers Tybalt. At the end of Act 1, Scene 4 the mood is foreboding as Romeo believes that things could go wrong at the ball which he was to intrude on. He shows his fear by saying: ?I fear to early, for my mind misgive some consequences yet hanging in the stars? Romeo shows his fear by saying ?fear too early?. This suggests that he believes something there was something not right which made him highly anxious. There is a use of dramatic irony as the audience already know that there was to be problems because of the prologue, which makes keeps the interest from the audience. Elizabethans believed that their fate and destiny is written in the stars. The phrase ?hanging in the stars? which Romeo commented to himself, implies his destiny is in the stars, and it also suggests that because it is in the stars then the Elizabethan audience know definitely that here are going to be ?consequences?. In the beginning of Act, Scene 5 the mood changes from worrying to joyful, as the guests begin to enter the ball which is held by Capulet who is welcoming them. The mood is uplifting because the party is ready to start. The joyful mood is shown when Capulet says: ?Welcome, Gentlemen! Ladies that have toes Unplagu?d with corns will walk a bout with you.? The mood has changed quite drastically from the end of Act 1, Scene 4 to Act 1, Scene 5. This is show by when Capulet is welcoming people to the ball, ?Welcome, Gentlemen!? His excitement showed through the exclamation mark, which suggests that Capulet is full of energy which would lift the spirits of anyone who was to enter. The quotation creates the image of people bustling in, smiling and ready for the party.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

M&M History

How many of you like M&M’s? I’m sure a lot of you do, but do you know how they were introduced to us? Well, let me tell you. Forrest Mars came up with the idea of creating the now famous M&M’s. Mars saw soldiers eating pieces of chocolate covered with a hard sugary coating. The coating preventing the candy from melting in the hot sun. In 1940, he made his first, independent move into the candy business in the United States.Somewhere in his travels, Mars had come across a candy that was essentially tiny chocolate pellets surrounded by a sugar shell. He may have seen soldiers eating them during the Spanish civil war; no one seems to know for sure. What is known is that in 1940, Mars concocted his own version of candy-coated chocolate drops and took them to the Hershey Corporation. There he proposed an 80-20 partnership to Bruce Murrie, the son of Hershey executive William Murrie, where Bruce would be the 20-percent partner.At the time, World War II was developing, and chocolate would be rationed during this period. The Hershey Corporation, however, already had a deal to provide chocolate for the troops. Bruce Murrie helped create this candy. M&M’s got their name of the abbreviation of their inventors Forrest Mars and Bruce Murrie. In 1941, the first M&M’s were introduced to American GIs serving in WWII. The first wrapper that they came out in was a cardboard tube and in 1948 it became the brown bag we now know.In 1950, the first â€Å"m† was imprinted in black, now giving them a trademark. In 1954, chocolate peanut M&M’s are introduced and also the black m on the candies was changed to white. They get their own logo â€Å"melts in your mouth, not hands† and animated characters made a television debut. Throughout time more and more different types of M&M’s came out like the peanut butter, pretzel, milk chocolate, dark chocolate, dark chocolate peanut, coconut, mint chocolate, almonds, wild cherry, amon g other special lines he brought out.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Marketing Mix for Beats by Dr. Dre Essay

MARKETING MIX A. PRODUCT – Dr. Dre Beats is a company that creates high-end quality headphones. It’s products allow listeners a full music experience with the capability of producing the songs as played from professional recording studios. Their target market is: Teens the youth with allowances to spend on the latest gadgets. The Generation Y, the people under this category are those who are all about what’s new, trendy, and value brand names. Tag-line : â€Å"People aren’t hearing all the music† – Dr. Dre – Products are: Headphones Earphones Speakers – Special Products founded in: HTC Phones ( It’s Built-in audio system; Dr. Beats Earphones) HP Laptops ( Audio of PCs and Monitors) Chrysler Cars (Car audio system) -Competitors: Jay-Z in partnership with Skull Candy for RocNation’s Aviator headphones. Ludacris in partnership with Signeo for Soul by Ludacris 50cent in partnership with SMS for SYNC/ SMA Audio 50 B. PRICE – Products ranges from $199 – $699. – It’s top-end pricing are determined from the quality materials used for the finishing product accompanied by a refined packaging. – Beats used a  similar price strategy of APPLE’S with’price skimming’ wherein they set the price of the product high upon entering the market before competitors show up. C. PLACE – They manufacture their products -> send to officially selected distributors per State/Country -> send to official retailers of State/Country. 12 Verified retailers of Dr. Dre Beats in Philippines: Abenson Ambassador Astroplus Automatic Center Cebu Circuit City Digital Hub Gadgets in Style PowerMac Center Saver’s Digital Hub Appliance Depot SM Appliance, Inc. Switch – Products can also be bought from Dr. Dre Beat’s official web-site and web-sites of official retailers. D. PROMOTION – Beats by Dr. Dre has proved their effective promotion by: advertisements in commercials, music videos, and the world wide web media (Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, etc.) endorsements from popular celebrities, iconic musicians, and even athletes. – From their successful promotions Beats are branded not just as quality headphones but also as fashion accessories. E. PEOPLE – The founders: Dr. Dre – renowned modern music artist. Jimmy Lovine- famous producer of artists. Luke Wood- known as a musician, producer, and songwriter. – People behind: Monster Cable Sound Technology- audio company who are known for producing quality but overpriced HDMI cables. Robert Brunner – former design executive for Apple. F. PROCESS What can be found in Beats by Dr. Dre’s official web-site: Customer service/ Contact details. Product Manuals. Safe Buying Guide (to avoid buying of fraud products). Authorized Retailers (to find stores that legally sell legit products). All About the Company and the People behind it. All available products. Policies: Private and Return Policies. Sources:,en_PH,pg.html

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Marketing Plan Soft Drink Company 1st Half Essay

The following plan is intended to provide a basic marketing communications plan for a fictitious company. The company in question operates in China and produces soft drinks, particularly adult soft drinks. The information in the plan has been sourced from various textbooks and online research including the National Bureau of Statistics China. It has been found that the company should target the market aged 18 to 44, married, living in urban China, and purchasing for personal use. In order to address and leverage the current internal and external situation, the recommended marketing communications objectives have been set as follows: 1. Increase awareness of the brand name to 50% of the target market 2. Increase awareness of the portability and attractive design of the product to 25% of the target segment Introduction The following plan has been compiled in order to provide the basis for a comprehensive marketing communications plan for a fictitious. The company produces and sells soft drinks. It specializes in adult soft drinks. The company and brand are new to the market. In order to provide a useful plan, the target segment has been identified and defined, a SWOT analysis has been carried out for the brand and organization, and marketing communications objectives have been set. The plan identifies the target market through segmentation variables. Following this is an analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that the company must either address or leverage. Finally the marketing communications objectives are set in the final section. Segmenting the Market In order to develop a sufficient marketing communications plan, it is necessary to first know the target market that marketing messages will be directed toward. The market for this company’s offering can be defined according to the segmentation variables discussed by Schiffman et al(2005). The variables most relevant to this market are age, family life cycle, geography, awareness level, and user-situation(Schiffman et al, 2005). By using these variables it is possible to define the market as aged between 18 and 44, single or newly married, living in urban areas, unaware of the brand, and buying for personal use. Within this market it is possible to further segment the preferred target market for this company’s offering. Age can be used to further segment the market. Although older members of the family have a large influence on purchase decisions in China, Duncan(2005) implies that these older people are part of the ‘late majority’ group, which is not an attractive group for new products(Duncan, 2005 p229). Therefore the age of the target segment will be 18 to 44, as these individuals should be more likely to adopt new products or at least be influenced by ‘early adopters’(Duncan, 2005 p230). These individuals make up almost 35% of the total population(National Bureau of Statistics China, 2004), and so form a profitable target segment. The target segment can be further limited to those in the ‘young marrieds’ and ‘parenthood’ stages of the family life cycle(Schiffman et al, 2005). Geography is another useful variable. The target segment will live in the inner city or suburban areas of cities, and not on the outskirts of major urban areas or in rural areas. The income gap between urban and rural areas is substantial, with urban households averaging CNY9421. 6 per annum, and rural households CNY2936. 4, in 2004(National Bureau of Statistics China, 2004). By using the above segmentation variables we now have a target segment at which to direct the marketing communications strategy. SWOT Analysis In order to reach useful marketing objectives it is necessary to analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that can be leveraged or addressed by the communications effort. This is known as a SWOT analysis(Duncan, 2005). The external environment will be considered first. According to an analysis of the external environment, two major opportunities exist. These are an increase on sales of adult soft drinks over the past year, and a minimum of new adult soft drink products being marketed by competitors. According to an article in China Daily(2006), sales of adult soft drinks increased by 47% in 2006. This shows that there is an increasing market for ‘adult’ soft drinks. Internal factors are also evaluated in the SWOT analysis. Analysis of this company has revealed two major strengths and one major weakness. The strengths are a devotion to customer service, and the design and innovativeness of the products. Customer service is something that is still at a basic level in China in terms of building relationships with new customers. This company offers outstanding after sales service, with teams located in every major Chinese city who are available 7 days a week and after hours on weekdays. This level of after sales service is not common among drink manufacturers in China. The company also has a follow-up strategy that includes phone calls and emails to new customers giving them the chance to open dialogues with the firm. The other strength, the design and innovativeness of the products, is more tangible. This company produces only adult soft drinks and is therefore able to allocate more time and resources to improving only one line of product, unlike other soft drink manufacturers. The look of the adult soft drinks in this company’s range is modern, using metallic colours on slim bottles, rather than the traditional images of fruit. There is one major internal weakness that should be addressed by any marketing communication efforts: brand awareness. Being a new brand, there is 0% awareness of this company’s brand in the target segment. This will almost certainly present a weakness that will have to be addressed by the marketing communications effort. The above SWOTs can be prioritized to reveal which should be leveraged or addressed by the marketing communications effort. These are brand awareness, the appearance and functionality of the product, and the lack of attention to the adult soft drinks in the market. These factors will now be considered in relation to marketing communications objectives. Marketing Communications Objectives According to Duncan, marketing objectives should be specific, measurable, achievable, and challenging(2005, p180). In order to address the major weakness of the brand, increasing brand awareness should be a high priority. According to the AIDA decision making hierarchy(Duncan, 2005), communications cause customers to begin a process which moves from awareness to interest to desire to action. Since there is 0% awareness of the brand, communications will begin by creating brand awareness, particularly awareness of the brand name. This will be the first of the company’s marketing communications objectives: Increase awareness of the brand name to 50% of the target market. The achievement of this objective will create awareness, which will be transformed into interest and desire through the second objective. The second objective will be: Increase awareness of the portability and attractive design of the product to 25% of the target segment. According to the AIDA hierarchy, ‘making people aware of a brand is much easier than persuading them to buy a brand or take some other action’(Duncan, 2005 p182). The figure of 25% is set due to this theory. Aiming to create awareness of the products tangible qualities will ideally create interest in the brand, which may result in action on behalf of the target segment. With these objectives set it will be possible to create marketing messages that are directed and can be evaluated in terms of their effectiveness and ability to achieve the company’s objectives. The objectives have been set in close attention to the SWOTs that were revealed earlier, in order to maximize the effect of the marketing communications effort. Conclusion In conclusion it can be seen that the first half of the marketing communications plan has been completed. The target market has been identified as aged between 18 and 44, married or married with children, residing in urban areas in major Chinese cities, and purchasing the product for personal use. The SWOT analysis revealed that the company’s major advantages are the lack of attention to the adult soft drink market in China, and the attractive design and functionality of the product. The company’s major disadvantages are the domination of the market by major manufacturers, and the lack of brand awareness. However, the marketing communications objectives set in the plan will ideally address and leverage each of the pros and cons that exist in the situation. References Schiffman, al, 2005, Consumer Behaviour, Pearson Education Australia, Frenchs Forest. China Daily, 2006, Soft drink sales cooling down, www. chinadaily. com. cn, viewed 4th April 2008 http://www. chinadaily. com. cn/china/2006-10/06/content_702416. htm Duncan, T. 2005, Principles of Advertising & IMC (2nd ed. ), McGraw-Hill/Irwin, New York. National Bureau of Statistics China, 2004, www. stats. gov. cn, viewed 4th April 2008 at http://www. stats. gov. cn/tjsj/ndsj/2005/indexeh. htm.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Lies, Lies, Lies Essay

The white lie is an age old embellishment that has different reasons for being told. When it is all said and done a white lie is still a lie. A lie told with perfectly good intentions. A lie told to spare someone’s feelings. A lie about something trivial, which will have few consequences if you’re caught. A minor, polite, or harmless lie, a white lie is considered harmless as opposed to a black lie which is evil. Anything that is not accurate is a lie. There are a million reasons to tell a social white lie. Being nice leads to lying to prevent hurting someone’s feelings and it is commonly used by all. The baby in a stroller and the mother looks up, it is natural to say â€Å"What a cute baby† It could be the ugliest baby; yet the need to make a charitable response leads to a lie. Or Men say â€Å"I love you too† a white lie commonly told by men. The boss has on a dress that looks horrible, â€Å"What a beautiful dress† would someone tell the boss her dress is ugly. These are just examples of how we get caught up and we feel the need to say something positive instead of telling the truth. Lying begins early, if you observe children most know how to fib at the age of 4. By 6 they stop fibbing and begin lying. Watching and observing their parents, they gain insight in imitating their parents in the art of deception, they are told how to lie to relatives about gifts they may not like, and thus starts the white lies. The proverbial lie is used in our society to make small talk, to have someone show favor, when we greet someone, and we often lie to ourselves, â€Å"I am going to get up each day and walk.† I’ve said it, and I know I want to but I don’t. Salesman says anything you want to hear to sell a product. The doorman says â€Å"Have a good day†, no tip, doesn’t care if you even live another day almost every white lie is because of what a person wants to achieve with that white lie. It is almost second nature to living how we deceive, the Landlord I mailed that check yesterday. I lost my debt card can’t make the payment today will call as soon as I get my replacement! *I can’t come in today I have diarrhea; you’re going to the movie matinee. Researchers have been studying deception for decades, trying to figure out why we tell lies. It seems that our capacity for deceit appears nearly endless. That doesn’t mean we just tell a lie to hear it there is a purpose for the madness. Still lying is generally regarded as immoral and distasteful, â€Å"No one likes being lied to,† says former FBI agent and lying expert Joe Navarro. â€Å"We use lies to grease the wheels of social discourse.† Says University of Massachusetts psychologist Robert Feldman.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Brazilian Economics Essay Research Paper Executive Summary

Brazilian Economics Essay, Research Paper Executive Summary Brazil is a big state with a big population. The natural resources that Brazil possesses are some of the richest in the universe. From minerals to timber to manpower, Brazil has all the natural stuffs to be an economic human dynamo. However, Brazil is being held back from doing great industrial paces. The job for Brazil lies in its inability to travel its supplies and merchandises. The roads, although better than they have of all time been, are non up to par with other industrial states. Until Brazil becomes more efficient they will non go an industrial giant. The economic crisis that has hit Brazil threatens to destruct all the advancement that has been made in the last decennary. Its high rate of rising prices must be brought under control for foreign investors to recover assurance. There is much promise in Brazil but its inefficiencies and current economic jobs must be overcome for Brazil to take its topographic point among the industrial giants. Introduction The Republic of Brazil is one of the largest states in the universe. Its population of more than one hundred sixty million topographic points it fifth among universe population centres. Its wealth of natural resources and easiness of entry makes it a valued trading spouse and an chance for new market growing. Population Brazil is one of the most thickly settled states in the universe. With a population of more than one hundred 60 million people it ranks 5th among universe population centres. The population growing rate of Brazil is keeping steady around 1.2 per centum. The birth rate is 20.4 births/1,000 population, this translates into about three million two hundred and 64 thousand unrecorded births each twelvemonth. Thirty per centum of Brazil s population is under 15 old ages of age and 65 per centum of the population is between 15 and 64 old ages old. Merely five per centum of the population is over 65 old ages of age. The ratio of work forces to adult females is.98 , which is about the same as the planetary ratio. One characteristic that has ever been present in Brazilian society is migration from one portion of the state to another. During the late twentieth century the western portion of the state has had the highest net inflow of population. The Southeast has besides received big Numberss of migrators, but these have been really unevenly distributed. The most rural southeasterly provinces have had steady decreases of their population through migration. There are three basic racial beginnings for Brazilian people. To the original dwellers ( Indians ) were added consecutive moving ridges of Europeans ( largely Portuguese ) and slaves ( largely Africans ) . The integrating between the Europeans and the Indians began shortly after colonisation ; it was non until the 1600 s that this procedure besides grew to include the freshly arrived Africans. A mixture of these three beginnings makes up the bulk of the Brazilian population. This is non to st ate that there are no other mixes in Brazil. Recently many people of Asiatic decent ( chiefly Japanese ) have begun to immigrate to Brazil. Members of all nationalities and races immigrate to Brazil every twenty-four hours in hunt of better things. Economic statistics and activity The GDP for Brazil is around one trillion dollars. This breaks down into the mean Brazilian holding about $ 6,300 of buying para. This figure is non bad, but it is non every bit high as the more industrialised states. This figure is expected to turn, but the economic crisis that has seized Brazil will most probably decelerate this growing. The growing rate is 2.9 % which shows that Brazilian industry is turning, merely non at an explosive rate. Brazil has an copiousness of natural resources, which, with suited direction, could go on to be good for coevalss to come. Improved transit has made more of these resources accessible either for export of for usage by Brazil s increasing industries and turning popul ation. Brazil is known to incorporate highly rich mineral sedimentations, this includes huge Fe ore militias. Brazil s industries absorb most of its other mineral production. This includes chrome, Mg, vitreous silica, Cu, lead, asbestos, and nickel. Brazil is a major gold and diamond manufacturer, but measures fluctuate widely from twelvemonth to twelvemonth and topographic point to topographic point as sedimentations are located and exhausted. Brazil is besides the largest universe provider of semiprecious rocks. These rocks include topazes, amethysts, opals, aquamarines, tourmalines, emeralds and others. Brazil has oil and natural gas militias, which became significant with the development of offshore Fieldss. The mineral militias are under changeless geographic expedition by authorities and private beginnings. Brazil is besides rich in biological resources. About two-thirds of the state is under wood, supplying about one-seventh of the universe s entire forest country. Hardwoods predominate in the Amazon and Atlantic coastal zone. Exploitation of the Amazon rain forest, nevertheless, has been hampered by the insufficiency of conveyance installations. Arable land is non abundant, sing the size of the state. With a coastline of more than 4,600 stat mis and legion well-stocked rivers, Brazil has entree to significant fishing evidences. This resource, nevertheless, is developing and productiveness is low. For a state every bit big as Brazil, development of an efficient agencies of transit has been a affair of critical importance. Throughout much of its history the state s different parts remained stray from each other, but this changed dramatically after World War II, foremost with the growing of air conveyance and, two decennaries subsequently, with the extension of a modern route web. Most rider and cargo traffic moves over the main roads, with coastal and inland transporting the following largest manner of transit. Brazil, like most states has four major man ners of transit. These manners include railroads, main roads, waterways, and airdromes. Except for commuter lines in the major metropoliss, railwaies are merely of minor importance in Brazil s transit web, Brazil has merely 27,000 kilometers of rail. Few new railroads of any significance have been built since World War II, when Rio de Janeiro was linked by rail to Salvador because German pigboats were taking a heavy toll on transporting. Most of Brazil s path day of the months from the nineteenth century, when the economic system was based on exports of natural stuffs. Brazil has improved its main road system greatly since the terminal of World War II. During the rainy season surface communications could be interrupted along the major regional links for hebdomads at a clip, marooning automobilists in countries with limited lodging and nutrient supplies. The building of Brasilia, the capital of Brazil in 1964, for which many bulky stuffs had to be airlifted in during the rainy season , alerted the state to the hapless province of its roads. When the armed forces assumed power in 1964, the upgrading of the route system became a primary aim. As a consequence, an first-class system of paved roads now connects all the major points in Brazil, including several links northerly into the Amazon part. Brazil has about two million kilometer of roads, of this one hundred 80 1000 stat mis are paved. Brazilian coastal transportation was, for many old ages, in no better status than its railroads. Like the railroads, the transportation industry was confined to transporting low-value majority goods that could digest long holds and non infrequent losingss. After the federal authorities launched a ship building plan in the 1960 s, nevertheless, the tunnage of ladings increased markedly, and more significantly a larger per centum of higher valued goods was carried. The more important ocean ports in Brazil are located in Rio de Janeiro, Paranagua, and Recife. The extended Brazilian river system has a entire river navigability of about 27,000 stat mis. Within the Amazon Basin navigable waterways are the rule means of transit in northern Brazil, widening into the Spanish speech production states to the West. The two rule Amazonian ports are connected by a modern, if at times fickle, steamer service are Belem, at the oral cavity of the river, and Manaus, some 1,000 stat mis inland. These and lesser ports are of import as trade centres for the broad assortment of trade that sail the Waterss of the chief rivers and some 1,000 feeders. As with most states, air passages are highly of import to the Brazilian economic system. Brazil has over two thousand five 100 airdromes, of this one thousand five 100s have paved tracks. Every capital and of import metropolis in Brazil has a major airdrome, and most of the smaller metropoliss are serviced by jet aircraft. Few locations are without a least a soil set downing strip. Most of the major metropoliss are besides linked by a shuttle service. However, overall flight frequences and the size of terminuss are at a much smaller graduated table than at comparable centers in west Europe or North America. This is due to the relatively high cost of fare and competition from inexpensive intercity bus services. Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo handle most of the international air traffic. Numerous airlines flourished in Brazil at one time or another, but they have been consolidated into three major ones that compete nationwide. Brazil has three major communication systems; telephones, radios, and television. There are over seventeen million telephones in Brazil. The Brazilian telephone system is fairly efficient as long as one remains close to a city. As the distance from a city increases, the number of phones and the reliability of service tends to drop. As one might expect there are no conventional phone lines in the deep Amazonian jungle. Radio broadcast stations are very important in Brazil. Brazilians own seventy-five million radios, and use them to listen to almost one thousand five hundred AM radio stations. Radios are cheaper than television sets so more Brazilians can afford them. Television is a major industry in Brazil. One hundred twenty stations can be found on Brazilian TV. This makes Brazil the fourth largest television broadcasting system in the world, reaching an estimated forty million Brazilians who own televisions. Foreign companies have been investing in Brazil for years. Because of its large population and plentiful natural resources, Brazil is very attractive to companies looking to expand into new markets. Large companies form Coca-Cola and Pepsi to Wal-Mart and Kentucky Fried Chicken have invested millions of dollars in order to gain a foothold in Brazil. One reason for the large number of companies with interests in Brazil is ease of entry. There are few barriers to entry in Brazil and the government encourages foreign investment. With Brazil s increasing population it can expect the foreign influx to continue for many years to come. Brazil exports about fifty billion dollars worth of products every y ear. The largest importer of Brazilian goods is the European Union (26%), followed by the United States (23%), Latin America (22%), and Argentina (11%). Brazil is the world s leading exporter of coffee, which is its most important single export. Most Americans think of Columbia as being the biggest producer of coffee, but Brazil produces almost twice as much as Columbia. Brazil is also a prominent producer of minerals. Brazil is one of the largest producers of iron ore in the world, and thanks to new mining techniques and technology this trend is expected to continue. Brazil also exports soybeans, tropical fruits, footwear, and sugarcane. Brazil is also the world leader in the production of semiprecious stones, gold and diamonds. Brazil imports about fifty-five billion dollars worth of goods every year. Crude oil is one of the major imports that Brazil receives regularly. In order to lessen its dependence on gasoline, the Brazilian government decided to run the country s vehicles on something a little less pricey, sugar. The government planned to replace gasoline with ethanol (ethyl alcohol). Processing the sugarcane in modern plants became the most successful such program in the world. For a number of years, virtually all new automobiles in Brazil have been engineered to run on this fuel. Brazil also imports other products that it is lacking at home. These products include capital goods for industry, chemical products, foodstuffs, and coal. Brazil has had a trade deficit for almost its entire history. There are many reasons for this but the main reason is a lack of ability to get to its resources. Brazil is a country with huge amounts of natural resources, but they are hard to get to. New roads and shipping channels have helped open up some more of Brazil s resources, but more must be done if Brazil ever expects to have a trade surplus. One thing that has been beneficial to Brazil is the influx of new business from outside the country that helps Brazil s abil ity to export more products. Unfortunately for Brazil its economy has recently taken a downturn. The inflation has gone through the roof and there has been a leveling off of foreign investment. The World Bank and the United States recently formulated a bailout plan for Brazil. This bailout included loans and other economic aid. The reason for the bailout lies in the belief that South America goes as Brazil goes; if Brazil encounters a recession than so will the rest of South America. A South American economic crisis combine with the one that has hit Asia would mean an almost certain worldwide recession. Brazil s labor force is a relatively strong one. Sixty-one million people are included in Brazil s work force, and this number is increasing every year. Forty-two percent of the work force is employed in services, while thirty-one percent work in agriculture, and twenty-seven percent work in industrial occupations. The unemployment rate is not large, but it is growing. Six percent of the Brazilian population is unemployed and the number is increasing with the recent economic crisis. Developments in science and technology With the help of foreign investors, Brazil is quickly increasing its technological capabilities. With the influx of new businesses from other countries, better technology became essential. These companies came into Brazil and trained their new Brazilian employees in the use of state of the art equipment. Advances were also made in the mining and extraction fields which were put to good use in Brazil. These advances will make it possible for Brazil to get back on its feet and compete in the global marketplace once the inflation is curtailed. Another reason for the growth of Brazilian technology is the educational system. More and more students are learning to use computers and at a younger age. There can only be benefits for Brazil in the long run if this trend continues. Channels of Distribution Brazil s businesses work in much the same way as they do in the United States. The retailers come in all shapes and sizes, from small family stores to multinational chains like Wal-Mart. Items are mainly purchased through cash transactions but buying through credit is also done. There seems to be less of a reliance on credit cards than the United States. The penetration of urban centers is high for the simple reason that there are more people able to buy products in urban areas. In rural areas it is more likely to see a small family store than a large outlet because there are simply not enough people to support a larger store. Media Brazil is a large country with a large population and therefore has many sources of media available to the public. Television, radio, and print media are all found in Brazil. Brazil s major newspapers are published in the cities of Sao Paulo, and Rio de Janeiro, but numerous others are published in the smaller cities and towns. There are also a number of weekly magazines that cover subjects from news t o hobbies. Press and broadcasting are intimately linked in Brazil, including television s TV Manchete and the TV Globo, which, with Radio Globo, is the largest and most influential of the county s broadcasting media. There are also several lesser networks in radio and television as well as a large number of regional and local stations. An educational channel broadcasts to a limited number of cities. Common television fare includes the tremendously popular prime-time novelas (soap operas), sporting events, news, special reports, foreign movies dubbed into Portuguese, and children s programming. In many ways television, in conjunction with massive urban migration, has furthered the homogenization of Brazilian culture and the modification of regional differences. When the Brazilian government as run by its military many of the stations were owned by the state. This is not the case today. Today television and radio stations operate in much the same manner as they do in the United States . Commercials are paid for by companies wishing to advertise in a form of media and are played. The only noticeable difference would be the amount of nudity on regular stations at all hours of the day. Bibliography Britanica Online. Brazil: Physical and Human Geography. October 29, 1998. Brazilian Embassy, London. Brazil in Brief. Oct 19, 1998. Brazilian Embassy, Washington DC. The Brazilian People. October 24, 1998. CIA Factbook. Brazil. October 29,1998. Eletronic Library. Brazil., October19, 1998. Republica Federativa de Brasil. The Wonders of Brazil. October 24, 1998. [Home] [Brazil] [Economic Paper] [cultural paper] [marketing]