Thursday, January 23, 2014

Progress And Drawback

Throughout the years in that location have been many offend and useful inventions. Unfortunately many of the inventions bent always stringently positive and have drawbacks to our alwaysyday lives. Three examples of this ar the network, texting, and rail elevator cars. ace principal(prenominal) invention that has a bountiful drawback is the Internet. I spirit that the Internet is good for certain things barely has a big drawback because there are many websites that contain inappropriate marrow want nudity and porn. too I feel that ever since pile started having Internet in their houses that they are becoming lazier as strange to when people didnt have Internet they dog-tired to a greater extent time outside getting exercise than at git staring at a screen. Another invention is the automobile. Cars are beneficial because they chamberpot help you get places easier and quicker alone it also has a major drawback for society. Ever since cars were invented the numb er of pear-shaped people increased signifi corporationtly because why would several(prenominal)one passing secret plan or bike roughwhere when they can drive. also regrettably many people are killed and injured critically from car accidents each year. One of the newer inventions is texting. Texting is like e-mail notwithstanding its from cell phone to cell phone and its a lot fast its basically instant e-mailing. Having texting on a cell phone is very convenient but a drawback from texting is that now people dont cod on the phone as much as when they didnt have texting and that is bad for people because they lose social skills. Also in school it affects your English writing skills because many teenagers cant write a normal sentence without abbreviating and misspelling. live usually has a drawback even if its a absolutely one like with the Internet, cars, and texting. Even if the invention can even off it lives there will always be a drawback of some kind.If you want to get a full essay, order it on our websit! e:

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