Tuesday, December 31, 2019

What Does Cinematic Realism Mean For Andre Bazin

What does cinematic realism mean for Andrà © Bazin? (2000 words) (N.B. Each essay question should be discussed in relation to one or more audiovisual examples (e.g., individual films and/or film scenes, computer games) of your own choice. You are encouraged to make use of visual material in your essay. This essay will discuss the meaning of cinematic realism for Andre Bazin, a French film critic, theorist and mentor to directors, who; he also co-founded the influential film magazine Cahiers du Cinema in 1951 alongside Jacques Doniol- Valcroze and Joseph-Marie Lo Duca. This publication was a review of cinema, it re-invented criticism and theory of films. In order to do so it will be necessary to first of all discuss various arguments or schools of thought regarding the essence of cinema, such as those of formative theorists like Rudolf Arnheim and Bela Balazs as well as those of the Soviet montage theorists, such as Eisenstein, before moving on to the ideas of the Italian neo-realists, their influence on Bazin and finally Bazin himself. The key factors of realism for Bazin, such as mise en scene, the long take and how they differ from other film making techniques such as montage will be analysed. This will be done particularly in relation to De Sica’s 1948 film, Ladri di Bic iclette. According to Robert Stam (2000, p.72) ever since the arrival of talking pictures, debates arose concerning the â€Å"essence of cinema. There were particular differences between â€Å"formative†Show MoreRelatedEssay about Andrà © Bazin: Film Critic Extraordinaire977 Words   |  4 Pagestime evolved so did the means of replicating reality. As far back as cave drawings, humans have tried to make sense of their surroundings through artificial means. We can go through time and see this process evolve from engraving, to painting, to photography, and to its most convincing form to date: cinema. In the task of duplicating reality cinema has surpassed all other forms of representation. Looking at the other means which are mentioned above we see cinema is the first mean that is able to captureRead MoreThe Relationship Between Film And Reality2372 Words   |  10 Pagesone of the most contested and debated issues in the film history. Cinematic realism, which is neither a specific c riteria to judge the film or a rigid property of the cinematic images, has in another way been an extremely useful concept for theorists to examine the cinematic images’ difference with still photograph, theater and other art types. Film theorists have come up with different ideas regarding the development of film realism in the past century, among whom two opposite but relevant approachesRead MoreCritical Review of Andre Bazin Rudolf Arnheim Articles1331 Words   |  5 Pagescritical review will focus on the articles of Andre Bazin [What is cinema?] (1945) and Rudolf Arnheim [From Film as Art: the complete film] (1933). Through a close reading of both articles, I intend to evaluate and compare the different concepts of cinematography based on the two different film critics’ articles from a critical point of view. These two articles highlight the same topic from different perspectives with regards to cinema and art, what they have in common and how each writer keeps theRead MoreRealism In Laura Mulveys Blue Is The Warmest Color1848 Words   |  8 Pagesthe male gaze of the protagonist are not an introspective experience; it is instead shared with the spectator. Realism is a theory predicated on the bel ief that the essence of cinema is the depiction and reproduction of reality. Andre Bazin, a French film theorist who co-founded film magazine Cahiers du Cinema in 1951 - is credited as a founding figure in the theorising of film realism. (Continued†¦) Furthermore, the role of spectatorship in film theory is equally as significant as the perspectiveRead MoreEssay on The Romantic Notion of a Film Director 2217 Words   |  9 PagesThe intention of this essay is to discuss the romantic notion of a film director who has etched their own cinematic vision into the body of their film work, and whether the theory and practice is dead and an infringement of the spectator’s imagination and is it the spectator who finds meaning in the film. I will be closely looking at critical material, primarily Andrà © Bazin and Roland Barthes and applying them to several case study films directed by Christopher Nolan including The Following (1998)Read MoreThe History Of Filmmaking Is Vast And Spans Several Centuries,1776 Words   |  8 Pagesas a classical art. The contrasting ideas between Lev Manovich’s â€Å"Digital Cinema and the History of a Moving Image† and Andrà © Bazin’s â€Å"The Ontology of the Photographic Image† reflect the evolution of filmmaking through different lenses by approaching film from opposite angles. Manovich believes that the modernization of filmmaking technology improves cinematic realism; while Bazin claims the exact opposite in that making even the slightest alteration to any film cell destroys what’s real. ManovichRead MoreThe Art Cinema As A Mode Of Film Essay948 Words   |  4 Pagesa Mode of Film’ in an effort to convey the main idea that â€Å"art cinema† can be considered as a distinct mode of film practice, through its definite historical existence alongside other cinematic modes, set of formal conventions, and implicit viewing procedures. Rather than searching for the source of the art, or what drives the art in film, Bordwell compares art cinema to the classical narrative cinema, and highlights the differences in narrative structure. Bordwell makes the assumption that it definedRead MoreArt Cinema As Institution, Screen, 22 ( 1981 )1597 Words   |  7 PagesNeale, S. (1981). Art cinema as institution, Screen, 22(1), 11-39. In Art Cinema as Institution, Steve Neale outlines the role of Art Cinema in the attempts made by various European countries both as a means to challenge ‘American domination of their indigenous markets in film† (p.11), and to further develop a film culture of their own. Neale theorises that a general pattern of the history of Art Cinema within the French, German and Italian film industries, follows an early period in which theRead MoreMetz Film Language a Semiotics of the Cinema PDF100902 Words   |  316 Pagesunfamiliar with the concepts and terms of semiotics. Excepting the inadequate translation of a few words which either cannot be translated into English or only approximately translated, few semantic and stylistic improvements are needed and the translation does justice to Metz s text. In some instances, usage did not adopt Michael Taylor s solution. The most glaring example of his innovative translation is the word significate now usually translated by signified (signifià © in French)—which is used throughout

Monday, December 23, 2019

Analysis Of George Orwell s The Great Gatsby Essay

Imagine your TV is always on and always watching your every move. Welcome to 1984. From now on you must be very careful what you think for you must always live in fear of committing a thought crime. Even one negative thought about Big Brother could force the Thought Police to erase you from existence or, as they say in Newspeak, to make you an unperson. This is the daily life of a citizen of George Orwell’s fictional country called Oceania. The residents of Oceania all deal with these struggles in different ways resulting in many types of characters. The hero, the villain, the sheep, the trickster and the works of propaganda are all characters that are an integral part of Oceania’s society, helping it to function the way it was designed. One personality that you don’t see much of in Oceania is the hero. In his book, Tillman (2011) says this about the hero â€Å"The hero is defined as someone who is very brave, selfless, and willing to help others no matter what the cost.† (p. 22). However, while the hero in 1984 is both brave and willing to help, their motivations would appear to be very self-centered. In 1984, Winston Smith is the hero who fights against the Party to gain the freedom he desires. While at first Winston only thinks about how the world was before the Party came into power his thoughts get more intense and turn into actions. Winston’s largest rebellious act was to have an intimate – non-Party sanctioned – relationship. The most ominous character in Oceania is theShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of George Orwell s The Great Gatsby 1277 Words   |  6 Pages 1984 is a novel with a huge amount of political in-depth meanings written by George Orwell. Although the future society that 1984 pictured implies a lot of connections with the Soviet Union during the reign of Stalin, indeed it projects the terrible aftereffects that autocracy in any kinds would bring. Orwell described the detailed life in the oceania which are extremely similar to the life in London after World War II: poverty, lack of supplies, food shortage, dirty street etc. butRead MoreAnalysis Of George Orwell s The Great Gatsby 984 Words   |  4 PagesDuring the 1930’s, the people of Great Britain had become increasingly aware of the class divisions, unemployment, and poverty that were plaguing their society. Because the mid-upper classes had little contact with those of the lower classes, and due to either negative or extremely exaggerated information about them, the mid-upper classes held certain prejudices against those of the lower classes. Orwell, who was a member of the middle class, had been raised with these negative prejudices but wasRead MoreAnalysis Of George Orwell s The Great Gatsby 1350 Words   |  6 Pages1984, George Orwell portrays the effects a government can have on their citizens if their powers are not restricted. The unlimited power a government has over its citizens can be defined as totalitarianism. In the effects of this type of government can be most clearly seen from the citizens in Oceania. The dictator referred to as â€Å"Big Brother† tells the citizens what to do, eat, and wear. A result of an oppression filled government can be seen through extreme emotions of their citizens. Orwell goesRead MoreAnalysis Of George Orwell s The Great Gatsby 1285 Words   |  6 PagesMr.Booth Period 6 English 12/3/14 Author Study of George Orwell George Orwell was a literary tactician who won two major awards because of hia advanced and intriguing use of propaganda. At first glance, his books appear to be stories about animals, however, they contain much deeper and influential meanings. Orwell is most recognized for his portrayal of dystopian societies and how they parallel present society. Through intense allegories, Orwell unintentionally crafted novels that are applicableRead MoreAnalysis Of George Orwell s The Great Gatsby 1868 Words   |  8 PagesBiography On June 25, 1903, George Orwell, originally named Eric Arthur Blair, was born. Born in Motihari, India, but moved to England with his mother, Ida and sister, Marjorie when he was one-year-old. Richard, his father was a British Civil Servant who stayed in India because he was stationed there. Growing up, Orwell did not see his father much until he retired in 1912. (Biography.com) When he was five years old, Orwell attended a parish school in Henley. A few years later, he received a partialRead MoreAnalysis Of George Orwell s The Great Gatsby 4085 Words   |  17 Pages(5) A. Quote: â€Å"It thrilled him with a vague uncertain horror, to know that behind the dusky shroud, there were ghostly eyes intently fixed upon him, while he, though he stretched his own to the utmost, could see nothing but a spectral hand and one great heap of black.† Device: Ominous Diction Purpose: By utilizing threatening and such evil choices of words, dickens’ attempts to set the right mood for the occasion so the audience will live the scene. Scrooge is an a dark room waiting for the next spiritRead MoreAnalysis Of George Orwell s The Great Gatsby 1633 Words   |  7 PagesSetting: an uninhabited tropical island in the Pacific Ocean, sometime around World War ll Major Conflicts: The boys are abandoned on the island with no adults to supervise them, and while some boys try to keep things in order, others simply want to convert to the savage lifestyle that they find exciting and like nothing they’ve experienced in England. A couple boys lose their lives in this intense struggle for survival while the need to be rescued becomes much more urgent. Major Characters andRead MoreAnalysis Of George Orwell s The Great Gatsby 1289 Words   |  6 PagesGeorge Orwell explores various kinds of betrayal in order to enhance the mood of solitude with the events leading up to the ultimate betrayal in 1984. The events that contribute to this is the Party s intolerance of betrayal to its ideology, individual betrayal of one another, hope for a love affair, and self-betrayal. The government uses treachery to manipulate numerous characters in order to expose someone’s genuine feelings. The structure of the society as being capitalists is well organizedRead MoreAnalysis Of George Orwell s The Great Gatsby 1370 Words   |  6 Pageswarning has great potential because this book was written during the rise of communism. Orwell has specifically warned us about the danger of a government having control over everything that happens in the state and he achieves this by using language in motifs and themes. To begin with, George Orwell definition of dystopia was meant as a warning to those of the modern era, specifically about the danger of all-powerful government, and he achieves this by using motifs. One of the many motifs Orwell uses throughoutRead MoreAnalysis Of George Orwell s The Great Gatsby Essay1529 Words   |  7 PagesWatching You† (Orwell 1). One may ponder the thought of living in a world where the powers that be controlled, every step one takes and every move one made. Image the control being so drastic that it controlled one’s telepathic thought. There have been many who envisioned the thought of government surveillance. One of these visionaries is George Orwell. Orwell implemented his warnings to private citizens of his era, about these dangers through fictional writing. On June 8, 1949, George Orwell published Analysis Of George Orwell s The Great Gatsby Essay Wake up Big Brother Is Watching You Big Brother Is Watching You† (Orwell 1). One may ponder the thought of living in a world where the powers that be controlled, every step one takes and every move one made. Image the control being so drastic that it controlled one’s telepathic thought. There have been many who envisioned the thought of government surveillance. One of these visionaries is George Orwell. Orwell implemented his warnings to private citizens of his era, about these dangers through fictional writing. On June 8, 1949, George Orwell published a book titled 1984 (Nineteen Eighty-Four) (GWB). In his book, Mr. Orwell effectively shapes the aspects of how the ramifications of World War II opened the doorway to a radical totalitarian government. Kairos comes from Orwell’s experiences during the historical rise of the totalitarian government. â€Å"The rise to power of dictators such as Adolf Hitler in Germany and Joseph Stalin in the Soviet Union inspired Orwell’s mounting hatred of totalitarianism and political authority† (SN). In his book, he designed and created characters that give an insight of the world he believed at a point would come true. Orwell painted a picture of deception, manipulation, torture, total control and love all in one. Giving the people of his era a warning to stop being so blind and take notice. Are privacy and individualism something you value, do you care. George Orwell is an English writer from Motihari India. He liked to focus on socialShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of George Orwell s The Great Gatsby 1277 Words   |  6 Pages 1984 is a novel with a huge amount of political in-depth meanings written by George Orwell. Although the future society that 1984 pictured implies a lot of connections with the Soviet Union during the reign of Stalin, indeed it projects the terrible aftereffects that autocracy in any kinds would bring. Orwell described the detailed life in the oceania which are extremely similar to the life in London after World War II: poverty, lack of supplies, food shortage, dirty street etc. butRead MoreAnalysis Of George Orwell s The Great Gatsby 984 Words   |  4 PagesDuring the 1930’s, the people of Great Britain had become increasingly aware of the class divisions, unemployment, and poverty that were plaguing their society. Because the mid-upper classes had little contact with those of the lower classes, and due to either negative or extremely exaggerated information about them, the mid-upper classes held certain prejudices against those of the lower classes. Orwell, who was a member of the middle class, had been raised with these negative prejudices but wasRead MoreAnalysis Of George Orwell s The Great Gatsby 1350 Words   |  6 Pages1984, George Orwell portrays the effects a government can have on their citizens if their powers are not restricted. The unlimited power a government has over its citizens can be defined as totalitarianism. In the effects of this type of government can be most clearly seen from the citizens in Oceania. The dictator referred to as â€Å"Big Brother† tells the citizens what to do, eat, and wear. A result of an oppression filled government can be seen through extreme emotions of their citizens. Orwell goesRead MoreAnalysis Of George Orwell s The Great Gatsby 1285 Words   |  6 PagesMr.Booth Period 6 English 12/3/14 Author Study of George Orwell George Orwell was a literary tactician who won two major awards because of hia advanced and intriguing use of propaganda. At first glance, his books appear to be stories about animals, however, they contain much deeper and influential meanings. Orwell is most recognized for his portrayal of dystopian societies and how they parallel present society. Through intense allegories, Orwell unintentionally crafted novels that are applicableRead MoreAnalysis Of George Orwell s The Great Gatsby 1868 Words   |  8 PagesBiography On June 25, 1903, George Orwell, originally named Eric Arthur Blair, was born. Born in Motihari, India, but moved to England with his mother, Ida and sister, Marjorie when he was one-year-old. Richard, his father was a British Civil Servant who stayed in India because he was stationed there. Growing up, Orwell did not see his father much until he retired in 1912. (Biography.com) When he was five years old, Orwell attended a parish school in Henley. A few years later, he received a partialRead MoreAnalysis Of George Orwell s The Great Gatsby 4085 Words   |  17 Pages(5) A. Quote: â€Å"It thrilled him with a vague uncertain horror, to know that behind the dusky shroud, there were ghostly eyes intently fixed upon him, while he, though he stretched his own to the utmost, could see nothing but a spectral hand and one great heap of black.† Device: Ominous Diction Purpose: By utilizing threatening and such evil choices of words, dickens’ attempts to set the right mood for the occasion so the audience will live the scene. Scrooge is an a dark room waiting for the next spiritRead MoreAnalysis Of George Orwell s The Great Gatsby 1633 Words   |  7 PagesSetting: an uninhabited tropical island in the Pacific Ocean, sometime around World War ll Major Conflicts: The boys are abandoned on the island with no adults to supervise them, and while some boys try to keep things in order, others simply want to convert to the savage lifestyle that they find exciting and like nothing they’ve experienced in England. A couple boys lose their lives in this intense struggle for survival while the need to be rescued becomes much more urgent. Major Characters andRead MoreAnalysis Of George Orwell s The Great Gatsby 1289 Words   |  6 PagesGeorge Orwell explores various kinds of betrayal in order to enhance the mood of solitude with the events leading up to the ultimate betrayal in 1984. The events that contribute to this is the Party s intolerance of betrayal to its ideology, individual betrayal of one another, hope for a love affair, and self-betrayal. The government uses treachery to manipulate numerous characters in order to expose someone’s genuine feelings. The structure of the society as being capitalists is well organizedRead MoreAnalysis Of George Orwell s The Great Gatsby 1370 Words   |  6 Pageswarning has great potential because this book was written during the rise of communism. Orwell has specifically warned us about the danger of a government having control over everything that happens in the state and he achieves this by using language in motifs and themes. To begin with, George Orwell definition of dystopia was meant as a warning to those of the modern era, specifically about the danger of all-powerful government, and he achieves this by using motifs. One of the many motifs Orwell uses throughoutRead MoreAnalysis Of George Orwell s The Great Gatsby 1531 Words   |  7 PagesGeorge Orwell once said, â€Å"Happiness can only exist in acceptance,† and this overall idea of acceptance would become a reoccurring theme in his literary work 1984. In 1984, Winston Smith, the protagonist, would team up with Julia, a fellow nonconformist, to fight the Party, and more specifically, Big Brother, all taking place in the continent of Oceania. Overall, the main concept of 1984 is the Party’s need to control every aspect of life, completed through the use of constant surveillance, fear,

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Constance Baker Motley A Biography Free Essays

Constance Baker Motley was born on September 14, 1921, in New Haven, Connecticut. She was the ninth of twelve children born to parents, whom emigrated from the island of Nevis in the West Indies. Her mother was Rachel Baker and she was a founder of the New Haven NAACP. We will write a custom essay sample on Constance Baker Motley: A Biography or any similar topic only for you Order Now Her father was Willoughby Alva Baker and he was a chef for student organizations at Yale University. At the age of fifteen, Constance joined the local NAACP were she was denied admission to a local skating rink and public beach. This is what sparked her interest in law and helped her pioneering career as a civil rights lawyer, lawmaker and judge (which spanned six decades) and was highlighted by numerous historic achievements, including the first African American elected to the New York Senate, the first black woman to hold the position of Manhattan Borough President, and the first African American woman appointed to serve as a federal district judge. Constance attended New Haven’s integrated public schools. By the age of 15, she decided that she wanted to be a lawyer because of all the active reading she was doing. She also attended Fisk University and then transferred to New York University, were she received a bachelor’s degree in economics. She was accepted at Columbia University Law School in 1944 and she went and graduated in 1946. In 1945, she became the law clerk for Thurgood Marshall, then became the chief counsel of the NAACP’S Legal Defense and their educational fund. Over the next 20 years, she did some hard work on some of the United States’ civil rights cases, including preparing the draft complaint in 1950, for what would later become Brown v. Board of Education. In the early 1960’s, Motley successfully argued for one thousand schoolchildren, who were expelled for demonstrating. She also represented a group called the â€Å"Freedom Fighters,† who rode interstate buses to test desegregation laws. From 1961 to 1964, Motley won nine of ten civil rights cases because she argued with the Supreme Court decision on every case. In the late 1960’s, Motley became interested in politics and by 1964, she had left the NAACP to become the first black woman to serve on the New York State Senate. In 1965, she became the first woman president of the Borough of Manhattan. She worked to decrease racial segregation in schools. In particular, she directed the campaign that resulted in James H. Meredith admission to the University of Mississippi. Later in 1966, President Johnson nominated Motley to the federal bench in Manhattan. Over the next 40 years. Motley handled civil rights cases such as, when she made the decision in 1978 allowing a girl to change in the New York Yankees’ locker room. During this time she was a big success to Dr. Martin Luther King and all the other civil rights activists. Her and King fought together so that the nation would be equal among citizens and there would not be anymore segregation. In 1982, Motley became the first female chief judge. Her style could be deceptive, often challenging a witness to get away with one lie after another. Judge Motley won cases that ended segregation in Memphis restaurants and white-only lunch counters in Birmingham, Alabama. Judge Constance Baker Motley was a tall, gracious and stately woman whose main goal was sometimes elusive: dignity for all people. Her personal approach was also dignified. As a black woman practicing law in the South, she endured gawking and more than a few physical threats. But through those trials and tribulations, she still remained positive and influenced others to do the same. Constance Baker Motley was a very famous person to remember. She did a lot of things to help young individuals. This lady changed society because she was the first to serve in high ranking categories, which gave the African American race a chance to follow in her footsteps or even go beyond that. Constance Baker Motley died of congestive heart failure on September 28, 2005, at the age of eighty-four years old. Although she had assumed senior status as a judge in 1986, handling a reduce caseload, she continued to work until her death. She was survived by her husband, Joel Wilson Motley, whom she married in 1949, and she had one son Joel Motley and several siblings. Constance Baker Motley played a vital role in today’s society because there are many people that will not be active in civil rights and the well-being of themselves and others. She will always be remembered of as one of the greatest women of lifetime history because she was positively influenced, which made her work be positive. This is a true role-model for people all across America to want to do something similar to what this woman did for the African American race. How to cite Constance Baker Motley: A Biography, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Clinical Psychology and Gerontology

Question: Write an essay on "Clinical Psychology and Gerontology". Answer: Introduction: Visual memory is the part of memory that preserves some of the characteristics of the senses including the visual experiences. Visual memory is an application of the immediate recall of the characteristics of some objects. Children with poor visual ability may undergo huge problems and may struggle with comprehension. These children may suffer from difficulties in remembering the words and recognize it (Boggio et al., 2012). The visual memory can be described as the visual processing which involves a development of the skills of the direct contact of the brain and the eye. The visual aspect interacts with the brain for the increment and utilization of the understanding power of the person. The most important aspect of the visual memory is that the children having a poor and unhealthy visual memory capacity may have problems in understanding words and memorizing the daily concepts of learning and other things of life (Appelbaum et al., 2013). Discussion: Visual memory: The visual processing is broken into two different parts, such as long-term and short-term. The long term of the visual memory is the phenomenon which refers to the ability to recall the memories. The main significance of the visual memory includes: spelling of familiar words and irregular may be involved; disorder in reading comprehension; due to lack of the visual memory people undergo disability of visual processing like the remembering of phone numbers, using calculators, etc. (Lachman et al., 2014). The factors that promote the visual memory skills are like: various media; copy patterns of beads and blocks, and other patterns of a mode. This may explain the factors which are involved in the potential learning of the people. The playing of memory games enhances the visual memory. For example, the objects and pictures which are involved in the process would initiate the activities which promote the visual memory of the people. The reinforcement of the written instructions in association with the verbal instructions is both from schools and home. The three types of visual memory include the- (Ahmadi et al., 2013). Iconic memory; Visual short-term memory; and Visual long-term memory. Iconic memory: The iconic memory is a type of visual memory which includes the registration of the visual domain. This undergoes decaying of the visual domain which consists with the visual information and the component of the visual memory systems. The iconic memory includes the Sperling. The Sperling is the upper limit of the visual memory. The people were having the details of the visual representation and enhance the stimulus which gets disappeared at a fraction of the time. The iconic memories are more fragile, it undergoes rapid decaying, and are unable to acquire in a maintained way (Ahmadi et al., 2013). Sperling experiment: In the year of 1960, George Sperling suggested and experimental protocol which possesses with the design to demonstrate the existences of the visual sensory memory. The experiment highlights the principle to visualize the letters and the objects on the computer screen, and the participants would read the objects for memorization. However, few were able to identify the respectable objects and therefore are enlisted in the positive report of the experiment. The results of this experiments suggested that the human visual system which is capable of acquiring the information even in the exposure. The result includes the part of Sperling as suggested, and it also includes that the prompt memories of the letters are vital for the participants of the experiment (Van Den Berg et al., 2012). Visual short term memory: Visual short-term memory or the VSTM is a memory system which stores the data of the information for a few spans of time. The Visual short-term memory was first proposed by Alan Baddeley. Therefore, it involves in the utilization of the memory in the ongoing cognitive tasks. Compared to the iconic memory, the Visual short term memory is much long lasting and possesses more durability. It may be referred to the nonpermanent storage of the visual memory. This type of visual memory highlighting describes the robustness to the consecutive stimulus and the last over maintenance of many seconds. The main drawback of the Visual short-term memory includes the low capacity of retaining the visual memory, therefore, named as the short term memory. This type of visual memory can be used for the storing of the visual objects which may not be memorized for a long time. The memories which are not a part of the long-term memory and are not important therefore if may be utilized and involved in the Visual short-term memory. The time required for the Visual short term memory is approximately 20 to 50 minutes per item. Several tough efforts were being incorporated in the process of the Visual short-term memory, and this describes the utility capability limits of the Visual short-term memory. The Visual short-term memory includes two characteristics, which are split by the short interval and the observer of the task. The task observer decides if the first array and the second array are identical, or it also decides the items which undergo a differentiation across the two displays. Several theoretical models have been incorporated in the study of the Visual short term memory and also the VSTM storage. It includes a differentiation between the active areas of the research. The theoretical model includes the Slot model and the Noise model (Walsh et al., 2014). Function of the Visual short term memory: The Visual short term memory is functional as the enhancement for the temporary information storage at the time of the process of the naturally working jobs and the tasks which are more naturally occurring in the daily visual memory. It includes the bridge in the sensory gaps enhanced by the eye movements. The visual input includes the rich and a brief glimpse of the outputs. The basic functioning of the Visual short-term memory includes the integration and the information across the eye movements (Shimi et al., 2014). Visual long-term memory: The detailed memory of the storage is included in the visual long term memory. The present studies which are explore in the facts and the researches of the visual long-term memory include the categories that support the capacity of the storage of the visual memory for a long period. Thus, name as visual long term memory. The performances of the memory are high and generally remained extensively high in demonstrating large memory capacities. However in some stipulated cases, the performances of the visual long term memory are decreased, primarily when the visual long term memory undergoes a decrease in the categorical interface. The human brain can store large numbers of object, picture, events, word, often in only single exposure (Zimmermann et al., 2014). Functions of visual long-term memory: It is known that with the help of the mechanisms the novel visual representations are stored in the visual long term memory. This is the permanent storage of the visual object which is related to the normal visual abilities and visual properties. The unlimited capacity of the brain of a human being includes in the capacity of the brain to retain the memories in the visual long term memory. The storage is included with the semantic, visual and temporal forms of the visual long term memory. The information which is stored in the long-term memory holds individual importance so that the visual memories are kept in the brain in a permanent form. The structural changes which are involved in the new proteins synthesis in the brain are also included in the visual long term memory. The visual objects which are processed with the visual long term memory are stored in a long term and the permanent way so that the process does not erase from the human brain (Luck et al., 2013). The differences b etween the short term and the long term memory include that the short-term memories are the temporary and short time oriented memories, whereas the long-term memories include the permanent storage of the visual memories in the brain for a long period. The main factor which is involved in the visual long term memory is when a person visions about 70% of the visual capacity includes the line art, which is simplified images consisting of mere lines and are still easily recognizable (Kunda et al., 2013). Conclusions: Therefore, it may be concluded that the visual memory is differentiated in different categories including the iconic visual memory, the visual short-term memory and the visual long term memory. These different styles of the visual memory include different factors nd characteristics in storage of the visual properties of a human brain. The iconic visual memory includes the recognition of the shapes; and often the characteristics on the basis of the shapes of the visual object. The visual object involves the color too. The other two types of the visual memories include the time included in the respective visual memory. The visual short-term memory refers to the storage of the memory for a short span, and the visual long-term memory refers the storage of the visual properties for permanent and for a long period. These differentiates visual memories are the basic characteristics of the visual memories which utilize the visual properties and confers them to the internal storage properties of the human brain. Speaking, visual noise and other physical, visual properties consist with the recognizing capacity to restore the information within the brain. References: Ahmadi, N., Goodarzi, M. A., Hadianfard, H., Mohamadi, N., Farid, D., Kholasehzadeh, G., ... Hemyari, C. (2013). Comparing Iconic Memory in Children with and without Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.Iranian journal of psychiatry,8(3), 131-7. Appelbaum, L. G., Cain, M. S., Darling, E. F., Mitroff, S. R. (2013). Action video game playing is associated with improved visual sensitivity, but not alterations in visual sensory memory.Attention, Perception, Psychophysics,75(6), 1161-1167. Boggio, P. S., Ferrucci, R., Mameli, F., Martins, D., Martins, O., Vergari, M., ... Priori, A. (2012). Prolonged visual memory enhancement after direct current stimulation in Alzheimer's disease.Brain stimulation,5(3), 223-230. Bonelli, S. B., Yogarajah, M., Powell, R., Thompson, P. J., Samson, R., Symms, M., ... duncan, j. s. (2014). verbal and visual memory function in temporal lobe epilepsy: results of a blocked vs. event-related analysis. Bonelli, S., Thompson, P., Yogarajah, M., Powell, R., Samson, R., McEvoy, A., ... Duncan, J. (2013). 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