Thursday, October 31, 2019

Leadership & Effective Communication (MANAGEMENT) - Case Study Assignment

Leadership & Effective Communication (MANAGEMENT) - Case Study - Assignment Example Maslow’s hierarchy is a theory that is greatly used in the present work employment. The hierarchy is based on the fundamental needs of human beings. The main principle is that of tending to pay attention to the lowest needs while ignoring the highest one when faced with a problem. The hierarchy designed by Abraham Maslow in 1943 looks like a triangle with the first four basic needs or deficit needs; physiological, safety, love and esteem, needs related to self growth; cognitive, aesthetic and self-actualization (McLeod 2007). Shark’s old boss failed to meet one of the basic needs that highly motivate employees which is esteem. Shark says that most employers only value their stores and employees are just but a number that can be replaced at anytime. This de-motivates a person not to put in effort needed for the company to be successful. The other related need that Shark’s old boss did not give is job safety, a person who is only taken as a number does not view his work as being safe but fears to loose it anytime. The other need that Shark felt was not met is love. Love was not shown as they were only used without being heard and they were taken as numbers. The reason why Shark’s old boss did not meet these basic needs was; due to lack of respect to his employees and only considered his business to be important. The missing needs can be met by valuing employee and appreciating their personal input to a business. The boss should have respect and form a habit of listening to them, hence development of employer-employee rapport that will improve the esteem and make each person feel that their job is safe. Most junior employees are creative and have ideas that can take a business to the next level, they should be listened to and ideas adopted if they are for the good of the company. Equity theory of motivation states an employee relates output to input to be equal. An employee expects to be rewarded for putting in more effort to deliver. He

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Ocean of information Essay Example for Free

Ocean of information Essay Information seeking skills are needed whenever there is a search for new information. With the advent of the internet there is suddenly a lot of information available at the click of a mouse and yet, one needs to have some knowledge and skills to obtain the relevant information from the vast ocean of information on the internet. When it comes to searching on the internet, there are many search tools available: search engines, subject directories / virtual libraries, invisible (deep) web databases, Meta search engines, etc (Barker, 2007). Search engines such as Googleâ„ ¢, AlltheWeb, MSN, Teoma, AltaVista and Wisent provide specific information (Bazac, 2006). Metasearch engines such as ez2Find, Division, Info Grid, Info NetWare, boogie, etc can be used when searching for a unique search term, or in-depth information on a particular subject (Bazac, 2006). Web directories such as Googleâ„ ¢ Directory, Open Directory Project (ODP), Yahoo! Zeal, JoeAnt and Gimpsy provide general information on popular topics, and scholarly information is best got from virtual libraries such as Librarians Index to the Internet, INFOMINE, and Internet Public Library (Bazac, 2006). Real time information is best obtained through deep web which are specialized databases (MU, 2007). Examples of excellent invisible web databases are Profusion, Invisible-web. net, Complete Planet, Resource Discovery Network and direct search (Moore, 2007). Robert Muldrow Cooper Library, attached to the Clemson University, is known for its automated information retrieval system, the Clemson facilities (CU, 2007). Numerous periodical indexes are housed on-line and available for automated searching. The collections deal mainly with agriculture, natural and physical sciences, economics and technology. Many of the databases that include full text of many articles are available for access through the internet. There are many links to web indexes, search engines, and tips on searching and evaluating sources (CU, 2007). The essential steps in an internet-based search strategy are having a focus, identifying and understanding the key concepts of the topic, finding alternative terms for these concepts and identifying the place for searching and this includes synonyms, plural/singular forms, spelling variations, variations of root words and acronyms (MU, 2007). If the initial information is too little or too much, the search terms should be modified. A search may be broadened by any of the following steps: reducing the number of concepts, using an OR search, looking for alternative terms, using more general search terms, using subject headings as search terms or using alternate spellings. On the other hand, a search may be narrowed by using an AND or NOT search, looking for more specific alternative terms, using subject headings as search terms, or using more precise terms (MU, 2007). Journal websites that can provide full text articles for nursing students and professionals include NursingCenter, Medscape, Hardin MD and Online Journals (Research Medical Library). CINAHL sources provide links to websites of interest to various journals of interest to nursing and allied professions (CINAHL, 2007). CINAHL stands for Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature. Other important websites for nursing information include Medscape, Toxline and AIDSLINE, Journal of Nursing Management, NursingCenter, and The American Journal of Nursing (AJN). The AJN site allows one to find articles from more than 50 trusted nursing journals, including AJN and Nursing2007. Registration is free (AJN, 2007). Thus, the internet is a treasure trove of information for the searcher with the right set of searching skills. Bibliography: CINAHL (2007). http://www. cinahl. com/csources/csources. htm Barker, Joe (2007). Finding Information on the Internet: A Tutorial. http://www. lib. berkeley. edu/TeachingLib/Guides/Internet/FindInfo. html MU (Monash University) (2007). Library Online Tutorials.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Nonverbal Communication A Universal Language English Language Essay

Nonverbal Communication A Universal Language English Language Essay Nonverbal communication is the way we talk, without talking, and whether it is realized or not, every human being in the world speaks this language. Non-verbal communication is an accent to the verbal part of language, and can be done in various ways. Although every person in the world expresses him/herself with nonverbal communication, it does not mean every person in the world speaks the same language. This paper will focus on several aspects of nonverbal communication that can be found throughout the world, and comparing those looks, gestures, body positioning and appearances with those typically found in North American. Appearance As previously mentioned, nonverbal communication is typically thought of as how an individual may look at others or gesture with their body, but generally speaking, the first form of non-verbal communication being projected, and subsequently translated, is that of an individuals overall appearance. Deciphering an individuals wardrobe is typically based upon previous experiences with individuals who have been dressed in a similar fashion. For example, while walking through a mall, one encounters a tall, lanky, high school teenage boy. His hair is black and brushed across his eyes. His complexion is pale, he is wearing very dark, baggy clothes in addition to dark eyeliner and heavy, metal face jewelry. Based upon someones previous experiences with this type of individual, they may immediately translate his appearance to mean, keep away from me; I dont want to talk with anyone and I am not your friend. However, another individual may have had different experiences with individuals dressed in this manner, and may be deciphering the non-verbal communication as, Im confused à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ I dont know where I am going à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ I need help. A persons previous experiences, may either cause an individual to avoid the teenager by either ducking into a random store or walk past quickly, while directing their to the floor, or contrariwise, look at the boy and smile, offering silent encouragement. It is unknown at this point whether or not this is an individual to be avoided or someone to be helped. Therefore, past experiences can have an impact on how one may perceive others, simply based upon how they are dressed. Understanding the different opinions that can arise from such a simple example as the boy in the mall, one might ask, Should we judge a book by its cover? The young man may actually have modified his appearance because he felt it made him look more attractive. He may have watched the Twilight movie series and felt this to be the way he should dress in order to attract the opposite sex. If this is the case, then we can expect to find similar appearance-altering practices in other cultures. Appearance-Altering Cultures As with the young man in the mall, there are many examples of appearance-altering behaviors in other cultures that may seem unusual or even bizarre to those in the United States (U.S.). Like the U.S., the appearance alterations performed within other cultures may be perceived as beautiful and possibly an indication of social status. A good example is that of foot binding in China, also known as Lotus Feet. Foot binding has been done for thousands of years in China, thought to be a means of keeping women from abandoning husbands and family. Binding begins with a baby girl, conforming her foot muscles and bones to be able to fit in very tiny shoes. Though the feet may appear small and delicate, the womans ability to walk is greatly inhibited and leads to medical complications later in life. This practice is still done in some parts of China today, and is thought to depict wealth and a delicate demeanor. Other examples of beauty include the Mangbettu women of Africa who have their heads very tightly wrapped during childhood, thereby elongating the skull; the Mayans who would strap boards on each side of childrens heads so that their skulls would be flattened; and finally, the Burmese women, whom put one-inch thick rings around their necks to make them longer. Based upon preconceived notions, cultural norms and possibly ignorance, it can be easy for individuals to misunderstand the non-verbal communication of appearance. It may not always be easy for people to remember that what may be foreign to those in the U.S. is another cultures normal. Gestures Almost everyone knows the story of President George H. W. Bush in Australia, in which he intended to make what is known as the peace sign in the U.S., toward people gathered to protest his visit. Unfortunately, he made the gesture the wrong way causing great furor in the Australian tabloids. Now this case was a simple mistake, but none-the-less a mistake. Gestures are not something to be taken lightly; the wrong signal at the wrong time, directed toward individuals of a different culture, could get you into some big trouble in a handful of countries. Gestures are the accent to verbal communication. Due to the fact that one wrong gesture could hurt you, I will give various examples of gestures from different cultures. I will describe their action and then their meaning compared to North American translation. In Ethiopia there are two gestures for silence. A woman will put one finger to her mouth when directing silence to a child, but will put four fingers to her mouth when directing silence to an adult. Four fingers are used towards adults because one finger is disrespectful. Another one-finger act is that of tapping the forefinger to the side of the nose. In some cultures, it signals secrecy or confidentiality. But in the United Kingdom, Holland, and Austria, if the tap is on the front of the nose it quite frankly means, Mind your own business. The OK gesture, it means okay right? In America and England, yes, but, in Japan it means money. In Latin American and France it is an insult, most commonly known as flipping the bird. In Australia it means Zero, and in Germany it may mean either a job well done or, an offensive insult, depending on which region you visit. In Turkey, if someone directs the OK sign at you, they are referring to you as a homosexual! The next gesture is one that is relatively familiar, the V for victory sign. In the U.S., the victory symbol was expressed by raising the index and middle finger in the form of V and bending the third and fourth finger to touch the tip of the thumb. This symbol was popularized by Richard Nixon in America. The V sign is considered rude in Italy and if you are showing the outside of your hand, then it is a form insult, which is established in Great Britain, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand (Sengupta 2010). To beckon someone, is to signal them to come towards you. In America the beckoning signal is the palm up with all of the fingers together except the index finger. You then begin to make a curling motion with your index finger towards you. In China, Korea, Taiwan, Japan, and in the Philippines, that particular motion is used only for animals. In these countries, the beckoning signal is placing your palm downward and curls the fingers in a scratching motion towards your body. The crossed-finger gesture, (good luck in America) has several other meanings. In Turkey when the crossed fingers are directed to an individual it is the breaking of a friendship. In other cultures it is used to seal/swear an oath to someone. Each of these gestures we recognize and fully understand the gain, and consequences of their actions. But what we have learned is that little, to none of our gestures meant the same in any other cultures. Conclusion Nonverbal communication can be a tricky language to decipher. It is expressed in the way a person appears (dresses) and various body gestures. How this nonverbal communication is interpreted is generally based upon an individuals past experiences and cultural norms. Therefore, it is good advice for anyone seeking to make their livelihood as a communicator in a global marketplace, that they not only understand the nonverbal communication nuances of their own culture, but to educate themselves in the nonverbal forms of communication of other cultures.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Planet of the Apes Essay -- essays research papers

Planet of the Apes When Planet of the Apes opened in theaters, few people knew what to expect. To most, the idea of a movie with the premise of a planet full of intelligent apes went against everything they had been taught. The initial attraction was the superb cast, spearheaded by Charlton Heston who portrays Taylor, an astronaut who crashes onto the planet. Heston was joined by many popular actors and actress such as, Roddy McDowell as Cornelius, Maurice Evans as Dr. Zaius and Kim Hunter as Zira. Though the cast may have been the initial draw, the content is what has made the movie Planet of the Apes a classic that will continue to be enjoyed for generations to come. The movie Planet of the Apes deals with a great number of issues that come up in everyday societal life. If one looks closely at the story, it is very easy to realize that Planet of the Apes is not at all about apes, but truly about mankind. It is a story about the human condition, and the way humans interact with their natural environment. It is a story about the dangers of religion, and even more powerfully a warning about the dangers of a politically active church. Planet of the Apes is a political allegory. From the beginning to the end of the film, the viewer is shown a picture of a world ruled by a heavy handed government, and led by apes that represent the church and state alike. The main character that is an example of this is Dr. Zaius, â€Å"Chief Prosecutor and Defender of the Faith,† who rules both nat... Planet of the Apes Essay -- essays research papers Planet of the Apes When Planet of the Apes opened in theaters, few people knew what to expect. To most, the idea of a movie with the premise of a planet full of intelligent apes went against everything they had been taught. The initial attraction was the superb cast, spearheaded by Charlton Heston who portrays Taylor, an astronaut who crashes onto the planet. Heston was joined by many popular actors and actress such as, Roddy McDowell as Cornelius, Maurice Evans as Dr. Zaius and Kim Hunter as Zira. Though the cast may have been the initial draw, the content is what has made the movie Planet of the Apes a classic that will continue to be enjoyed for generations to come. The movie Planet of the Apes deals with a great number of issues that come up in everyday societal life. If one looks closely at the story, it is very easy to realize that Planet of the Apes is not at all about apes, but truly about mankind. It is a story about the human condition, and the way humans interact with their natural environment. It is a story about the dangers of religion, and even more powerfully a warning about the dangers of a politically active church. Planet of the Apes is a political allegory. From the beginning to the end of the film, the viewer is shown a picture of a world ruled by a heavy handed government, and led by apes that represent the church and state alike. The main character that is an example of this is Dr. Zaius, â€Å"Chief Prosecutor and Defender of the Faith,† who rules both nat...

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Futures contract

A formal treatment of this issue is provided by Easily, O'Hara, and Carnivals (1998), who allow the participation of informed traders in the option market to be decided endogenously in an equilibrium framework. In their model, informed investors choose to a â€Å"pooling quill? Trade in both the option and the stock market? In barium†? When the leverage implicit in options is large, when the liquidity in the stock market is low, or when the overall fraction of informed traders is high. Our main empirical result directly tests whether the stock and option market are in he pooling equilibrium of Easily, O'Hara, and Carnivals (1998).Using option trades that are initiated by buyers to open new positions, we form put-call ratios to examine the predictability of option trading for future stock price movements. We find predictability that is strong in both magnitude and statistical significance. For our 1990 through 2001 sample period, stocks with positive option signals (I. E. , tho se with lowest quintile put-call ratios) outperform those with negative option signals (I. E. , those with highest quintile put-call ratios) by over 40 basis points per day and 1% per eek on a risk-adjusted basis.When the stock returns are tracked for several weeks, the level of predictability gradually dies out, indicating that the information contained in the option volume eventually gets incorporated into the underlying stock prices. Although our main empirical result clearly documents that there is informed trading in the option market, it does not necessarily imply that there is any market inefficiency, because the option volume used in not our main test? Which is initiated by buyers to open new positions? Is publicly observable. Indeed, information-based models [e. , Glisten and Milord (1985); Easily, O'Hara, and Carnivals (1998)] imply that prices adjust at once to the public information contained in the trading process but may adjust slowly to the private information possess ed by informed traders. As a result, the predictability captured in our main test may well correspond to the process of stock prices gradually adjusting to the private component of information in option trading. Motivated by the differing theoretical predictions about the speed at which prices adjust to public versus private information, we explore the predictability of publicly errors nonpublic observable option volume. For Journal that 25, example, July 2002,the Wholesaler reported theChicagoBoardOptions was â€Å"unusual activity† options shares Whet, pharmaceuticals investigating trading in Madison, which tactical based increase trading volume earlier NJ, giant superintendence's month. Option occurred before release a government bathe study peptic days American Medical Association documented a heightened abreast risk heart cancer, coronary of the who disease, strokes, bloodspots women had benefiting Whitey's hormone-replacement drug years. Preemptor many 872 innovation De limitation Following previous empirical studies in this area [e. . , Easily, O'Hara, and Carnivals (1998); Chain, Chunk, and Font (2002)], we use the Lee and Ready (1991) algorithm to back out buyer-initiated put and call option volume from publicly observable trade and quote records from the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CUBE). We find that the resulting publicly observable option signals are able to predict stock returns for only the next one or two trade days. Moreover, the stock prices subsequently reverse which raises the question of whether the predictability from the public signal is a manifestation of rice pressure rather than informed trading.In a abbreviate analysis which includes both the public and the nonpublic signals, the nonpublic signal has the same pattern of information-based predict? Ability as when it is used alone, but there is no predictability at all from the public signal. This set of findings underscores the important distinction between public and nonpub lic signals and their respective roles in price discovery. Further, the weak predictability exhibited by the public signal suggests that the economic source of our main result is valuable private information in the option volume rather than an inefficiency across the stock and option market.Central to all information-based models is the roles of informed and uninformed traders. In particular, the concentration of informed traders is a key variable in such models with important implications for the innovativeness of trading volume. Using the PIN variable proposed by Easily, Kefir, and O'Hara (1997) and Easily, Heavier, and O'Hara (2002) as a measure of the prevalence of informed traders, we investigate how the predictability from option volume varies across underlying stocks with efferent concentrations of informed traders.We find a higher level of predictability from the option signals of stocks with a higher prevalence of informed traders. 2 Although the theoretical models define i nformed and uninformed trap? Deer strictly in terms of information sets, we can speculate outside of the models about who the informed and uninformed traders might be. Our data set is unique in that in addition to recording whether the initiator of volume is a buyer or a seller opening or closing a position, it also identifies the investor class of the initiator. We find that option signals from investors who trade through full-service brokerage houses discount brokerage houses.Given that the option volume from felicities brokerages includes that from hedge funds, this result is hardly surprising. It is interesting, however, that the option signals from firm proprietary traders contain no information at all about future stock price † Given stocks PIN smaller could driven the that be stocks, result higher artistically by fact there higher from stocks. Show that is notches. Len this signals smaller predictability option PIN result remains size. Intact controlling after particula r, 73 studies n 3 2006 movements.In the framework of the information-based models, this result suggests market primarily for hedging purposes. Finally, a unique feature of the MultiMate stock and option setting is the availability of securities with differing leverage. Black (1975) asserted that leverage is the key variable which determines whether informed investors choose to trade in the option market, and Easily, O'Hara, and Carnivals (1998) demonstrated that under a natural set of assumptions this is indeed the case. Motivated by these considerations, we investigate how the predictability documented n our main test varies across option con? Races with differing degrees of leverage. We find that option signals constructed from deep out-of-the-money (TOM) options, which are highly leveraged contracts, exhibit the greatest level of predictability, whereas the signals from contracts with low leverage provide very little, if any, predictability. 3 The rest of the article is organized as follows. In Section 1, we synthesize the existing theory literature and empirical findings and develop empirical specifications. We detail the data in Section 2, present the results in Section 3, and conclude in Section . 1.Option Volume and Stock Prices 1. 1 Theory The theoretical motivation for our study is provided by the voluminous literature that addresses the issue of how information gets incorporated into asset prices. In this subsection, we review the theoretical literature with a focus on insights that are directly relevant for our empirical study. In particular, we concentrate on the linkage between information genre? Dated by the trading process and the information on the underlying asset value, the role of public versus private information, and the process of price adjustment. 4The issue of how information gets incorporated into asset prices is central to all information-based models. Although specific modeling approaches differ, information gets incorporated into se curity prices as a result of the trading behavior of informed and uninformed traders. In the sequential trade model of Glisten and Milord (1985),

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Sewing Machines Believed to Contain Red Mercury

Sewing Machines Believed to Contain Red Mercury Do you have an old Singer sewing machine? If so, it may be worth $50,000. BBC is reporting on a sewing machine hoax in Saudia Arabia in which people are rushing to buy old Singer sewing machines based on the belief that they might contain red mercury. No one knows for sure where the rumor started, much less the more curious rumor that you can hold your mobile phone up to a sewing machine to somehow detect the presence of red mercury. The story goes you will lose your signal if you hold your phone up to the needle of a sewing machine that contains red mercury. What Is Red Mercury? Its a fabled substance that might be used to produce nuclear weapons, ward off evil spirits, or help you find treasure, depending on who you ask. There is no real proof that red mercury exists, except perhaps as cinnabar or vermillion (HgS) or mercury(II) iodide, either of which you can purchase sans sewing machine for a much lower price. Still, if you have your old Singer up for auction at eBay, it might fetch a higher price than you were expecting. If youre considering buying an old Singer, save your pennies until after the scam has run its course.

Monday, October 21, 2019

My Mother essays

My Mother essays The first thing that comes to mind when I think of my mother is her ability to reason. For as long as I can remember, my brother and I have fought. Im not talking about physically fighting, although weve had our share of those, im talking about the he stole my toy, or more recently, Its my turn to take the car out. When a situation like this arises, she is the first to step in and sort matters out. It seems like she always finds a compromise in the mess of arguing. My mother spent the first fourteen years of my life at home taking care of me and my younger brother. A typical house wife, she could cook and clean and pretty much do anything that needed to be done around the house. I was finally old enough to stay at home by myself when this stage of her life was complete. She then started taking night classes at S.I.U.E. to learn how to become a teacher. She has had a place in her heart for secondary education for as long as I can remember. Maybe it was due to the fact that she had spent the last 14 years of her life with me and my brother...maybe not. None the less, she was finally doing something to quench her passion. The teaching certificate came in the mail shortly after she earned her bachelors degree in special education. I was under the impression that teaching would take away her time from me. I was used to her being there when I came home after school to make me a snack, or talk about how my day went the instant I walked through the door. My hypothesis was of course wrong. With me playing basketball until later on in the day, and her staying busy at the middle school, we just had to spend time with each other later on in the day. This was really no problem to anyone though. Since I have moved to Carbondale, things have been a little different. We dont get to see each other every day, but we still stay in touch quite often. Th...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Free Essays on Satire

A Day In The Life A Satire of Teenage Life in America? One morning, Dana woke up and felt fat. Fat and ugly. Now, it's a given that at six in the morning, no one feels too hot about themselves, but this was a feeling that often stuck with Dana throughout the day. She knew she wasn't fat, per se, but she thought she could stand to lose a few pounds, or perhaps place those pounds elsewhere on her body. She sighed, and then heaved herself out of bed. As she walked to the bathroom, she caught a drowsy glimpse of her messy floor. There were magazines all over the place, with pictures of models whose daily regimen was three reps of sticking their finger down their throat. Dana took special care to step on the face of a particularly bright-smiled, empty-stomached young woman who was poised on the hood of a sports car, wearing a precariously short dress that could have been airbrushed on. Her face crumpled upon impact, much like the flashy red car would if it were driven into a brick wall. The bathroom door was locked. Normally, this w! ould be a good thing, but this time she was on the wrong side of the door. She knocked, and she heard her brother's voice come muffled through the door. "What?" he said. ‘What are you doing in there?" Dana asked. "What do you THINK I'm doing in here?" her brother replied. "Well, either you had way too much to drink last night, or you're taking a shower," Dana retorted. There was no response from his brother. She hoped he had slipped on the tub floor and been knocked out upon his encounter with the tile. "Hello?" she called, "I need to use the bathroom! I need to get ready for school!" "It's my turn! You were supposed to get up an hour ago!" Apparently her brother was conscious, after all. "An hour ago?! What the hell are you talking about? It's six! Did the earth rotate a bit faster this morning or something?" Dana had no idea what her brother was talking about. "Apparently, Dana, you forgot abo... Free Essays on Satire Free Essays on Satire A Day In The Life A Satire of Teenage Life in America? One morning, Dana woke up and felt fat. Fat and ugly. Now, it's a given that at six in the morning, no one feels too hot about themselves, but this was a feeling that often stuck with Dana throughout the day. She knew she wasn't fat, per se, but she thought she could stand to lose a few pounds, or perhaps place those pounds elsewhere on her body. She sighed, and then heaved herself out of bed. As she walked to the bathroom, she caught a drowsy glimpse of her messy floor. There were magazines all over the place, with pictures of models whose daily regimen was three reps of sticking their finger down their throat. Dana took special care to step on the face of a particularly bright-smiled, empty-stomached young woman who was poised on the hood of a sports car, wearing a precariously short dress that could have been airbrushed on. Her face crumpled upon impact, much like the flashy red car would if it were driven into a brick wall. The bathroom door was locked. Normally, this w! ould be a good thing, but this time she was on the wrong side of the door. She knocked, and she heard her brother's voice come muffled through the door. "What?" he said. ‘What are you doing in there?" Dana asked. "What do you THINK I'm doing in here?" her brother replied. "Well, either you had way too much to drink last night, or you're taking a shower," Dana retorted. There was no response from his brother. She hoped he had slipped on the tub floor and been knocked out upon his encounter with the tile. "Hello?" she called, "I need to use the bathroom! I need to get ready for school!" "It's my turn! You were supposed to get up an hour ago!" Apparently her brother was conscious, after all. "An hour ago?! What the hell are you talking about? It's six! Did the earth rotate a bit faster this morning or something?" Dana had no idea what her brother was talking about. "Apparently, Dana, you forgot abo... Free Essays on Satire Satire Essay Satire is everywhere. There is an incredibly big amount of satire that goes on that people don’t think about. In the movie â€Å"16 Candles,† there is plenty of perfect examples of satire. Three easy, but very common, examples of satire given in the movie are having your true first crush. Secondly passing notes during class about dull things that are going on. Finally looking up the higher grades, the â€Å"Greats.† Foremost, having your first crush in high school is a very big event in a students life. It makes one do some very brainless actions. Most of the time, the person that you have a crush on will not go out with you, or even talk to you. Therefore, it makes doors to act as dim-witted as possible. Some examples of dim-witted actions include calling the person and hanging up when they say â€Å"Hello,† also writing anonymous love letters and putting them in their locker. That is just few of the most common actions when having a crush. Of course people take those actions to farther extents (They are called stalkers!). Next, the note passing during class. This is a major event that gets satirized very often. Some people, 99% girls, decide to take it upon themselves to write notes to each other about gossip, also about crushes and such things that can not be talked about. A good portion of the time the note gets caught by the teacher and there is a massive quantity of embarrassment. Therefore, passing notes during class is very childish but students in high school still do it. Last but not least, being a freshman is tough. The body is starting to grow into the new person who will some day take over. But the process is tough because there are upper-classmen. Upper-classmen make everything hard for freshmen because of their good looks and their great shaped body because of lifting weights, or the size of the bra, or size of hips. As a result, lower-classmen look up to the higher grades thinkin... Free Essays on Satire Webster’s Dictionary says that satire is â€Å"the use of ridicule and sarcasms to attack vices, follies, ect.† Using that definition, I think that all the Pilgrims in the Canterbury Tales have some sort of satire in them to some extent. Some are more subtle and some are more extreme and noticeable than others. The Knight is one of the pilgrims that Chaucer used more subtle satire with in the Prologue. The first way satire is used in the Prologue is with the Knights character. Chaucer wanted to present a realistic knight, but he also wanted to give that knight some very real and obvious flaws on the way that knights were viewed in the 14th century. Chaucer described the realistic knight in the beginning of the Prologue as a â€Å"worthy man†¦Truth and honor, freedom and courtesy, full worthy was he in his Lord’s war†¦and honored for his worthiness.† This puts the reader at ease and makes the knight look somewhat noble in the beginning. Toward the end of the Prologue of the Knight Chaucer begins to describe the Knight in a less than honorable way writing that â€Å"†¦he was not gaily dressed†¦ stained and dark with smudges†¦Ã¢â‚¬  A knight is someone who is always viewed in bright shining armor and Chaucer describes this knight as being sloppy. When reading the Prologue you notice two different voices. In the Knights case the first voice is that of the narrator who is a naà ¯ve person that is ready to see good no matter how dirty or dishonorable the Knight is. The second voice is that of Chaucer. He is more worldly and sarcastic. It’s this voice that puts the satire in Canterbury Tales. Satire is used very well and effectively through out Canterbury Tales. The perfect knight was always clean, courteous, and honorable without fault. Chaucer used satire to describe a knight that is definitely not ideal. He may be courteous but he isn’t clean by evidence of the dirtiness of his clothing....

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Dug Legalization in America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Dug Legalization in America - Essay Example Users who cause no harm to others are incarcerated which not only ruins their professional and private lives but overcrowds the prison system which allows the early release of violent criminals. It has been said that trying to stop drugs is like trying to stop the rain, still, the ‘war’ continues as a prominent issue. Over half of the prisoners in jail are there for drug ‘crimes.’ This causes overcrowding which results in the early release of dangerous, violent criminals. It is illogical from a societal view and inhumane to individuals who are marked as a criminal for life for activity that causes no harm to others. Those who are addicted receive little or no therapeutic help in prison. Instead of imprisoning people that need help, rehabilitation programs are a much more effective method to treat the problem but a rehabilitation system will not succeed if drugs continue to be illegal.   Drug abusers will hardly seek help from the same government that tosses them in jail for the same thing. The hypocrisy of the drug war is apparent. All illegal drugs combined account for about 4,500 deaths in this country per year while tobacco is responsible for the deaths of 400,000 people annually and alcohol ends 80,000 people’s lives every year. (Fu, 2006) Legislators will not ban smoking because they indicate regulation regarding what adults do in privacy including what they can put into their bodies is clearly unconstitutional and an infringement on personal liberties.   Everyone can differentiate the distinction between a person that takes in an occasional alcoholic beverage and one who commits crimes while drunk.   Why can’t this simplistic reasoning be applied to drug users? Our code of law is founded upon a principle of presumptive rationality.   Rational adults should be allowed to make personal choices as long as those actions cause no harm to others.   The U.S. government is unequivocally unjustified in choosing this particular

Friday, October 18, 2019

My life sounds like Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

My life sounds like - Essay Example The words in the song encourage me to do what I desire, and what contributes positively to the advancement of humanity. The words that insist that every second count because second chances do not exist inspire me. More to these, the song highlights about forgiving your enemies, which helps me keep from holding grudges in life, and aim at living at peace with all people. Being concerned about the well being of the less fortunate in society forms a significant part of my life. Consequently, Michael Jackson inspires me to participate, continually, in activities that promote the lives of the less fortunate. The song insists on caring for the entire human race, through such acts as giving. It also strengthens my unity values as it teaches me to look at the world as a place that should be filled with peace. Therefore, the song helps me to reach out to the needy around me, and help them live a better life. Switchfoot’s song â€Å"Dare you to move† keeps me going when I face hu rdles in my life. Whenever I experience failure, and thoughts of despair crowd my mind, the words â€Å"I dare you to lift yourself up off the floor† encourage me to keep on trying, no matter how difficult the situation may get. In my academics, for example, I am motivated to keep on working hard as the song teaches me that being strong makes a difference between where I am today, and where I could be tomorrow. The song increases my determination to face the tensions in all areas of life with an unfailing spirit.

Cost Effectiveness for Smoking Cessation Assignment

Cost Effectiveness for Smoking Cessation - Assignment Example This relatively new (it was invented in China, 2003) device fully reproduces the process of smoking. Moreover, it is not harmful and helps to give up a bad habit. Although smoking cessation by means of electronic cigarettes seems to be a good method, a lot of people do not want to try this. It happens because there is a myth that these cigarettes are too expensive and it is better to buy something else in this case. This statement does not face real situation. That is why it is necessary to investigate the cost effectiveness and peculiarities of electronic cigarettes. The research concerning the problem under analysis was conducted by means of the following methods: 1) An anonymous Internet-based and cross-sectional survey. It took place among the first-time purchasers of electronic cigarettes. 2) Interviewing of people who smoke 3) The systematization and analysis of the information received in the process of investigation. 4) Anonymous interrogation. As for the results of my resear ch, there happened to be more men than women in the study. Thus, there were 71.5 percent of men and 28.5 percent of women. The majority of people asked had been smoking for six or even more years. The first group composed approximately 81.1 percent. It should be noted that a lot of people participating in the investigation tried to give up smoking several times (64.7 percent), but nothing helped them and there seemed to be no way out of this situation. Below are the details concerning demographic information, smoking characteristics and reduction of tobacco use after electronic cigarette use. Table 1. Demographic Information Variable N (%) Gender of the participants Male 153 (71.5) Female 61 (28.5) Age of the participants 19-24 41 (19.1) 24-44 114 (53) 45-64 48 (22.2) Over than 65 12 (5.7) Table 2. Smoking Characteristics Variable N (%) Years smoked or smoking history Less than 5 32 (14.8) 5-15 77 (35.5) 16-30 67 (30.9) More than 30 41 (18.8) The number of previous attempts to quit 0 16 (7.8) 1-2 59 (27.3) 3-5 90 (42) More than 5 59 (22.8) Table 3. Cessation or Reduction of Tobacco Use after Electronic Cigarettes use Variable N (%) Reported reducing nicotine use Yes 106 (49.2) No 109 (51) Reduced amount of tobacco cigarettes per day after electronic cigarette use Yes 143 (66.7) No 71 (33.1) Quit or abstained for a period of time Yes 105 (48.9) No 109 (52) It is seen from the tables listed above that more than the half of the participants (about two thirds) noticed positive results after the use of electronic cigarettes. They noted that the desire to smoke was decreased by means of this device. These people started smoking nicotine cigarettes more rarely than usual. Approximately the half of the participants stated that they had given up smoking for a short period of time after buying electronic cigarettes. It should be stressed that more than thirty percent of respondents were not smoking at the six-month point. The relation of electronic cigarettes to six-mon th smoking status is demonstrated in the table below. Table 4. The Relation of Electronic Cigarettes to Six-Month Smoking Status Use Pattern % of not smoking respondents Total. Smoking status at six-month point (n=217) 31 (24.8, 37.3) The number of times applied per day No current electronic cigarette dose (n=98) 26.7 (17.9, 35.7) Less than 5(n=50) 28.0 (15.4, 40.6) 5-10 (n=31) 35.5 (18.3, 52.7) 11-15 (n=16) 31.3 (6.2, 60.4) 16-20 (n=12) 33.2 (6.3, 60.4) More than 20 (n=10) 70.1

What Problems do UEL Student Expect to have in their Future Essay

What Problems do UEL Student Expect to have in their Future Professional Careers and what are their plan to over come it - Essay Example It will gather data from UEL student and analyse it in more depth. The above question analyses two parts of the research. The first part analyses the data generated from the small scale. The second part includes a personal development plan showing how and to what extent studying for the degree has been beneficial to me as a student. The reason for this is because by being in the corporate market students will be capable to link their responsibilities at work with what they will be learn during their degree course. Today’s technology is significantly changing the way Universities teach and how students learn. There are great possibilities for the academic institutions with change in equipping graduates in competing in knowledge economy. Witte &Steijn (245–264.) describes that; students who want to do Master studies should have work experience before doing so. Dale et al.(1998) shows the other reason is that working before taking on degree builds student’s self con fidence and determination for them to take up the studies in order to improve their working skills. In certain areas of work, using a more practical approach and having acquired work experience enables one to have a competitive edge in the job market. Andrea (2010) shows having a working experience is necessary because it is true that some skills may never be taught in a classroom but are acquired though working experience. Methodology In my research I have decided to choose interview and questionnaire. Questionnaires method is one of the most popular concepts of conducting research because it’s easily filled and straightforward. However interview is more complex to analysis as it’s challenging to code and produce graph and chart to display the results. This type of method focuses on conversation between both the interviewee and the interviewer. (Rosemary 2009) quantitative questionnaire and qualitative interview research are the selected data collection methods. The d ifference between both methods is information to be collected in-depth and the other generated statistics. The questionnaire was simple and it started with few closed questions. The questionnaire was designed in a simplistic fashion. It consists of multiple questions in order to reflect the main aspects, which are; retrieving the demographics and the prospect of student aspect, the problems student would encounter in the future and finally plans and measures student would undertake to improve the chance of employability and reduce risks. The questionnaire was given out to student in my seminar and also in the library of UEL. To analyse the data gathered from the questionnaire will be coded and inputted into Microsoft Excel (Kothari 2001). Consequently the data will be integrated into graphs, tables and charts in order to assess and compare against each other. Interview was conducted after the quantitative data collection in order to gain more qualitative insight the issue. The inter view process was subjected to trial to prevent any issue up rising. In order to exclude this, a passive interview method was executed. One to one method of research will be conducted where both interview and the interviewee exclusively focus on the topic being researched (Kahn and Cannel, 1957). The interview was conducted at the same manner as the questionnaire. The reason for using this method is because it’s informal, it also takes less time to process data and it is flexible to use. Holliday (2007) puts it that this method is also effective as there is no moderation or control of data collection environment. Interview is also effective as it provided interactive features if the interviewer had appropriate technology. Personal interaction with the respondent is also beneficial as they feel more relaxed and candid to

Thursday, October 17, 2019

How staff motivation can be improved by effective leadership and Essay

How staff motivation can be improved by effective leadership and management - Essay Example This style is also known as authoritarian style .It is one in which involves retention of full authority by the leader. Leader decides, decision is passed on to subordinates, instructions about the implementation of decisions are given and the subordinates are expected to do what the leader has told them to do. The employees have to obey the supervisors without receiving any explanations. â€Å"The motivation environment is produced by creating a structured set of rewards and punishments† (Styles of leadership, 2002). The advantage of this style is that the tasks are efficiently completed, since there is no opportunity for the time consuming two way communications between the employees and the supervisors. The autocratic styles are useful in the case of new untrained employees who need detailed orders and instructions to perform. There are some workers who prefers autocratic leader since they feel secure under his or her leadership. In such cases productivity and morale of the workers tend to be high. The report analyses the various implications of autocratic leadership under different heads. The impact of autocratic leadership styles in different kinds of organizational setup is being analyzed in this portion. The autocratic leadership has a lot of problems associated with it. The primary problem is that workers are made aware of what to do but not why. This may lead to low employee morale and higher turn over. The autocratic leadership style cannot be used in some situations. In the case of employees become tense and fearful, and depend more on their supervisors to take decisions, the production volume is high and the time is limited to take a decision. In such situations if this style of leadership is used the employees do not feel secure and they cannot adjust with the situation. They don’t get motivation, therefore their confidence decreases. This will increase the employee turn over. This also creates low employee morale in the

Issues in financial management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Issues in financial management - Essay Example So firms make effort to keep their share price high, otherwise some other firm might be able to acquire a huge number of their shares and be successful in a hostile takeover (Metafilter) . A hostile takeover will result in the current management being dissolved by the company taking over. Progressive companies are always looking for new projects and opportunities, and to pursue them capital is an essential ingredient. Companies want to raise the price of their stock for future issues of stock (Investopedia). So in future when companies raise capital through stocks, they receive large amounts of premium; moreover even when it borrows, firms charge less interest on credible debtors, so it also helps in raising funds cheaply. Companies are concerned about their market capitalization; it refers to the size or worth of a business enterprise and can be calculated by multiplying the current market price with the number of shares outstanding. If the worth of the company falls, investors will be less interested in it and the company will lose its status (Henneman). Employee stock option/ownership is again a strong motivation for raising share price value for management. Employee stock options are a form of non-cash benefit that gives an employee the right to buy the company’s share at a particular price at a future date (Balsam, Chen and Sankaraguruswamy). So management puts an effort to raise the share value above that value to take benefit of this option. Moreover the management raises the stock price to please their stockholders and to maximize their value. The reason is that the shareholders elect the board of directors which elects the CEO. So the CEO has to please the board which then wants to please shareholders to get re-elected. Share price represents a number of aspects of a company. These aspects include company management, business’s current and future earnings and net assets, goodwill in the market, future outlook, credibility etc. The present

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

What Problems do UEL Student Expect to have in their Future Essay

What Problems do UEL Student Expect to have in their Future Professional Careers and what are their plan to over come it - Essay Example It will gather data from UEL student and analyse it in more depth. The above question analyses two parts of the research. The first part analyses the data generated from the small scale. The second part includes a personal development plan showing how and to what extent studying for the degree has been beneficial to me as a student. The reason for this is because by being in the corporate market students will be capable to link their responsibilities at work with what they will be learn during their degree course. Today’s technology is significantly changing the way Universities teach and how students learn. There are great possibilities for the academic institutions with change in equipping graduates in competing in knowledge economy. Witte &Steijn (245–264.) describes that; students who want to do Master studies should have work experience before doing so. Dale et al.(1998) shows the other reason is that working before taking on degree builds student’s self con fidence and determination for them to take up the studies in order to improve their working skills. In certain areas of work, using a more practical approach and having acquired work experience enables one to have a competitive edge in the job market. Andrea (2010) shows having a working experience is necessary because it is true that some skills may never be taught in a classroom but are acquired though working experience. Methodology In my research I have decided to choose interview and questionnaire. Questionnaires method is one of the most popular concepts of conducting research because it’s easily filled and straightforward. However interview is more complex to analysis as it’s challenging to code and produce graph and chart to display the results. This type of method focuses on conversation between both the interviewee and the interviewer. (Rosemary 2009) quantitative questionnaire and qualitative interview research are the selected data collection methods. The d ifference between both methods is information to be collected in-depth and the other generated statistics. The questionnaire was simple and it started with few closed questions. The questionnaire was designed in a simplistic fashion. It consists of multiple questions in order to reflect the main aspects, which are; retrieving the demographics and the prospect of student aspect, the problems student would encounter in the future and finally plans and measures student would undertake to improve the chance of employability and reduce risks. The questionnaire was given out to student in my seminar and also in the library of UEL. To analyse the data gathered from the questionnaire will be coded and inputted into Microsoft Excel (Kothari 2001). Consequently the data will be integrated into graphs, tables and charts in order to assess and compare against each other. Interview was conducted after the quantitative data collection in order to gain more qualitative insight the issue. The inter view process was subjected to trial to prevent any issue up rising. In order to exclude this, a passive interview method was executed. One to one method of research will be conducted where both interview and the interviewee exclusively focus on the topic being researched (Kahn and Cannel, 1957). The interview was conducted at the same manner as the questionnaire. The reason for using this method is because it’s informal, it also takes less time to process data and it is flexible to use. Holliday (2007) puts it that this method is also effective as there is no moderation or control of data collection environment. Interview is also effective as it provided interactive features if the interviewer had appropriate technology. Personal interaction with the respondent is also beneficial as they feel more relaxed and candid to

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Issues in financial management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Issues in financial management - Essay Example So firms make effort to keep their share price high, otherwise some other firm might be able to acquire a huge number of their shares and be successful in a hostile takeover (Metafilter) . A hostile takeover will result in the current management being dissolved by the company taking over. Progressive companies are always looking for new projects and opportunities, and to pursue them capital is an essential ingredient. Companies want to raise the price of their stock for future issues of stock (Investopedia). So in future when companies raise capital through stocks, they receive large amounts of premium; moreover even when it borrows, firms charge less interest on credible debtors, so it also helps in raising funds cheaply. Companies are concerned about their market capitalization; it refers to the size or worth of a business enterprise and can be calculated by multiplying the current market price with the number of shares outstanding. If the worth of the company falls, investors will be less interested in it and the company will lose its status (Henneman). Employee stock option/ownership is again a strong motivation for raising share price value for management. Employee stock options are a form of non-cash benefit that gives an employee the right to buy the company’s share at a particular price at a future date (Balsam, Chen and Sankaraguruswamy). So management puts an effort to raise the share value above that value to take benefit of this option. Moreover the management raises the stock price to please their stockholders and to maximize their value. The reason is that the shareholders elect the board of directors which elects the CEO. So the CEO has to please the board which then wants to please shareholders to get re-elected. Share price represents a number of aspects of a company. These aspects include company management, business’s current and future earnings and net assets, goodwill in the market, future outlook, credibility etc. The present

Liberal Reforms Essay Example for Free

Liberal Reforms Essay By the early twentieth century the Liberal Government was worried that Britain’s military capability and general military power was not as strong and it once was. Therefore, the Government’s concern over national security definitely influenced the decision for the reforms. However, there are three main factors that also need to be taken into account when deciding if concern over national security was the real reason for the reforms: the Social reasons, concerns for Britain’s Empire and the Political motive. The Social reasons played a large part in persuading the Liberals to reform. The detailed reports of Booth and Rowntree, and the evidence which was brought to light, highlighted that nearly a 1/3 of Britain’s population lived in poverty. This needed to be addressed by the Government. In addition, criticisms of the Poor Law effectively put pressure on the Liberals. The Boer War shone light on the ineffective and malnourished British Army. Britain’s embarrassing performance and recruitment in the War raised concerns over Britain’s overall military capability and the general health of Britain’s populace. In addition to this, the Liberal Government was concerned that Britain was losing its status as a major industrial power. Political motives for reform include the changing attitudes within the party, New Liberalism, the fear of the ever increasing popularity of the Labour Party and the party advantage which the Liberals would have received from introducing reform. In 1899, Britain became involved in a war, known as the Boer War, in South Africa, which was part of the British Empire at that time. As a result of Britain having a relatively small army, volunteer recruits were needed to increase the army size. However, the British Government became alarmed when almost 25% of the volunteers were rejected because there were physically unfit to serve in the armed forces. This figure was even higher among volunteers from the industrial cities. Politicians and the public alike began to ask if Britain could survive a war, or protect its empire against a far stronger enemy than the South African Boers, if the nation’s fighting stock of young men were so unhealthy. The national reforms introduced a variety of bills which would hopefully solve this problem. The 1906 Bill was passed, allowing local authorities to provide school meals to children. In 1914 this was extended to becoming compulsory to offer school meals. This bill meant that poorer children, who previously could not afford a proper nutritious meal, were now receiving regular, healthy food. This would hopefully improve the health of Britain’s army as in the long term, the children who would eventually make up Britain’s army, would be nourished, fit and able to serve their country. The 1907 Bill made the medical inspection of schools compulsory. Doctors had to the Board of Education on their findings which resulted in the introduction of the 1912 bill which saw to the establishment of school clinics. The improved lifestyle and eating habits of Britain’s youngsters, combined with the introduction of medial inspections for them were the result of the Liberal reforms. Therefore, the Liberals concern over national security played a major role in achieving reform which would effectively benefit the country as a whole. However, there are still other reasons which influenced the Government’s choice to reform. Through the Poor Law of 1845 (1834 in England), local rate-payers provided â€Å"poor relief† for destitute people. This help was often provided in a poorhouse. Conditions in these poorhouses were designed to be very harsh indeed. Conditions in poorhouses were extremely harsh because it was to deter people who were just lazy and thought of the poorhouses as the â€Å"easy option†. Glasgow had three poorhouses: One in the city centre, Barhill in Springburn and Govan. The percentage of the public relying on the Poor Law relief, by 1900, was 2. 5%. This may seem very little but this figure does not represent the number of people in Britain who were in poverty. Destitute people who accepted help from the Poor Law became â€Å"paupers† and automatically lost many civil rights such as the right to vote. By 1900 many critics of the Poor Law believed that it failed to deal with poverty adequately. In addition to criticism of the Poor Law, the evidence discovered from both Booth and Rowntree’s studies concluded that there was a large percentage of Britain’s population living in poverty. Charles Booth, a London businessman who doubted the claims of socialist that a quarter of the population lived in extreme poverty. Working with a team of researchers from 1886-1903, Booth’s work was based on hard, statistical facts, and not opinion. His book, â€Å"The Life and Labour of the people of London†, consisting of 17 volumes, showed that 25% of London’s population lived in extreme poverty. Much more than the socialists claimed. The second investigation into poverty was carried out by Seebohm Rowntree, in the city of York. After two years of research, he published a book in 1901 which showed that almost 30% of York’s population lived in extreme poverty. If York had such poverty problems as a â€Å"typical English city† then as did other cities in Britain. The reports of Booth and Rowntree produced solid evidence to suggest that sections of society-regardless of hard work- would never pull themselves out of poverty. The reports showed poverty to have causes and the cities were beyond the individual efforts of the poor. The concept of â€Å"deserving poor†, an ideal created by Rowntree, was important and took root, becoming an important theme of the Liberal Reforms. Finally, evidence which suggested that the scale of poverty in Britain was much larger than the figure of 2. 5% suggested by Poor Law Records, indicated to politicians that the Poor Law was not working. When the Liberals came to power they had a majority of 400. In the elections in 1910 this majority dropped to 2. The Labour Party threatened the Liberals hold onto power. Labour promised pensions, action against unemployment and other welfare reforms. Following voting reform from 1980 the majority of voters were working class. Liberals worried that Labour would win working class support and threaten the position of the Liberals. In 1900, the Labour Party formed with 2 seats in parliament, by the 1905 election, Labour had increased this to 29 sears. It was becoming more increasingly aware that the Labour Party was a direct threat to the Liberals. In 1907 the Liberals lost 2 ‘safe’ seats in Jarrow and Colne Valley to Labour. David Lloyd George recognised the need for welfare reforms for political survival and to maintain working class support. In addition to the fear of the Labour Party, the Liberals also faced the problem of trade unionism and radical socialism. Radical Socialism called for the destruction of capitalism. From 1910-14, there was a wave of miners’ and dockers’ strikes. Liberals realised welfare reforms could prevent political unrest. Historians argue that the sudden increase in the Labour Party’s popularity and the problems the Liberals faced regarding trade unionism and radical socialism persuaded the Liberals to introduce pensions the next year, and furthermore, encourage the Liberals to reform. Before 1905, many Liberals believed in ‘Lassiez-faire’. However, new groups in the party believed that it was the duty of the Government to take action to help Britain’s poorer citizens. This group was called â€Å"new liberals†. It included David Lloyd George and Winston Churchill. Churchill aimed â€Å"to draw a line below which we will not allow people to live and labour. † The Liberals, wanted to help the deserving poor out of social conscience but they recognised the political advantages it could bring too. The Labour Party was offering such reforms that would bring them political success. This could be soon through their increased popularity. Therefore it is likely that the Liberals reformed due to the pressure put on them by the ideal of New Liberalism. In conclusion, the Liberal reforms came about as the result of many influences from both different areas of the Government and the public. On one hand, the embarrassing performance by the British army in South Africa and the lack of able volunteers to increase Britain’s army’s capability was definitely a main influence why the Liberals introduced the reforms when they did. On the other hand however, the evidence brought to light by Rowntree and Booth cannot be disregarded as not being an influence to the introduction of these reforms. In addition, other factors such as the Liberal’s fear of losing votes to the new Labour Party and the political readiness to pass reforms influenced by new ideas about New Liberalism made the reforms a more pressing necessity. Overall, it cannot be seen that concern over national security was the only reason for the Liberal reforms, as there were other influences which encouraged the Governments decision.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Piagets Theory Of Cognitive Development

Piagets Theory Of Cognitive Development Jean Piaget was a Swiss development psychologist who was known for his work on epistemological studies. He is known for his major theory in the area of cognitive development. Cognitive development is a field of studies that emphasised on the neuroscience and psychology aspects of an individual. Development can be seen as process that takes part in every living human starting from bodily level up to cognitive level. The Websters Dictionary defines development as the series of changes which an organism undergoes in passing from an embryonic state to maturity. It is continuous process of expanding or becoming more advance in pursuit of new purposes. Cognitive best can be described as a process involved thinking, acquisition and storage of knowledge at the mental level of a brain. According to Piaget theory, our thinking process changes radically, because we constantly strive to make sense of the world through our senses, perception and experiences in life. (Woolfolk, 2011) According to Khanna (20l0), development in wider context is a progressive change to a greater maturity supported by physiological capacities and psychological capabilities. These changes can be further subcategorised into physical, emotional and intellectual. There are few general principles of development that occurs in all normal individuals. Development occurs at different rates in different individuals. This can be seen quite clearly during the infancy stage. There are cases where some babies start walking later that the expected age of 12 months. This normally can be seen in male babies and I personally can vouch for this statement as my own son; Pratham started walking only when he was 14 months old. Development is a continuous process. Development is continuous process as a child acquired new skills, these skills are added to the pre existence skills in a child and there is no stopping for further acquisition of skills as the child grows. This finding is best describes by the developmental stages theory of Piagets. During sensorimotor stage, a child learns by touching, association and imitation. This phenomenon can be seen clearly when a child repeats patterns in his play such as putting or taking an objects inside or outside a containers. This finding is further supported from a research that was done by Arnold Cath (2003) on a child named Harry. Development occurs in sequence of predictable and orderly stages. It is a known fact that human life is divided into few predicable and orderly stages which is expected of every normal individual in social settings. Robert Havighurst, an American educationalist introduced developmental tasks that characterise six development life stages from infancy and early childhood to later maturity. Another interesting theory of development was coined by Erik Erikson, popularly knows as Psychosocial Development. The main element of his theory emphasis psychosocial process, that development is subject to internal psychological factors and external social factors. This theory looks at eight stages of human life also knows as eight ages of man. According to Sugarman (2004), Erikson theory centre specific issues to resolve by an individual at given stage before moving to the higher stages per below table. Approximate age Issues centre around Important Event in Life 0 1 year Trust Feeding 1 6 years Autonomy Toilet training 6 10 years Purpose Independence 10 14 years Competence School 14 20 years Identity Peer relationship 20 35 years Intimacy Love relationship 35 65 years Generativity Parenting/Mentoring 65 years above Integrity Reflection and acceptance of ones life Development is influenced by heredity Each of us begin life at the moment of conception and hereditary traits are passed from parent to offspring through strings of microscopically small particles knows as genes. Therefore we are different from each other and development of individual is contributed largely by hereditary. According to Blackburn (2000), hereditary traits are transmitted by dominant genes over the weaker ones; an example of a disease that can be transmitted through hereditary is Diabetes. Development is influence by environment There is no denying; environment plays a very big role in human development process. Environment in this context covers social setting, cultural setting and language setting. Vygotskys believed that human activities take place in cultural settings and has a great influence on cognitive development. Vytosky assumed that cultural development appears twice, first on social level (interpsychological) and later on individual level (intrapsychological). For example an Indian child who is born in United States will have different perspective of things compare to an Indian child born in India due to differences in culture and social settings. Indeed, Piagets theory of cognitive development to certain extent has helped teachers to design or tailor made teaching materials to suit learners level of cognitive development but there are others factors too determine effectiveness of learning such as students readiness or motivation level. Piaget proposed theory can be divided into four stages: Sensorimotor, Preoperational, Concrete operational and Formal operational. Piaget emphasised more of the biological maturation of cognitive abilities for each stages. In order for us to understand better, Piaget stage development theory, we need to look closely at changes that happen in various stages proposed by Piaget. Sensorimotor stage The earliest period is called the sensorimotor and begins from birth to two years old. According to Richardson K (2010), infants enter the world with set of simple coordination which we called reflexes. One example of this is the sucking reflex when a child nurses from the mother. Later, when the infant is growing up, his reflex actions will be translated to goal-directed actions through several repetition activities. At this stage, a child develops object permanence, the understanding that objects exist whether they perceive them or not. During this time also, a child learns through imitation from his pre-exist surrounding. Preoperational stage This second stage of the theory is known as the preoperational stage spanning from the period of two to seven years old. According to Axelrod (1999), children are able to manipulate environment symbolically through inner representation by using word, gestures, images and signs. There is drastic development in language and thinking skills. Piaget believed at this stage a child is moving toward mastery but has not fully mastered the mental operations. Another unique characteristics developed during this stage is Egocentrism. The concept of egocentrism means children see the world from their viewpoint and not able to consider other peoples viewpoint. Concrete Operational stage This stage spans from the age of seven to eleven years old. At this age, a child has developed mental operations that allowed them to see and treat the physical world in logical and systematic order. A child at this age is able to provide justification by mastering conservation. According to Mitchell (2004), Piaget had indentified three important operations in conservation process: i) Compensation: Changes in one direction can be compensated by changes in another direction. ii) Identity: If nothing is taken away or added, the material remains the same. iii) Inversion: If the entire process is reversed, the quantity of the materials remains the same. At this point, a child is able making an orderly and sequential arrangement of an object based on size, weight or volume. This process is known as seriation which enable a child to construct logical series such as arranging object from small to large or vice-versa. Formal Operation stage This is the last stage of Piagets developmental theory. This stage ranges from eleven years to adulthood. According to Mitchell (2004) formal as used by Piaget mean well-mannered etiquette. Children at this stage, capable of systematic reasoning about things which take hypothetical form without having to see concrete objects. Students at this level are able to solve science experiments such as the pendulum problems. They are also able to solve algebra problems by using deduction method to derive at certain value. Adolescent at this age, exhibit a phenomena known as adolescent egocentrism. According to Stuart-Hamilton (2006), study conducted by Piaget examined, egocentrism does not refer to selfishness, rather a childs immaturity that whatever he or she can see is the viewpoint of everyone else as well. This is the feeling that they are the centre of attraction and leads to false sense of security, eventually increasing risk taking behaviour like participating in illegal racing, exper imenting with drugs and having unprotected sex. For teachers to fully understand and incorporate Piaget theory into teaching methodology, a teacher need to accept cognition is a process of adaption. According to Meadows (1986) based on Piaget theory, a child actively trying to make sense of the world by adapting to its environment. It proceeds via twin functional invariants of assimilation and accommodation. Before discussing further on assimilation and accommodation, ones need to understand schema first. Schema is a Greek word which means frame. Piagets believes schemas are the basic building blocks of thinking. It is representation of perception and experience of organized systems translates through action. Schemas can be very small or specific, for example cooking pasta. According to Roeckelein (2010), assimilation from Piagets theoretical viewpoint means incorporating new or modified ideas and concepts into a childs existing cognitive structure. Accommodation refer to the childs modification of ideas or concepts of the world in response to new experience that are inconsistent with previous knows idea or concepts. In another word, a person must change existing schema to respond to new situation. Every child in learning process strives to achieve state of equilibration. According to Woolfolk (2010) based on Piaget work, assimilation and accommodation can be viewed as a balancing act. Once the child is able to understand and registered new information in his schema, he achieved the equilibrium stage. Disequilibrium happen when current ways of thinking not working in solving a particular problem, thus the act out of balance occurred. In order for me, to plan an activity that promotes assimilation and accommodation, first I need to do some homework regarding the student Im going to teach. I need to find out their age and prior learning knowledge. For this activity, Im going to device an activity targeted for form one student (13 years old) conducting a lesson on compass direction (geography). It is easier for me to access their prior knowledge, as I have taught them at primary six during Kajian Tempatan period. The students already have basis knowledge of main compass direction (East, West, North and South)- Cardinal direction. Keeping in mind that my students are at formal operational stage which requires plenty usage of visual aids. Therefore in my lesson planning, I will have illustration of slides, diagram and video clipping when presenting new material. I will normally start my lesson by showing a short video clip about a sailor lost at deep sea. This is my normal practice for breaking the ice with students and gauges their interest in the lesson. Randomly I will pick up few students to analyze the video clipping. At this point, many of the students will be able to give the answer Im looking as students at this level are able to think hypothetically. Then I will ask them about their previous learning on this matter, which is compass direction. I will call a student to draw basic direction diagram on the board. In this way Im refreshing their memory to what they have learned during the primary years. Then I will show them a new power point slide on additional compass direction. (North East, South East, South West, North West) Ordinal direction. Compass direction is the schema already exists in student mind. Here, assimilation happen when students fit new information into existing information. Existing information is prior knowledge, which is cardinal direction and new information is ordinal direction (red colour). If you look at the below model, the students did not change their existing schema, rather incorporated new learning to prior learning experiences. Assimilation model NEW KNOWLEDGE PRIOR KNOWLEDGE SCHEMA W S N E NW NE N W Compass Direction E SW SE S ASSIMILATION ORDINAL DIRECTION CARDINAL DIRECTION Teaching the same students, from understanding basic compass direction, the next higher level of learning will be measuring degrees using protractor. Based on their prior learning, protractor was used in their mathematic subjects to find certain angels values. Here the student will faced certain degree of disequilibrium as current way of thinking, using protractor the mathematical ways will not solved problems in geography lesson. This required student to change existing schemas to respond to new situation, thus accommodation is taking place in students learning. In Mathematic, students are required to place the protractor horizontal ways to find value of angel, but in Geography students are required to place protractor the vertical ways to find degrees value. If you look at below model, the students have to change existing schemas to accommodate new learning. Accommodation model EXISTING SCHEMA Mathematical way NEW SCHEMA Geographical way Piagets development theory to certain extent can assist teachers to design teaching in delivering lesson but how effective the learning took parts would be another major concern for teachers. Piaget theory only proposed that learning occurs after development, but in certain cases, children are able to learn at earlier developmental stages. Piaget theory also fails to look at learner motivation which I personally believe is a very big factor in effective learning. Teachers as an educator plays the role of facilitator in imparting information, students on the other hand need to be more accountable of their own learning. There need to be a paradigm shift from teacher centric learning to student learning centric at school level in order to produce world class student.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The History of Fermentation Essays -- Fermenting Wine Distillery Alcoh

The History of Fermentation It is impossible to set a date as to the first time fermentation was performed. It is possible, however, to guess, and this guess is roughly 8,000 years ago. Wine has been written about for centuries, in the Greek and Roman myths and scriptures. The Greek god of wine, Dionysius, was in charge of the fermentation atop Mount Olympus. The people of this time may not have known exactly what they were doing, but it was a somewhat complicated procedure. The crushing of grapes, and the storing of their juices led to an amazing beverage that is still used in current society. This process of fermentation was used throughout the time of early Christianity, and other religions, for purposes within sermons. Throughout the Renaissance, fermentation was used in the making of wine as well as bread, not to mention new medical applications. Fermented products were brought to America along with the new settlers. With new government, though, America was put into a prohibition, which did not last long. Today, fermentation processes are carried out nearly perfectly, without too large of variations among the products. Although fermentation has been known of for at least 8,000 years, in 1865 Louis Pasteur was the scientist who really discovered the process of fermentation. At this time, Pastuer was the Dean and professor of chemistry at the Faculty of Sciences in Lille, France. He was originally asked by a friend to investigate difficulties he was having manufacturing alcohol by the fermentation of beetroot. Often, instead of alcohol, the fermentations were resulting in lactic acid. At that time, fermentation leading to the production of wine, beer, and vinegar was believed to be a simple and straightforward breakdown of sugar to the desired molecules. It was believed that the chemical breakdown of sugar into alcohol during the fermentation of wine and beer was due to the presence of inherent unstabilizing vibrations. Yeast cells were found in the fermenting vats of wine and were known as living organisms, yet they were only believed to be either a product of fermentation or catalytic ingredients t hat provided useful ingredients for fermentation to proceed. The brewers of wine, beer, and vinegar were having horrible times with quality control. Yields of alcohol might suddenly fall off; wine might unexpectedly grow ropy or sour or turn to vinegar;... ...s that the fermentation leading to the creation of ethanol has made billions and billions of dollars in profit, along with giving millions of people jobs. It is amazing that something that has had such a large impact on the world (as the fermentation of ethanol has) begins on the molecular level. Bibliography 1. Abedon, Stephen T. â€Å"Glycolysis and Fermentation†., July 29, 2000. 2. â€Å"Alcohol Fermentation†. Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia 2000. Harden, Arthur. Alcoholic Fermentation. New York, NY: Longmans, Green and Co., Ltd., 1932. 3. Boyer, Rodney. Concepts in Biochemistry. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole Publishing Company, 1999. 4. â€Å"Cellular Respiration and Fermentation†., July 30, 2000. 5. â€Å"Chemical of the Week – Ethanol†. Chicago Tribune (online);, July 29, 2000. 6. Harden, Arthur. Alcoholic Fermentation. New York, NY: Longmans, Green and Co., Ltd., 1932. 7. â€Å"What is Ethanol?†. Ace Page Links,, July 27, 2000.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Matrix Essay -- essays research papers fc

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Epistemology is the nature of knowledge. Knowledge is important when considering what is reality and what is deception. The movie â€Å"The Matrix† displays a social deception in which Neo, the main character, is caught between what he thought was once reality and a whole new world that controls everything he thought was real. If I were Neo, I would not truly be able to know that I was in the matrix. However, it is rational to believe that I am in the matrix and will eventually enter back into my reality later. The proof that that I can know that I am in the matrix and that I will return to reality comes from the responses of foundationalism, idealism, and pallibalism.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To begin, foundationalism is the essence of what we are certain of. Many philosophers argue on the basis of foundationalism to find out where knowledge begins. This will help determine if Neo would be able to know or not know if he is dreaming up the matrix or in fact that it is reality. The popularity of foundationalism starts with Descartes. He challenged the previously popular skepticism. In Descartes Meditations he discusses many issues relating to the question of â€Å"where does knowledge come from?† His main arguments appear in his dreaming argument. He first begins by stating 1. I often have perceptions very much like the ones I usually have in sensation while I am dreaming. Then he goes on to say 2. There are no definite signs to distinguish dream experience from waking experience. These two premises lead to the conclusion that 3. It is possible that I am dreaming right now and that all my perceptions are false. This shows that there is no real way to know to know anything. Descartes add to his argument using foundationalism. â€Å"’Throughout my writings I have made it clear that my method imitates that of the architect. When an architect wants to build a house which is stable on ground where there is a sandy topsoil over underlying rock, or clay, or some other firm base, he begins by digging out a set of trenches from which he removes the sand, and anything resting on or mixed in with the sand, so that he can lay his foundations on firm soil. In the same way, I began by taking everything that was doubtful and throwing it out, like sand ... (Replies 7, AT 7:537)’ (Lex, Newman)†. This explains how foundationalism works; you must remove al... ...notion and the only thing that one can be certain of is them selves. Clearly then, foundationalism, idealism, and pallibalism all fit together to prove that Neo can not be certain of the matrix, but only himself. Also it further explains how it is rational for him to believe that the matrix exists through his perception of the matrix and the knowledge he obtains when he is there. The growth of knowledge in Neo’s mind is possible what is his deception. The more he perceives could possible be more he is deceived. What we know about reality is all in our minds and if we can only be certain of ourselves and our own existence then the reality that we perceive and conceive does exist. So the answer is yes, Neo can know that he is in the matrix, but this does not necessarily mean the matrix exists. As far as Neo knows the matrix does exist and that he will return to what he thought was his reality later, knowing that there is more than just his world. Works Cited   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Newman, Lex, â€Å"Descartes’ Epistemology†, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 1999 Edition), Edward N, Zalta (ed.), URL= Matrix Essay -- essays research papers fc   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Epistemology is the nature of knowledge. Knowledge is important when considering what is reality and what is deception. The movie â€Å"The Matrix† displays a social deception in which Neo, the main character, is caught between what he thought was once reality and a whole new world that controls everything he thought was real. If I were Neo, I would not truly be able to know that I was in the matrix. However, it is rational to believe that I am in the matrix and will eventually enter back into my reality later. The proof that that I can know that I am in the matrix and that I will return to reality comes from the responses of foundationalism, idealism, and pallibalism.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To begin, foundationalism is the essence of what we are certain of. Many philosophers argue on the basis of foundationalism to find out where knowledge begins. This will help determine if Neo would be able to know or not know if he is dreaming up the matrix or in fact that it is reality. The popularity of foundationalism starts with Descartes. He challenged the previously popular skepticism. In Descartes Meditations he discusses many issues relating to the question of â€Å"where does knowledge come from?† His main arguments appear in his dreaming argument. He first begins by stating 1. I often have perceptions very much like the ones I usually have in sensation while I am dreaming. Then he goes on to say 2. There are no definite signs to distinguish dream experience from waking experience. These two premises lead to the conclusion that 3. It is possible that I am dreaming right now and that all my perceptions are false. This shows that there is no real way to know to know anything. Descartes add to his argument using foundationalism. â€Å"’Throughout my writings I have made it clear that my method imitates that of the architect. When an architect wants to build a house which is stable on ground where there is a sandy topsoil over underlying rock, or clay, or some other firm base, he begins by digging out a set of trenches from which he removes the sand, and anything resting on or mixed in with the sand, so that he can lay his foundations on firm soil. In the same way, I began by taking everything that was doubtful and throwing it out, like sand ... (Replies 7, AT 7:537)’ (Lex, Newman)†. This explains how foundationalism works; you must remove al... ...notion and the only thing that one can be certain of is them selves. Clearly then, foundationalism, idealism, and pallibalism all fit together to prove that Neo can not be certain of the matrix, but only himself. Also it further explains how it is rational for him to believe that the matrix exists through his perception of the matrix and the knowledge he obtains when he is there. The growth of knowledge in Neo’s mind is possible what is his deception. The more he perceives could possible be more he is deceived. What we know about reality is all in our minds and if we can only be certain of ourselves and our own existence then the reality that we perceive and conceive does exist. So the answer is yes, Neo can know that he is in the matrix, but this does not necessarily mean the matrix exists. As far as Neo knows the matrix does exist and that he will return to what he thought was his reality later, knowing that there is more than just his world. Works Cited   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Newman, Lex, â€Å"Descartes’ Epistemology†, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 1999 Edition), Edward N, Zalta (ed.), URL=

Friday, October 11, 2019

Cultural Behavior Essay

Cultural behavior is behavior exhibited by humans (and, some would argue, by other species as well, though to a much lesser degree) that is extra-somatic or extra-genetic, in other words, learned. For a behavior to be considered cultural it must be shared extra-genetically; that is, it must be taught. Language is an important element in human culture. It is the primary abstract artifact by which culture is transmitted extra-geneticallyCultural programming is an integral part of the overall school programming. The school has several initiatives that provide for cultural experiences. Culture is a collective programming of the mind that distinguishes the members of one group or category of people from another. The position that the ideas, meanings, beliefs and values people learn as members of society determines human nature. People are what they learn. Optimistic version of cultural determinism places no limits on the abilities of human beings to do or to be whatever they want. Some anthropologists suggest that there is no universal â€Å"right way† of being human. Right way† is almost always â€Å"our way†; that â€Å"our way† in one society almost never corresponds to â€Å"our way† in any other society. Proper attitude of an informed human being could only be that of tolerance. The optimistic version of this theory postulates that human nature being infinitely malleable, human being can choose the ways of life they prefer. The pessimistic version maintains that people are what they are conditioned to be; this is something over which they have no control. Human beings are passive creatures and do whatever their culture tells them to do. This explanation leads to behaviorism that locates the causes of human behavior in a realm that is totally beyond human control. It does not imply normalcy for oneself, nor for one’s society. It, however, calls for judgment when dealing with groups or societies different from one’s own cultural differences manifest themselves in different ways and differing levels of depth. Symbols represent the most superficial manifestations of culture, with heroes and rituals in between. Symbols are words, gestures, pictures, or objects that carry a particular meaning which is only recognized by those who share a particular culture. New symbols easily develop, old ones disappear. Symbols from one particular group are regularly copied by others. This is why symbols represent the outermost layer of a culture. Heroes are persons, past or present, real or fictitious, who possess characteristics that are highly prized in a culture. They also serve as models for behavior. Rituals are collective activities, sometimes superfluous in reaching desired objectives, but are considered as socially essential. They are therefore carried out most of the times for their own sake (ways of greetings, paying respect to others, religious and social ceremonies, etc. ). The core of a culture is formed by values. They are broad tendencies for preferences of certain state of affairs to others (good-evil, right-wrong, natural-unnatural). Many values remain unconscious to those who hold them. Therefore they often cannot be discussed, nor can they be directly observed by others. Values can only be inferred from the way people act under different circumstances. Symbols, heroes, and rituals are the tangible or visual aspects of the practices of a culture. The true cultural meaning of the practices is intangible; this is revealed only when the practices are interpreted by the insiders. Sources of cultural programming are family, friends, peers, schools, media, acquaintances, places of work, places of entertainment†¦ in that order of importance. Indeed, pretty much everyone we meet or interact with in any way.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Outline and Evaluate Cross-Cultural Studies of Gender Role Essay

There have been various studies that have observed elements of gender roles in other countries, one such study was conducted by Williams and Best, the study explored gender stereotypes in 30 different nations involving 2800 university students as participants. They were given a 300 item adjective checklist and asked to decide whether an item was most associated with men or women. What they found out was that there was a broad consensus across countries with men being seen as more dominant and aggressive and women being seen as nurturing and defendant. This supports the common stereotype of both genders, that males are â€Å"dominant and aggressive† and that females are â€Å"nurturing and defendant†. The findings from this study do have strengths, due to the sample used. The studies sample firstly was large and also very diverse in terms of culture, religion and ethnicity (expected of universities) and because of this the population validity of the findings increases and makes the results more generalizable and representative of the wider population, this means the conclusion of gender roles being consistent throughout cultures is applicable to the general population. However there is a flaw within the study, you could say that although the sample was drawn from a large geographical pool, which should indicate representativeness, they were all students who share common attributes and viewpoints and so they may not being necessarily representative of the population of their country and all social groups within. Also the construction of the checklist did not include an equal category alongside the male and female category, so this means that the division between the male and female categories may be exaggerated, thus prompting the students to believe that there is a gap between men and women and thus making them draw upon their inner stereotypical views. Also there are methodological flaws, the checklist comes into account again as it is developed by Western psychologists, because of this the westernised perspective behaviours considered in one culture to be feminine may not be considered feminine in another, so therefore the findings may be of little use to those in other cultures. This study suggests that there are universal stereotypes about male-female characteristics therefore indicating that gender roles are influenced more y our biology and evolution rather than socially constructed. However its arguable that the findings lack validity and that empirical evidence of cross-cultural studies on gender roles is less useful than initially believed. Another study is one conducted by Margaret Mead, she studied social groups in Papua New Guinea. Initially, she argued that the â€Å"Arapesh† men and women were gentle, the â€Å"Mundugumor† men and women were violent and the â€Å"Tchambuli†exhibited gender role differences with women being more dominant and men dependable. She concluded that this date demonstrated cultural determinism and that gender differences are determined by social factors. However Mead later changed her view to one of culture relativism. When she re-analysed her data she realised that although both sexes of the Arapesh were non-aggressive and both sexes of the Mundugamor were aggressive, in all three societies the men were more aggressive than the women. This suggests that some behaviours are innate and universal, but the degree to which these behaviours are expressed is relative to the particular culture. The study was a natural experiment, so Mead was observing the groups in their usual enviroment, it could be argued that she was noting their true behaviour, however it could be argued that the natives were simply providing Mead with the information she wanted to hear and therefore the study may not be as valid as it seems. Also there are methodological issues with the research conducted by Mead, as she used ethnographic field research and the data would have been gathered through participant observation, interviews and questionnaires, all methods whereby the results are easily subject to observer bias. Mead would have had to speculate on what the data potentially meant and acknowledge that her own cultural biases will have affected the interpretation. Due to the fact results may not be objective and the fact that non-scientific methods were used to collect data (both key features of psychology as a science), the validity of the findings seems to decrease and due to this reduced validity we cannot accurately conclude that gender roles do vary depending on culture to the studies methodological flaws. However, there is further evidence to support the assumption that gender roles are not consistent worldwide, Antonia Young carried out a study on the unusual gender roles in Albania. She found a group called the Albania virgins who were born into families which lacked a male presence and thus adopted the male role, committed to being a virgin and dressed and acted as men. The society accepted them as male and they were admitted to all male clubs and social groups. This suggests that societies create gender roles based on the needs of their society/culture and therefore shows that genders do vary across cultures. In conclusion, cross cultural studies help us to establish whether nature or nurture has the greater influence over gender roles. Both Mead and Young’s studies imply that nurture and social influences have a greater influence on gender roles, however evidence from William and Best lies on the nature side of the debate by indicating that our biology is more dominant.