Friday, December 6, 2019

Clinical Psychology and Gerontology

Question: Write an essay on "Clinical Psychology and Gerontology". Answer: Introduction: Visual memory is the part of memory that preserves some of the characteristics of the senses including the visual experiences. Visual memory is an application of the immediate recall of the characteristics of some objects. Children with poor visual ability may undergo huge problems and may struggle with comprehension. These children may suffer from difficulties in remembering the words and recognize it (Boggio et al., 2012). The visual memory can be described as the visual processing which involves a development of the skills of the direct contact of the brain and the eye. The visual aspect interacts with the brain for the increment and utilization of the understanding power of the person. The most important aspect of the visual memory is that the children having a poor and unhealthy visual memory capacity may have problems in understanding words and memorizing the daily concepts of learning and other things of life (Appelbaum et al., 2013). Discussion: Visual memory: The visual processing is broken into two different parts, such as long-term and short-term. The long term of the visual memory is the phenomenon which refers to the ability to recall the memories. The main significance of the visual memory includes: spelling of familiar words and irregular may be involved; disorder in reading comprehension; due to lack of the visual memory people undergo disability of visual processing like the remembering of phone numbers, using calculators, etc. (Lachman et al., 2014). The factors that promote the visual memory skills are like: various media; copy patterns of beads and blocks, and other patterns of a mode. This may explain the factors which are involved in the potential learning of the people. The playing of memory games enhances the visual memory. For example, the objects and pictures which are involved in the process would initiate the activities which promote the visual memory of the people. The reinforcement of the written instructions in association with the verbal instructions is both from schools and home. The three types of visual memory include the- (Ahmadi et al., 2013). Iconic memory; Visual short-term memory; and Visual long-term memory. Iconic memory: The iconic memory is a type of visual memory which includes the registration of the visual domain. This undergoes decaying of the visual domain which consists with the visual information and the component of the visual memory systems. The iconic memory includes the Sperling. The Sperling is the upper limit of the visual memory. The people were having the details of the visual representation and enhance the stimulus which gets disappeared at a fraction of the time. The iconic memories are more fragile, it undergoes rapid decaying, and are unable to acquire in a maintained way (Ahmadi et al., 2013). Sperling experiment: In the year of 1960, George Sperling suggested and experimental protocol which possesses with the design to demonstrate the existences of the visual sensory memory. The experiment highlights the principle to visualize the letters and the objects on the computer screen, and the participants would read the objects for memorization. However, few were able to identify the respectable objects and therefore are enlisted in the positive report of the experiment. The results of this experiments suggested that the human visual system which is capable of acquiring the information even in the exposure. The result includes the part of Sperling as suggested, and it also includes that the prompt memories of the letters are vital for the participants of the experiment (Van Den Berg et al., 2012). Visual short term memory: Visual short-term memory or the VSTM is a memory system which stores the data of the information for a few spans of time. The Visual short-term memory was first proposed by Alan Baddeley. Therefore, it involves in the utilization of the memory in the ongoing cognitive tasks. Compared to the iconic memory, the Visual short term memory is much long lasting and possesses more durability. It may be referred to the nonpermanent storage of the visual memory. This type of visual memory highlighting describes the robustness to the consecutive stimulus and the last over maintenance of many seconds. The main drawback of the Visual short-term memory includes the low capacity of retaining the visual memory, therefore, named as the short term memory. This type of visual memory can be used for the storing of the visual objects which may not be memorized for a long time. The memories which are not a part of the long-term memory and are not important therefore if may be utilized and involved in the Visual short-term memory. The time required for the Visual short term memory is approximately 20 to 50 minutes per item. Several tough efforts were being incorporated in the process of the Visual short-term memory, and this describes the utility capability limits of the Visual short-term memory. The Visual short-term memory includes two characteristics, which are split by the short interval and the observer of the task. The task observer decides if the first array and the second array are identical, or it also decides the items which undergo a differentiation across the two displays. Several theoretical models have been incorporated in the study of the Visual short term memory and also the VSTM storage. It includes a differentiation between the active areas of the research. The theoretical model includes the Slot model and the Noise model (Walsh et al., 2014). Function of the Visual short term memory: The Visual short term memory is functional as the enhancement for the temporary information storage at the time of the process of the naturally working jobs and the tasks which are more naturally occurring in the daily visual memory. It includes the bridge in the sensory gaps enhanced by the eye movements. The visual input includes the rich and a brief glimpse of the outputs. The basic functioning of the Visual short-term memory includes the integration and the information across the eye movements (Shimi et al., 2014). Visual long-term memory: The detailed memory of the storage is included in the visual long term memory. The present studies which are explore in the facts and the researches of the visual long-term memory include the categories that support the capacity of the storage of the visual memory for a long period. Thus, name as visual long term memory. The performances of the memory are high and generally remained extensively high in demonstrating large memory capacities. However in some stipulated cases, the performances of the visual long term memory are decreased, primarily when the visual long term memory undergoes a decrease in the categorical interface. The human brain can store large numbers of object, picture, events, word, often in only single exposure (Zimmermann et al., 2014). Functions of visual long-term memory: It is known that with the help of the mechanisms the novel visual representations are stored in the visual long term memory. This is the permanent storage of the visual object which is related to the normal visual abilities and visual properties. The unlimited capacity of the brain of a human being includes in the capacity of the brain to retain the memories in the visual long term memory. The storage is included with the semantic, visual and temporal forms of the visual long term memory. The information which is stored in the long-term memory holds individual importance so that the visual memories are kept in the brain in a permanent form. The structural changes which are involved in the new proteins synthesis in the brain are also included in the visual long term memory. The visual objects which are processed with the visual long term memory are stored in a long term and the permanent way so that the process does not erase from the human brain (Luck et al., 2013). The differences b etween the short term and the long term memory include that the short-term memories are the temporary and short time oriented memories, whereas the long-term memories include the permanent storage of the visual memories in the brain for a long period. The main factor which is involved in the visual long term memory is when a person visions about 70% of the visual capacity includes the line art, which is simplified images consisting of mere lines and are still easily recognizable (Kunda et al., 2013). Conclusions: Therefore, it may be concluded that the visual memory is differentiated in different categories including the iconic visual memory, the visual short-term memory and the visual long term memory. These different styles of the visual memory include different factors nd characteristics in storage of the visual properties of a human brain. The iconic visual memory includes the recognition of the shapes; and often the characteristics on the basis of the shapes of the visual object. The visual object involves the color too. The other two types of the visual memories include the time included in the respective visual memory. The visual short-term memory refers to the storage of the memory for a short span, and the visual long-term memory refers the storage of the visual properties for permanent and for a long period. These differentiates visual memories are the basic characteristics of the visual memories which utilize the visual properties and confers them to the internal storage properties of the human brain. Speaking, visual noise and other physical, visual properties consist with the recognizing capacity to restore the information within the brain. References: Ahmadi, N., Goodarzi, M. A., Hadianfard, H., Mohamadi, N., Farid, D., Kholasehzadeh, G., ... Hemyari, C. (2013). Comparing Iconic Memory in Children with and without Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.Iranian journal of psychiatry,8(3), 131-7. Appelbaum, L. G., Cain, M. S., Darling, E. F., Mitroff, S. R. (2013). Action video game playing is associated with improved visual sensitivity, but not alterations in visual sensory memory.Attention, Perception, Psychophysics,75(6), 1161-1167. Boggio, P. S., Ferrucci, R., Mameli, F., Martins, D., Martins, O., Vergari, M., ... Priori, A. (2012). Prolonged visual memory enhancement after direct current stimulation in Alzheimer's disease.Brain stimulation,5(3), 223-230. Bonelli, S. B., Yogarajah, M., Powell, R., Thompson, P. J., Samson, R., Symms, M., ... duncan, j. s. (2014). verbal and visual memory function in temporal lobe epilepsy: results of a blocked vs. event-related analysis. Bonelli, S., Thompson, P., Yogarajah, M., Powell, R., Samson, R., McEvoy, A., ... Duncan, J. (2013). 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