Wednesday, January 22, 2014


binomial 1. Youre waiting overnight in an airport for a connecting flight. You have a go at it that the airport schedules earthly concerning windows that last iodine minute. Soe genuinely minute either whizz plane worldly concerns or no planes land. The airport is not very busy, so sole(prenominal) 1% of the landing windows atomic bet 18 genuinely used and this is constant throughout the night. Ps = plane lands = 0.01 q = no plane lands = 0.99 n = # trials = 60 How numerous planes do you suffer to land per hour? mean (u) = np = (60)(.01) = 0.6 If you sit for 6 hours, what is the chance that you will see only 3 landings? P( x = 3 ), n = 6x60= 360 P (x=3) = [n! ? x!(n-x)!] pxq(n-x) * = [360! / 3! (360-3)!] (0.01)3 (0.99)(360-3) * = 0.213252 What atomic number 18 the chances that you will see 4 or more planes land? P(X?4) = 1 P(X?3) = 1- 0.5146 = 0.4854 *0.5146 is looked up on Excel, utilize the =binomdist function * * Poisson * 2. You are waiting overnight in an airport for a connecting flight. You know that the airport is not very busy, and that about 0.6 planes land per hour and that this rate is constant throughout the night. * * If you sit in that valuate for 6 hours, what is the chance that you will see exactly 3 landings? * ? = 0.6 Interval = hour P(x=3) , interval = 6 hours, ? = 3.6 P(X=x) = [?xe-?]/x! = [3.63e-3.6] / 3! = 0.2125 P(X?4)= 1 P(X?3) = 1-0.5152 = 0.4848 * * **You can use a Poisson to approximate a Binomial when the luck of success if sufficiently small and the number of trials are suffiently large. Basic Rules are: If number of experiments, n > 20 and The opportunity of success is sufficiently small that np ? 7 (Cool thing: as we will show later, under any(prenominal) circumstances, you can excessively approximate a binomial with a normal distribution) A uniformly distributed random variable is one where all equally-sized intervals at bottom the varia! bles orbit have equal opportunity of occurring. It is defined by the probability mass function:...If you destiny to get a extensive essay, order it on our website:

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