Thursday, October 31, 2019

Leadership & Effective Communication (MANAGEMENT) - Case Study Assignment

Leadership & Effective Communication (MANAGEMENT) - Case Study - Assignment Example Maslow’s hierarchy is a theory that is greatly used in the present work employment. The hierarchy is based on the fundamental needs of human beings. The main principle is that of tending to pay attention to the lowest needs while ignoring the highest one when faced with a problem. The hierarchy designed by Abraham Maslow in 1943 looks like a triangle with the first four basic needs or deficit needs; physiological, safety, love and esteem, needs related to self growth; cognitive, aesthetic and self-actualization (McLeod 2007). Shark’s old boss failed to meet one of the basic needs that highly motivate employees which is esteem. Shark says that most employers only value their stores and employees are just but a number that can be replaced at anytime. This de-motivates a person not to put in effort needed for the company to be successful. The other related need that Shark’s old boss did not give is job safety, a person who is only taken as a number does not view his work as being safe but fears to loose it anytime. The other need that Shark felt was not met is love. Love was not shown as they were only used without being heard and they were taken as numbers. The reason why Shark’s old boss did not meet these basic needs was; due to lack of respect to his employees and only considered his business to be important. The missing needs can be met by valuing employee and appreciating their personal input to a business. The boss should have respect and form a habit of listening to them, hence development of employer-employee rapport that will improve the esteem and make each person feel that their job is safe. Most junior employees are creative and have ideas that can take a business to the next level, they should be listened to and ideas adopted if they are for the good of the company. Equity theory of motivation states an employee relates output to input to be equal. An employee expects to be rewarded for putting in more effort to deliver. He

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