Friday, September 27, 2019

What is the view of mission presented by the Book of Acts Essay

What is the view of mission presented by the Book of Acts - Essay Example The stages also show that the nature of missionary in the church emerges from the involvement of the community in particular events with the guidance of the spirit of God. These seven stages are: before the Pentecost, during the Pentecost, the time of Stephen, Samaria and the Ethiopian Eunuch, Cornelius and his household, the apostles in Antioch and the mission to the Gentiles. This episode is found in the book of Acts chapter 1. From this chapter, it is evident that the mission of Jesus in the world was to preach to all people, serve them and to witness about the goodness of God. As Luke explains in the beginning of the book of Acts, Jesus appeared to the twelve disciples after his resurrection. Before he ascended to heaven, he gave them instructions not to leave the City, Jerusalem, before they receive the Holy Spirit. The disciples then ask Jesus if the arrival of God’s Spirit meant that the Kingdom of God will reign on earth. Jesus answers them by saying that they need not to know of the right time of the Kingdom of God but instead they will receive power through the arrival of the Spirit of God. He tells them that they will be witnesses in Jerusalem, Samaria, and Judea and to every part of the world for Christ. The commandment of Jesus to the twelve disciples as Luke describes shows the guidance of the spirit of God to the community in the majo r mission and its identity (1:3-8). After the ascension of Jesus, the disciples did not immediately go to Samaria and Judea; instead, they waited in Jerusalem for the reign of God through the second coming of Jesus. In Jerusalem, they made the number complete by replacing Judas the traitor with Mathias through an election. They ensured that Mathias was like them and was a witness to Jesus. Mathias was with Jesus from the baptism of John until his death and resurrection. This was a preparation for the fulfilment of the great mission that Jesus had ordained. This is because the

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