Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Catcher In The Rye

The backstop in the Rye The reaper in the rye whisky whiskey While reading through Salinger’s The backstop in the Rye one nonices many points of similarity amid Holden and former(a) people in the world. Much of what Salinger focuses on in the book, for hypothetical account the feelings, the experiences, and Holden’s wants, are things the reader apprize unite to and understand. In a sense, Salinger typified the heart and soul of the disillusioned teen. Yet, it goes deeper than that. Salinger created not retributory a mish-mash of teenage angst but an archetype that recapitulated every(prenominal) teenager caught between the little games of high school and the awe of adulthood. It’s for this reason that I, as with so many former(a) teenagers, can relate to this book. Although I’ve always seen this book as a sort of compa nion, a map through the cliffs of existentialism, The Catcher in the Rye is the book preferred nine times let on of ten by nihilists, whackos, and ser...If you want to buy the farm a wide-eyed essay, order it on our website:

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