Friday, January 24, 2014

Lewis And Clark Journal

Disco actually 1804-1805 By: Scott Brenner 02/09/12 History Period: 3 Journal ingress 1-June 11th, 1804 It was the f all(prenominal) of 1803, when I, Meriwether Lewis, was chosen by chairwoman Thomas Jefferson to occur an hostile expedition into the wilderness to seek the new lands we have acquired. So I soon asked William Clark to keep company me on this expedition. Our goal of this expedition was to make an accurate map out and route to the Pacific Ocean. angiotensin converting enzyme of our primary goals was to learn near the Indian Nations and to convince them to betray with us, as our wish is to be neighborly, friendly, and useful for them. Many volunteers were ordain to join us on this once in a lifetime expedition. Since there were umteen volunteers, from all over the country, Clark and I had to judge the volunteers on trustworthy characteristics. We judged them on their character, strength, hunting skills, and their dexterity to survive in the wilderne ss. at once decided on what palmy men would join us, we situated out. We were the 50 men, called the Corps of Discovery. We traveled up the moment River from St. Louis, Missouri in May 1804. At first we made very slow progress up the Missouri because of the Rivers prompt certain. One night, at our camp, the current tore away the riverbank at the camp and we all had to scramble to our boats, hoping to be spared for the succour of the night. This was a very solemn start to a acrimonious travel ahead of us. hopefully my team will roost safe for the rest of this long journey, and hopefully we will attain greatness and glory when we amaze at the Pacific. Journal admission 2-March 14th, 1805 We travelled through the plains on our journey and we saw vision of wildlife. We saw herds of buffalo, deer, elk, and antelope. We had met many assorted Native tribes on the way. We had gifts for them such as peace medals with the U.S. cachet on it. Our gifts were also unavoid able supplies, such as mirrors, knives, bead! s, blankets, and thousands of fix needles and fishhooks. During the winter...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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