Sunday, October 20, 2019

Free Essays on Satire

A Day In The Life A Satire of Teenage Life in America? One morning, Dana woke up and felt fat. Fat and ugly. Now, it's a given that at six in the morning, no one feels too hot about themselves, but this was a feeling that often stuck with Dana throughout the day. She knew she wasn't fat, per se, but she thought she could stand to lose a few pounds, or perhaps place those pounds elsewhere on her body. She sighed, and then heaved herself out of bed. As she walked to the bathroom, she caught a drowsy glimpse of her messy floor. There were magazines all over the place, with pictures of models whose daily regimen was three reps of sticking their finger down their throat. Dana took special care to step on the face of a particularly bright-smiled, empty-stomached young woman who was poised on the hood of a sports car, wearing a precariously short dress that could have been airbrushed on. Her face crumpled upon impact, much like the flashy red car would if it were driven into a brick wall. The bathroom door was locked. Normally, this w! ould be a good thing, but this time she was on the wrong side of the door. She knocked, and she heard her brother's voice come muffled through the door. "What?" he said. ‘What are you doing in there?" Dana asked. "What do you THINK I'm doing in here?" her brother replied. "Well, either you had way too much to drink last night, or you're taking a shower," Dana retorted. There was no response from his brother. She hoped he had slipped on the tub floor and been knocked out upon his encounter with the tile. "Hello?" she called, "I need to use the bathroom! I need to get ready for school!" "It's my turn! You were supposed to get up an hour ago!" Apparently her brother was conscious, after all. "An hour ago?! What the hell are you talking about? It's six! Did the earth rotate a bit faster this morning or something?" Dana had no idea what her brother was talking about. "Apparently, Dana, you forgot abo... Free Essays on Satire Free Essays on Satire A Day In The Life A Satire of Teenage Life in America? One morning, Dana woke up and felt fat. Fat and ugly. Now, it's a given that at six in the morning, no one feels too hot about themselves, but this was a feeling that often stuck with Dana throughout the day. She knew she wasn't fat, per se, but she thought she could stand to lose a few pounds, or perhaps place those pounds elsewhere on her body. She sighed, and then heaved herself out of bed. As she walked to the bathroom, she caught a drowsy glimpse of her messy floor. There were magazines all over the place, with pictures of models whose daily regimen was three reps of sticking their finger down their throat. Dana took special care to step on the face of a particularly bright-smiled, empty-stomached young woman who was poised on the hood of a sports car, wearing a precariously short dress that could have been airbrushed on. Her face crumpled upon impact, much like the flashy red car would if it were driven into a brick wall. The bathroom door was locked. Normally, this w! ould be a good thing, but this time she was on the wrong side of the door. She knocked, and she heard her brother's voice come muffled through the door. "What?" he said. ‘What are you doing in there?" Dana asked. "What do you THINK I'm doing in here?" her brother replied. "Well, either you had way too much to drink last night, or you're taking a shower," Dana retorted. There was no response from his brother. She hoped he had slipped on the tub floor and been knocked out upon his encounter with the tile. "Hello?" she called, "I need to use the bathroom! I need to get ready for school!" "It's my turn! You were supposed to get up an hour ago!" Apparently her brother was conscious, after all. "An hour ago?! What the hell are you talking about? It's six! Did the earth rotate a bit faster this morning or something?" Dana had no idea what her brother was talking about. "Apparently, Dana, you forgot abo... Free Essays on Satire Satire Essay Satire is everywhere. There is an incredibly big amount of satire that goes on that people don’t think about. In the movie â€Å"16 Candles,† there is plenty of perfect examples of satire. Three easy, but very common, examples of satire given in the movie are having your true first crush. Secondly passing notes during class about dull things that are going on. Finally looking up the higher grades, the â€Å"Greats.† Foremost, having your first crush in high school is a very big event in a students life. It makes one do some very brainless actions. Most of the time, the person that you have a crush on will not go out with you, or even talk to you. Therefore, it makes doors to act as dim-witted as possible. Some examples of dim-witted actions include calling the person and hanging up when they say â€Å"Hello,† also writing anonymous love letters and putting them in their locker. That is just few of the most common actions when having a crush. Of course people take those actions to farther extents (They are called stalkers!). Next, the note passing during class. This is a major event that gets satirized very often. Some people, 99% girls, decide to take it upon themselves to write notes to each other about gossip, also about crushes and such things that can not be talked about. A good portion of the time the note gets caught by the teacher and there is a massive quantity of embarrassment. Therefore, passing notes during class is very childish but students in high school still do it. Last but not least, being a freshman is tough. The body is starting to grow into the new person who will some day take over. But the process is tough because there are upper-classmen. Upper-classmen make everything hard for freshmen because of their good looks and their great shaped body because of lifting weights, or the size of the bra, or size of hips. As a result, lower-classmen look up to the higher grades thinkin... Free Essays on Satire Webster’s Dictionary says that satire is â€Å"the use of ridicule and sarcasms to attack vices, follies, ect.† Using that definition, I think that all the Pilgrims in the Canterbury Tales have some sort of satire in them to some extent. Some are more subtle and some are more extreme and noticeable than others. The Knight is one of the pilgrims that Chaucer used more subtle satire with in the Prologue. The first way satire is used in the Prologue is with the Knights character. Chaucer wanted to present a realistic knight, but he also wanted to give that knight some very real and obvious flaws on the way that knights were viewed in the 14th century. Chaucer described the realistic knight in the beginning of the Prologue as a â€Å"worthy man†¦Truth and honor, freedom and courtesy, full worthy was he in his Lord’s war†¦and honored for his worthiness.† This puts the reader at ease and makes the knight look somewhat noble in the beginning. Toward the end of the Prologue of the Knight Chaucer begins to describe the Knight in a less than honorable way writing that â€Å"†¦he was not gaily dressed†¦ stained and dark with smudges†¦Ã¢â‚¬  A knight is someone who is always viewed in bright shining armor and Chaucer describes this knight as being sloppy. When reading the Prologue you notice two different voices. In the Knights case the first voice is that of the narrator who is a naà ¯ve person that is ready to see good no matter how dirty or dishonorable the Knight is. The second voice is that of Chaucer. He is more worldly and sarcastic. It’s this voice that puts the satire in Canterbury Tales. Satire is used very well and effectively through out Canterbury Tales. The perfect knight was always clean, courteous, and honorable without fault. Chaucer used satire to describe a knight that is definitely not ideal. He may be courteous but he isn’t clean by evidence of the dirtiness of his clothing....

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